励ましの英語_3 この信仰を伝える編 〔#309〕














Why do we chant? To strengthen our lives and bring out our potential to the fullest extent.

The power of the human spirit lies nowhere but in the strength to win over oneself. 

When it comes to study, the person who studies hardest succeeds. This accords with reason. Faith, in contrast, is what forges out spirit so that we can sustain that effort.

Faith is the power to survive. 

You may say that you want to be a kind person, but you must be strong to exhibit true kindness.

The more we exert ourselves in faith, the greater the benefit we experience. Of course, it's possible to get by in life without practicing Nichiren Buddhism. But sometimes we are confronted by karma over which we seem to have no control, or are buffeted about because of an inner weakness. What a tragic loss it would be if we could never change ourselves, if we could never exclaim confidently at the end of our days what a wonderful life we've led. That is precisely why a guiding philosophy in life is essential. 

Freedom is relative. You may run away from hard work and effort, declaring yourself a free spirit, but you cannot run away from yourself- from your own weaknesses, personality and destiny. It is like trying run from your own shadow.''

However much we may try, we can never run away from ourselves. 

it important to understand that it depends on you, not on the other person. It all comes down to your attitude and contribution.

No matter where or with whom you live, if illness is your fate, you will still fall ill. And if economic hardship is your karma, you cannot escape it. “The important thing, then, is how to break such negative karma or destiny.

You have to develop the life force necessary to serenely overcome whatever hardships you may face, to never be defeated by them. Faith is the source of that strength. The true key to happiness is faith. 

The “stage” where we create happiness is in our everyday lives.

If we remain weak, suffering will follow us wherever we go. We will never find happiness if we don't change ourselves from within. 

“You may say you want a happy family, but happiness is not something that can be handed to you. You will become happy only to the extent that you develop a strong inner core.

Happiness is not something that someone else can give to us. We have to achieve it for ourselves. And the only way to do so is by developing our character and capacity as human beings—by fully maximizing our potential.

Human revolution cannot be pinned down to one specific thing. It is any action that leads to positive change or improvement in the inner realm of our lives. 

Our lives have infinite potential. 

all people have the Buddha nature 

The Buddha’s enlightenment, too, is ultimately manifested in his actions and behavior in the context of the realities of daily living. 

Buddhas do not exist in some far-off realm; they dwell here in this very real, strife-ridden saha world. A Buddha dwells within each living, breathing human being who experiences problems, sufferings, and joy.

A Buddha is not a superhuman being; one who has attained this state continues to experience problems, suffering, and pain and is still subject to illness 

while we speak of receiving benefit, it is not bestowed on us from without. It wells forth from within our own lives like water from a spring. Through the Buddhist principle of the oneness of life and its environment, we can also change our environment and ‘gather fortune from ten thousand miles away’ (WND-1, 1137).


