自分は勝ったと誇れる人生  〔#217〕



Endo: I am reminded of an episode involving a nine-year-old boy who died of leukemia. 


It is described by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who is well known for her work counseling the terminally ill and investigating near-death experiences.


Jeffy, the boy in question, had been in and out of hospitals since age three. By the time of his last visit, he was extremely weak, and Dr. Ross realized that he had only a few weeks left to live. 


Jeffy announced with a sense of great urgency that he wanted to go home "today" Dr. Ross talked with his parents, who were worried and reluctant to comply with their son's wishes. She finally persuaded the parents and accompanied them home.

ガレージに入り、車から降りると、ジェフィは父親に頼みました。「ぽくの自転車を壁からおろして」 それは三年前に父が買ってくれた、新品の自転車でした。

When they arrived in the garage, Jeffy got out of the car and said to his father, "Take my bicycle down from the wall." It was a brand-new bicycle that his father had bought for him three years earlier, but that he had never been able to ride. 

一生に一度でいいから自転車で近所を回りたい — それがジェフィの夢だったのです。フラフラして、立っているのがやっとのジェフィでした。自転車に補助輪をつけてもらうと、ロス女史に言いました。
It was Jeffy's dream once in his life to ride around his neighborhood on his bicycle. Jeffy could barely stand on his feet. He had his father put training wheels on the bicycle and then said to Dr. Ross, 


"You are here to hold my mom back." She writes:Therefore I held moms back, and her husband held me back. 


We held each other back and learned the hard way how painful and difficult it sometimes is in the face of a very vulnerable, terminally ill child to allow him the victory and the risk to fall and hurt and bleed. And he then drove off on his solo journey on the bicycle around the neighborhood.

須田: 無事に戻って来られたのですか?

Suda: Did he make it back unhurt?

遠藤: はい。こう書かれています。「彼は満面に誇りをたたえて帰ってきました。顔じゅうが輝いていて、まるでオリンピックで金メダルをとった選手みたいでした」。

Endo: Yes. She writes: "He came back, the proudest man you have ever seen. He was beaming, smiling from one ear to the other. He looked like somebody who had won the gold medal in the Olympics."

One week later Jeffy died. A week after that, Jeffy's younger brother Dougy, whose birthday it was, related how after the bicycling episode Jeffy, without their parents' knowledge, had given him the bicycle for a birthday present. 


"Jeff had told Dougy that he wanted the pleasure of personally giving him his most beloved bicycle. But he could not wait another two weeks until it was
Dougy's birthday, because by then he would be dead." 

He thus was taking care of his "unfinished business." Dr. Ross continues: "The parents had a lot of grief, but no grief work, no fear, no guilt, no shame . . 


They had the memory of this ride around the block and that beaming face of Jeffy."


I think it was Yoshida Shoin who said: "A person who dies at ten experiences the four seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter in ten years. A person who dies at twenty has the four seasons in twenty years.Those who die at thirty, fifty or a hundred also each experience the four seasons in their years."

彼は信念を貫いて満二十九歳で処刑されたが、こういう生死観に立って、いささかも動じなかったという。要は、なすべきことをなして死ねるかどうか — 。「自分は勝った」と誇りをもって死ねるかどうか。
Shoin was thoroughly committed to his beliefs. Though he was executed at the age of twenty-nine, because he based himself on this view of life and death, he was not daunted in the least by the prospect of death. In a sense, the key issue is whether we die having achieved what we need to achieve; whether we die with pride in having won.

To learn about death is to learn how to live. 



Endo: I understand what you're saying very well. I myself was in that position. Twelve years ago, my eldest son, who was then four years old, contracted bronchopneumonia and suddenly died. At the time, it was all I could do to contain my grief. I was in a daze.

しかし、池田先生をはじめ、同志の皆さんの再三にわたる励ましで、真正面から息子の死という現実に立ち向かえるようになりました。どれほどありがたかったか —感謝しても、しきれません。
But thanks to the repeated encouragement that I received from you, President Ikeda, and others, I could directly face the reality of my son's death. I feel boundless gratitude for the support everyone showed me.

From then on, with your words to me, "This will definitely have meaning for your life," ever in mind, I began chanting much more earnestly. I read Nichiren Daishonin's writings and hungrily studied your guidance. In everything, I found fresh meaning. Everything touched me with new impact. I felt as though my life
had been cleansed

I keenly feel that without having gone through the ordeal of losing my son, I probably would not have developed the deep conviction I now have in faith. And I'm afraid I would have remained shallow in my ability to understand people's hearts or the profundity of life. I might add that I personally confident that my child has been reborn.

名誉会長: 私もそう思う。父子一体です。
Ikeda: I also feel certain that is the case. Buddhism teaches the principle of the oneness of parent and child. 

You are giving many people hope by discussion the Lotus Sutra and sharing your personal perspective on the eternity of life. Through these efforts, your son is alive. You and your son are one. 

Whether he is in the phase of life or the phase of death, your son, because of the oneness of parent and child, fully shares the benefit of your efforts

Life is long, and it is not all clear skies. There are rainy days and days of fierce wind. But no matter what happens, as long as we maintain our faith, in the end everything that happens will turn into benefit. 


President Toda would say: "As long as you have faith, everything will be your benefit. On the other hand, if you lose faith and have doubts, everything will be punishment." 

We have to live out our lives with firm belief in the eternity of life. Through our victory in this life, we show proof of life's eternity.

引用元:法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra vol Ⅳ








この見抜ける力こそ、仏の持つ力「如来如実知見/The thus come one perceives the true aspect of the threefold world exactly as it is. 」ということですね。


