法華経のストーリーを見ていこう (従地涌出品第十五じゅうじゆじゅっぽん/Emerging from the Earth)Chapter 15 〔#052〕



従地涌出品は英語で「Emerging from the Earth」といいます。


ちなみに、今回から登場する地涌の菩薩のことを英語で「Bodhisattvas of the Earth」といいます。






(爾時佗方国土 諸来菩薩摩訶薩 過八恒河沙数 於大衆中 起立合掌作礼 而白仏言 世尊 若聴我等 於仏滅後 在此娑婆世界 勤加精進 護持読誦 書写供養 是経典者 当於此土 而広説之 )


At that time the bodhisattvas mahasattva who had gathered from lands in other directions, greater in number than the sands of eight Ganges Rivers, stood up in the midst of the great assembly, pressed their palms together, bowed in obeisance, and said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, if you will permit us in the age after the Buddha has entered extinction to diligently and earnestly protect, embrace, read, recite, copy, and offer alms to this sutra in the saha world, we will preach it widely throughout this land!”


(爾時仏告 諸菩薩摩訶薩衆 止善男子 不須汝等 護持此経 所以者何 我娑婆世界 自有六万 恒河沙等 菩薩摩訶薩 一一菩薩 各有六万 恒河沙眷属 是諸人等 能於我滅後 護持読誦 広説此経 仏説是時 娑婆世界 三千大千国土 地皆震裂 而於其中 有無量千万億 菩薩摩訶薩 同時涌出 是諸菩薩 身皆金色 三十二相 無量光明 先尽在 娑婆世界之下 此界虚空中住 是諸菩薩 聞釈迦牟尼仏 所説音声 従下発来 一一菩薩 皆是大衆 唱導之首 各将六万 恒河沙等眷属)








(・・・如是等比 無量無辺 算数譬諭 所不能知)


At that time the Buddha said to the bodhisattvas mahasattva: “Leave off, good men! There is no need for you to protect and embrace this sutra. Why? Because in this saha world of mine there are bodhisattvas mahasattva who are as numerous as the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers, and each of these bodhisattvas has a retinue equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers. After I have entered extinction these people will be able to protect, embrace, read, recite, and widely preach this sutra.”When the Buddha spoke these words, the earth of all the billion lands of the saha world trembled and split open, and out of it emerged at the same instant immeasurable thousands, ten thousands, millions of bodhisattvas mahasattva. The bodies of these bodhisattvas were all golden in hue, with the thirty-two features and an immeasurable brightness. Previously they had all been dwelling in the world of empty space underneath the saha world. But when these bodhisattvas heard the voice of Shakyamuni Buddha speaking, they came up from below.Each one of these bodhisattvas was the leader of his own great assembly..... Such were they, then, immeasurable, boundless, beyond anything that can be known through calculation, simile, or parable. 

(是諸菩薩 従地出已 各詣虚空 七宝妙塔 多宝如来 釈迦牟尼仏所 到已向二世尊 頭面礼足 乃至諸宝樹下 師子座上仏所 亦皆作礼 右繞三匝 合掌恭敬 以諸菩薩 種種讃法 而以讃歎 住在一面 欣楽瞻仰 於二世尊 是諸菩薩摩訶薩 従地涌出 以諸菩薩 種種讃法 而讃於仏 如是時間 経五十小劫) 

これらの菩薩が大地から出終わると、それぞれが虚空の七宝妙塔の多宝如来と釈迦牟尼仏の所に詣でます。着くと、二人の世尊に向って頭面に足を礼し、宝樹下の師子座にいる仏たちにも礼をし、右に三度まわって合掌恭敬し、菩薩のさまざまな形で讃嘆した後、一面にとどまり、喜びの心で二人の世尊を仰ぎみたのです。 この多くの菩薩が地より涌出し、種々の仏をさまざまな形で讃嘆するのです。このようなことをしている間に五十小劫がたちました。

After these bodhisattvas had emerged from the earth, they each one proceeded to the wonderful tower of seven treasures suspended in the sky where Many Treasures Thus Come One and Shakyamuni Buddha were. On reaching it, they turned to the two world-honored ones, bowed their heads, and made obeisance at their feet. They also all performed obeisance to the buddhas seated on lion seats underneath the jeweled trees. Then they circled around to the right three times, pressed their palms together in a gesture of respect, utilizing the bodhisattvas’ various methods of praising to deliver praises, and then took up a position to one side, gazing up in joy at the two world-honored ones. While these bodhisattvas mahasattva who had emerged from the earth were employing the bodhisattvas’ various methods of praising to praise the buddhas, an interval of fifty small kalpas passed by. 

(是時釈迦牟尼仏 黙然而坐 及諸四衆 亦皆黙然 五十小劫 仏神力故 令諸大衆 謂如半日 爾時四衆 亦以仏神力故 見諸菩薩 遍満無量 百千万億国土虚空 是菩薩衆中 有四導師 一名上行 二名無辺行 三名浄行 四名安立行 是四菩薩 於其衆中 最為上首 唱導之師在大衆前 各共合掌 観釈迦牟尼仏 而問訊言 世尊少病少悩 安楽行不 所応度者 受教易不 不令世尊 生疲労耶 爾時四大菩薩 而説偈言)





At that time Shakyamuni Buddha sat silent, and the four kinds of believers likewise all remained silent for fifty small kalpas, but because of the supernatural powers of the Buddha, it was made to seem to the members of the great assembly like only half a day.At that time the four kinds of believers, also because of the supernatural powers of the Buddha, saw these bodhisattvas filling the sky over immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, and millions of lands. Among these bodhisattvas were four leaders. The first was called Superior Practices, the second was called Boundless Practices, the third was called Pure Practices, and the fourth was called Firmly Established Practices. These four bodhisattvas were the foremost leaders and guiding teachers among all the group. In the presence of the great assembly, each one of these pressed his palms together, gazed at Shakyamuni Buddha, and inquired: “World-Honored One, are your illnesses few, are your worries few, are your practices proceeding comfortably? Do those whom you propose to save readily receive instruction? Does the effort not cause the world-honored one to become weary and spent?”


(爾時世尊 於諸菩薩大衆中 而作是言 如是如是 諸善男子 如来安楽 少病少悩 諸衆生等 易可化度 無有疲労 所以者何 是諸衆生 世世已来 常受我化 亦於過去諸仏 供養尊重 種諸善根 此諸衆生 始見我身 聞我所説 即皆信受 入如来慧 除先修習 学小乗者 如是之人 我今亦令 得聞是経 入於仏慧)


「このとおり、このとおりです。諸の善男子よ、如来は安楽であり、少病少悩ですよ。 諸の衆生等は化導しやすく、疲労があることはありません。なぜなら、この諸の衆生は過去世以来、常に私の化導を受けてきたのです。また、過去の諸仏に供養し、尊重して諸の善根を種えてきたからです。この諸の衆生は、わが身を見て、我が説くところを聞き、皆信受して如来の智慧に入ったのです。以前から修習して小乗を学ぶ者は除きますが、このような人も、私は今またこの経を聞き、仏慧に入らせようと思っています」

At that time in the midst of the great assembly of bodhisattvas the world-honored one spoke these words: “Just so, just so, good men! The thus come one is well and happy, with few ills and few worries. The living beings are readily converted and saved and I am not weary or spent. Why? Because for age after age in the past the living beings have constantly received my instruction. And also they have offered alms and paid reverence to the buddhas of the past and have planted various good roots. So when these living beings see me for the first time and listen to my preaching, they all immediately believe and accept it, entering into the wisdom of a thus come one, with the exception of those who earlier practiced and studied the lesser vehicle. And now I will make it possible for these persons to listen to this sutra and enter the wisdom of a buddha.”
(爾時弥勒菩薩 及八千恒河沙 諸菩薩衆 皆作是念 我等従昔已来 不見不聞 如是大菩薩摩訶薩衆 従地涌出 住世尊前 合掌供養 問訊如来 時弥勒菩薩摩訶薩 知八千恒河沙 諸菩薩等 心之所念 并欲自決所疑 合掌向仏 以偈問曰)
At that time the bodhisattva Maitreya and the multitude of bodhisattvas equal in number to the sands of eight thousand Ganges Rivers all thought to themselves: Never in the past have we seen or heard of such a great multitude of bodhisattvas mahasattva as these who have emerged from the earth and now stand before the world-honored one pressing their palms together, offering alms, and inquiring about the thus come one! At that time the bodhisattva mahasattva Maitreya, knowing the thought that was in the minds of the bodhisattvas as numerous as the sands of eight thousand Ganges Rivers, and wishing also to resolve his own doubts, pressed his palms together, turned to the Buddha, and made this inquiry in verse form:
(無量千万億 大衆諸菩薩 昔所未曾見 願両足尊説 是従何所来 以何因縁集 巨身大神通 智慧 思議 其志念堅固 有大忍辱力 衆生所楽見 為従何所来・・・)

Immeasurable thousands, ten thousands, millions, a great host of bodhisattvas
such as was never seen in the past—I beg the most honored of two-legged beings to explain where they have come from,what causes and conditions bring them together! Huge in body, with great transcendental powers,unfathomable in wisdom, firm in their intent and thought,with the power of great perseverance,
the kind living beings delight to see—where have they come from?

(爾時釈迦牟尼仏 告弥勒菩薩 善哉善哉 阿逸多 乃能問仏 如是大事 汝等当共一心 被精進鎧 発堅固意 如来今欲 顕発宣示 諸仏智慧 諸仏自在神通之力 諸仏師子奮迅之力 諸仏威猛大勢之力 爾時世尊 欲重宣此義 而説偈言)

At that time Shakyamuni Buddha said to the bodhisattva Maitreya: “Excellent, excellent, Ajita, that you should question the Buddha about this great affair. All of you with a single mind should don the armor of diligence and determine to be firm in intent. The thus come one wishes now to summon forth and declare the wisdom of the buddhas, the freely exercised transcendental power of the buddhas, the power of the buddhas that has the lion’s ferocity, the fierce and greatly forceful power of the buddhas.” At that time the world-honored one, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying:

(当精進一心 我欲説此事 勿得有疑悔 仏智 思議 汝今出信力 住於忍善中 昔所未聞法 今皆当得聞 我今安慰汝 勿得懐疑懼 仏無不実語 智慧不可量 所得第一法 甚深 分別 如是今当説 汝等一心聴)


Be diligent and of a single mind, for I wish to explain this affair.Have no doubts or regrets—the buddha wisdom is hard to fathom.Now you must put forth the power of faith, abiding in patience and goodness. A Law that in the past was never heard you will now all be able to hear. Now I will bring you ease and consolation—do not harbor doubts or fears. The Buddha has nothing but truthful words, his wisdom cannot be measured. This foremost Law that he has gained
is very profound, incapable of analysis. He will now expound it— you must listen with a single mind.
(爾時世尊 説是偈已 告弥勒菩薩 我今於此 大衆 宣告汝等 阿逸多 是諸大菩薩摩訶薩 無量無数 阿僧祇 従地涌出 汝等昔所未見者 我於是娑婆世界 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提已 教化示導 是諸菩薩 調伏其心 令発道意 此諸菩薩 皆於是娑婆世界之下 此界虚空中住 於諸経典 読誦通利 思惟分別 正憶念 阿逸多 是諸善男子等 不楽在衆 多有所説 常楽静処 勤行精進 未曾休息 亦不依止 人天而住 常楽深智 無有障礙 亦常楽於 諸仏之法 一心精進 求無上慧 爾時世尊 欲重宣此義 而説偈言)
At that time the world-honored one, having spoken these verses, said to the bodhisattva Maitreya: “With regard to this great multitude I now say this to you. Ajita, these bodhisattvas mahasattva who in immeasurable and countless asamkhyas have emerged from the earth and whom you have never seen before in the past—after I attained supreme perfect enlightenment in this saha world, I converted and guided these bodhisattvas, trained their minds, and caused them to develop a longing for the way. These bodhisattvas have all been dwelling in the world of empty space underneath the saha world. They read, recite, understand the various scriptures, ponder them, make distinctions, and keep them correctly in mind. “Ajita, these good men take no delight in being in the crowd and indulging in much talk. Their delight is constantly to be in a quiet place, exerting themselves diligently and never resting. Nor do they linger among human or heavenly beings, but constantly delight in profound wisdom, being free from all hindrances. And they constantly delight in the Law of the buddhas, diligently and with a single mind pursuing unsurpassed wisdom.”
At that time the world-honored one, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying: 
(阿逸汝当知 是諸大菩薩 従無数劫来 修習仏智慧 悉是我所化 令発大道心 此等是我子 依止是世界 常行頭陀事 志楽於静処 捨大衆 閙 不楽多所説 如是諸子等 学習我道法 昼夜常精進 為求仏道故 在娑婆世界 下方空中住 志念力堅固 常勤求智慧 説種種妙法 其心無所畏 我於伽耶城 菩提樹下坐 得成最正覚 転無上法輪 爾乃教化之 令初発道心 今皆住不退 悉当得成仏 我今説実語 汝等一心信 我従久遠来 教化是等衆)





Ajita, you should understand this. These great bodhisattvas for countless kalpas have practiced the buddha wisdom. All have been converted by me;I caused them to set their minds on the great way. These are my sons, they dwell in this world,constantly carrying out dhuta practices, preferring a quiet place, rejecting the fret and confusion of the crowd,taking no delight in much talk.In this manner these sons study and practice my teaching of the way. And in order that day and night with constant diligence they may seek the buddha way,in this saha world they have been dwelling in the empty space in its lower part.
Firm in the power of will and concentration, with constant diligence seeking wisdom, they expound various wonderful doctrines and their minds are without fear.When I was in the vicinity of the city of Gaya, seated beneath the bodhi tree, I attained the highest, the correct enlightenment, and turned the wheel of the unsurpassed Law. Thereafter I taught and converted them, caused them for the first time to set their minds on the way. Now all of them dwell in the stage of non-regression, and all in time will be able to become buddhas.
What I speak now are true words—with a single mind you must believe them!
Ever since the long distant past I have been teaching and converting this multitude.


(爾時弥勒菩薩摩訶薩 及無数諸菩薩等 心生疑惑 怪未曾有 而作是念 云何世尊 於少時間 教化如是 無量無辺 阿僧祇 諸大菩薩 令住阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 即白仏言 世尊 如来為太子時 出於釈宮 去伽耶城不遠 坐於道場 得成阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 従是已来 始過四十余年 世尊 云何於此少時 大作仏事 以仏勢力 以仏功徳 教化如是 無量大菩薩衆 当成阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 世尊 此大菩薩衆 仮使有人 於千万億劫 数不能尽 不得其辺 斯等久遠已来 於無量無辺諸仏所 植諸善根 成就菩薩道 常修梵行 世尊 如此之事 世所難信)







At that time the bodhisattva mahasattva Maitreya, as well as the countless other bodhisattvas, found doubts and perplexities rising in their minds. They were puzzled at this thing that had never happened before and thought to themselves: How could the world-honored one in such a short space of time have taught and converted an immeasurable, boundless asamkhya number of great bodhisattvas of this sort and enabled them to dwell in supreme perfect enlightenment? Thereupon Maitreya said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, when the thus come one was crown prince, you left the palace of the Shakyas and sat in the place of enlightenment not far from the city of Gaya, and there attained supreme perfect enlightenment. Barely forty years or more have passed since then. World-Honored One, how in that short time could you have accomplished so much work as a buddha? Was it through the authoritative powers of a buddha, or through the blessings of a buddha, that you were able to teach and convert such an immeasurable number of great bodhisattvas and enable them to achieve supreme perfect enlightenment? World-Honored One, a multitude of great bodhisattvas such as this—a person might spend a thousand, ten thousand, a million kalpas counting them and never be able to reach the end or discover the limit! Since the far distant past, in the dwelling places of immeasurable, boundless numbers of buddhas, they must have planted good roots, carried out the bodhisattva way, and engaged constantly in brahma practices. World-Honored One, it is hard for the world to believe such a thing!

(譬如有人 色美髪黒 年二十五 指百歳人 言是我子 其百歳人 亦指年少 言是我父 生育我等 是事難信 仏亦如是 得道已来 其実未久 而此大衆 諸菩薩等 已於無量千万億劫 為仏道故 勤行精進 善入出住 無量百千万億三昧 得大神通 久修梵行 善能次第 集諸善法 巧於問答 人中之宝 一切世間 甚為希有 今日世尊 方云得仏道時 初令発心 教化示導 令向阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 世尊得仏未久 乃能作此 大功徳事 我等雖復信仏 随宜所説 仏所出言 未曾虚妄 仏所知者 皆悉通達 然諸新発意菩薩 於仏滅後 若聞是語 或不信受 而起破法 罪業因縁 唯然世尊 願為解説 除我等疑 及未来世 諸善男子 聞此事已 亦不生疑 爾時弥勒菩薩 欲重宣此義 而説偈言) 









“Suppose, for example, that a young man of twenty-five, with ruddy complexion and hair still black, should point to someone who was a hundred years old and say, ‘This is my son!’ or that the hundred-year-old man should point to the youth and say, ‘This is my father, who sired and raised me!’ This would be hard to believe, and so too is what the Buddha says. “It has in fact not been long since you attained the way. But this great multitude of bodhisattvas have already for immeasurable thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas applied themselves diligently and earnestly for the sake of the buddha way. They have learned to enter into, emerge from, and dwell in immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of samadhis, have acquired great transcendental powers, have over a long period carried out brahma practices, and have been able step by step to practice various good doctrines, becoming skilled in questions and answers, a treasure among persons, something seldom known in all the worlds. And today, World-Honored One, you tell us that, in the time since you attained the buddha way, you have caused these people for the first time to aspire to enlightenment, have taught, converted, and led them, and directed them toward supreme perfect enlightenment!
World-Honored One, it is not long since you attained buddhahood, and yet you have been able to carry out this great meritorious undertaking! We ourselves have faith in the Buddha, believing that he preaches in accordance with what is appropriate, that the words spoken by the Buddha are never false, and that the Buddha’s knowledge is in all cases penetrating and comprehensive. Nevertheless, in the period after the Buddha has entered extinction, if bodhisattvas who have just begun to aspire to enlightenment should hear these words, they will perhaps not believe or accept them but will be led to commit the crime of rejecting the Law. Therefore, World-Honored One, we beg you to explain so we may put aside our doubts, and so that, in future ages when good men hear of this matter, they will not entertain doubts!”


(・・・善学菩薩道 不染世間法 如蓮華在水 従地而涌出 皆起恭敬心 住於世尊前 是事難思議 云何而可信 仏得道甚近 所成就甚多 願為除衆疑 如実分別説・・・) 



Already for a long time they have practiced the buddha way, dwelling in transcendental powers and the power of wisdom, skillfully learning the bodhisattva way, unsoiled by worldly things like the lotus flower in the water.
Emerging from the earth, all display reverent and respectful minds, standing in the presence of the world-honored one. This is difficult to fathom—how can one believe it? The Buddha attained the way very recently, yet those he has helped to gain success are so many! We beg you to dispel the doubts of the assembly,
to make distinctions and explain the truth of the matter.



















