法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(如来寿量品第十六にょらいじゅりょうほんだいじゅうろく/The Life Span of the Thus Come One)Chapter 16 〔#053〕








この詩を「偈(げ)/verse 」というのですが、




「The Life Span of the Thus Come One」といいます。「the Thus Come One」は世尊で、「The Life Span 」は命の長さですから、








(※三誡四請さんかいししょう/three exhortations and four entreaties・・釈尊が弟子に三回告げ、弟子のお願いを三回断り、4回目のお願いで説き始めること)から物語はスタートします。





At that time the Buddha spoke to the bodhisattvas and all the great assembly: “Good men, you must believe and understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And again he said to the great assembly: “You must believe and understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And once more he said to the great assembly: “You must believe and understand the truthful words of the thus come one.”




At that time the bodhisattvas and the great assembly, with Maitreya as their leader, pressed their palms together and addressed the Buddha, saying: “World-Honored One, we beg you to explain. We will believe and accept the Buddha’s words.” They spoke in this manner three times, and then said once more: “We beg you to explain it. We will believe and accept the Buddha’s words.” 

※久遠実成/attainment of Buddhahood in the remote past を明かす






(※「始成正覚/ attained enlightenment for the first time in his present lifetime」という仮の姿をひらいて「久遠実成」という真実の姿をここであわらわしています。これを「発迹顕本/casting off the transient and revealing the true 」といいます)



At that time the world-honored one, seeing that the bodhisattvas repeated their request three times and more, spoke to them, saying: “You must listen carefully and hear of the thus come one’s secret and his transcendental powers. In all the worlds the heavenly and human beings and asuras all believe that the present Shakyamuni Buddha, after leaving the palace of the Shakyas, seated himself in the place of enlightenment not far from the city of Gaya and there attained supreme perfect enlightenment. But good men, it has been immeasurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of kalpas since I in fact attained buddhahood.
“Suppose a person were to take five hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million nayuta asamkhya major world systems and grind them to dust. Then, moving eastward, each time he passes five hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million nayuta asamkhya worlds he drops a particle of dust. He continues eastward in this way until he has finished dropping all the particles. Good men, what is your opinion? Can the total number of all these worlds be imagined or calculated?”



The bodhisattva Maitreya and the others said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, these worlds are immeasurable, boundless—one cannot calculate their number, nor does the mind have the power to encompass them. Even all the voice-hearers and pratyekabuddhas with their wisdom free of outflows could not imagine or understand how many there are. Although we abide in the stage of non-regression, we cannot comprehend such a matter. World-Honored One, these worlds are immeasurable and boundless.”







At that time the Buddha said to the multitude of great bodhisattvas: “Good men, now I will state this to you clearly. Suppose all these worlds, whether they received a particle of dust or not, are once more reduced to dust. Let one particle represent one kalpa. The time that has passed since I attained buddhahood surpasses this by a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million nayuta asamkhya kalpas.
“Ever since then I have been constantly in this saha world, preaching the Law, teaching, and converting. And elsewhere I have led and benefited living beings in hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas and asamkhyas of lands.
“Good men, during that time I have spoken about the buddha Burning Torch and others, and described how they entered nirvana. All this I employed as an expedient means to make distinctions.



“Good men, if there are living beings who come to me, I employ my buddha eye to observe whether their faith and other faculties are keen or dull, and then depending upon how receptive they are to salvation, I appear in different places and preach to them under different names, and describe my life span as long or short. Sometimes when I make my appearance I say that I am about to enter nirvana, and also employ different expedient means to preach the subtle and wonderful Law, thus causing living beings to awaken joyful minds.



“Good men, the thus come one observes how among living beings there are those who delight in lesser teachings, meager in virtue and heavy with defilement. For such persons I describe how in my youth I left my household and attained supreme perfect enlightenment. But in truth the time since I attained buddhahood is extremely long, as I have told you. It is simply that I use this expedient means to teach and convert living beings and cause them to enter the buddha way. That is why I speak in this manner.



“Good men, the scriptures expounded by the thus come one are all for the purpose of saving and emancipating living beings. Sometimes I speak of myself, sometimes of others; sometimes I present myself, sometimes others; sometimes I show my own actions, sometimes those of others. All that I preach is true and not false.




“Why do I do this? The thus come one perceives the true aspect of the threefold world exactly as it is. There is no ebb or flow of birth and death, and there is no existing in this world and later entering extinction. It is neither substantial nor empty, neither consistent nor diverse. Nor is it what those who dwell in the threefold world perceive it to be. All such things the thus come one sees clearly and without error.



“Because living beings have different natures, different desires, different actions, and different ways of thinking and making distinctions, and because I want to enable them to put down good roots, I employ a variety of causes and conditions, similes, parables, and phrases and preach different doctrines. This, a buddha’s work, I have never for a moment neglected.。






“Thus, since I attained buddhahood, an extremely long period of time has passed. My life span is an immeasurable number of asamkhya kalpas, and during that time I have constantly abided here without ever entering extinction. Good men, originally I practiced the bodhisattva way, and the life span that I acquired then has yet to come to an end but will last twice the number of years that have already passed. Now, however, although in fact I do not actually enter extinction, I announce that I am going to adopt the course of extinction. This is an expedient means that the thus come one uses to teach and convert living beings.



“Why do I do this? Because if the Buddha remains in the world for a long time, those persons with shallow virtue will fail to plant good roots but, living in poverty and lowliness, will become attached to the five desires and be caught in the net of deluded thoughts and imaginings. If they see that the thus come one is constantly in the world and never enters extinction, they will grow arrogant and selfish, or become discouraged and neglectful. They will fail to realize how difficult it is to encounter the Buddha and will not approach him with a respectful and reverent mind.




“Therefore as an expedient means the thus come one says: ‘Monks, you should know that it is a rare thing to live at a time when one of the buddhas appears in the world.’ Why does he do this? Because persons of shallow virtue may pass immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas with some of them chancing to see a buddha and others never seeing one at all. For this reason I say to them: ‘Monks, the thus come one is hard to get to see.’ When living beings hear these words, they are certain to realize how difficult it is to encounter a buddha. In their minds they will harbor a longing and will thirst to gaze upon the buddha, and then they will work to plant good roots. Therefore the thus come one, though in truth he does not enter extinction, speaks of passing into extinction.
“Good men, the buddhas, the thus come ones, all act in such a manner. They act in order to save living beings, so what they say is true and not false.

良医病子(りょういびょうし)の譬え/parable of the skilled physician and his sick children



Suppose, for example, that there is a skilled physician who is wise and understanding and knows how to compound medicines to effectively cure all kinds of diseases. He has many sons, perhaps ten, twenty, or even a hundred. He goes off to some other land far away to see about a certain affair. After he has gone, the children drink some kind of poison that makes them distraught with pain and they fall writhing to the ground. 



At that time the father returns to his home and finds that his children have drunk poison. Some are completely out of their minds, while others are not. Seeing their father from far off, all are overjoyed and kneel down and entreat him, saying: ‘How fine that you have returned safely. We were foolish and by mistake drank some poison. We beg you to cure us and let us live out our lives!’



“The father, seeing his children suffering like this, follows various prescriptions. Gathering fine medicinal herbs that meet all the requirements of color, fragrance, and flavor, he grinds, sifts, and mixes them together. Giving a dose of these to his children, he tells them: ‘This is a highly effective medicine, meeting all the requirements of color, fragrance, and flavor. Take it and you will quickly be relieved of your sufferings and will be free of all illness.’



“Those children who have not lost their senses can see that this is good medicine, outstanding in both color and fragrance, so they take it immediately and are completely cured of their sickness. Those who are out of their minds are equally delighted to see their father return and beg him to cure their sickness, but when they are given the medicine, they refuse to take it. Why? Because the poison has penetrated deeply and their minds no longer function as before. So although the medicine is of excellent color and fragrance, they do not perceive it as good.




“The father thinks to himself: My poor children! Because of the poison in them, their minds are completely befuddled. Although they are happy to see me and ask me to cure them, they refuse to take this excellent medicine. I must now resort to some expedient means to induce them to take the medicine. So he says to them: ‘You should know that I am now old and worn out, and the time of my death has come. I will leave this good medicine here. You should take it and not worry that it will not cure you.’ Having given these instructions, he then goes off to another land, where he sends a messenger home to announce, ‘Your father is dead.



“At that time the children, hearing that their father has deserted them and died, are filled with great grief and consternation and think to themselves: If our father were alive he would have pity on us and see that we are protected. But now he has abandoned us and died in some other country far away. We are shelterless orphans with no one to rely on!



“Constantly harboring such feelings of grief, they at last come to their senses and realize that the medicine is in fact excellent in color and fragrance and flavor, and so they take it and are healed of all the effects of the poison. The father, hearing that his children are all cured, immediately returns home and appears to them all once more.


諸善男子。於意云何。頗有人能説此良医虚妄罪不。 不也。世尊。


“Good men, what is your opinion? Can anyone say that this skilled physician is guilty of lying?” “No, World-Honored One.”





The Buddha said: “It is the same with me. It has been immeasurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayuta asamkhya kalpas since I attained buddhahood. But for the sake of living beings I employ the power of expedient means and say that I am about to pass into extinction. In view of the circumstances, however, no one can say that I have been guilty of lies or falsehoods.”
At that time the world-honored one, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying:


自我得仏来(じがとくぶつらい) 所経諸劫数(しょきょうしょこつしゅ) 無量百千万(むりょうひゃくせんまん) 億載阿僧祇(おくさいあそうぎ)

我れは仏を得(え)て自(よ)り来(おのかた) 経(へ)たる所の諸の劫数(こうしゅ)は無量百千万 億載阿僧祇なり


Since I attained buddhahood the number of kalpas that have passed is an immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions, trillions, asamkhyas.

常説法教化(じょうせっぽうきょうけ) 無数億衆生(むしゅおくしゅじょう) 令入於仏道(りょうにゅうおぶつどう) 爾来無量劫(にらいむりょうこう)



Constantly I have preached the Law, teaching, converting countless millions of living beings, causing them to enter the buddha way,all this for immeasurable kalpas. 
為度衆生故(いどじゅじょうこ) 方便現涅槃(ほうべんげんねはん) 而実不滅度(にじつふめつど) 常住此説法(じょうじゅうしせっぽう)
衆生を度(ど)せんが為の故に方便して涅槃を現(げん)ず而(しか)も実には滅度せず 常に此に住して法を説く


In order to save living beings, as an expedient means I appear to enter nirvana but in truth I do not pass into extinction. I am always here, preaching the Law.

我常住於此(がじょうじゅうおし) 以諸神通力(いしょじんずうりき) 令顛倒衆生(りょうてんどうじゅじょう) 雖近而不見(すいごんにふけん)

我れは常に此(ここ)に住すれども 諸の神通力を以て顛倒の衆生をして 近しと雖(いえど)も而(しか)も見ざらしむ


I am always here, but through my transcendental powers I make it so that living beings in their befuddlement do not see me even when close by.

衆見我滅度(しゅけんがめつど) 広供養舎利(こうくようしゃり) 咸皆懐恋慕(げんかいえれんぼ) 而生渇仰心(にしょうかつごうしん
衆(しゅ)は我が滅度を見て広く舎利を供養し 咸(ことごと)く皆恋慕を懐(いだ)いて渇仰(かつごう)の心を生(しょう)ず


When the multitude sees that I have passed into extinction, far and wide they offer alms to my relics.All harbor thoughts of yearning and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.

衆生既信伏(しゅじょうきしんぶく) 質直意柔軟(しちじきいにゅうなん) 一心欲見仏(いっしんよっけんぶつ) 不自惜身命(ふじしゃくしんみょう)
衆生は既に信伏(しんぷく)し 質直にして意(こころ)は柔軟に一心に仏を見たてまつらんと欲して 自ら身命を惜しまざれば


When living beings have become truly faithful, honest and upright, gentle in intent, single-mindedly desiring to see the Buddha, not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,

時我及衆僧(じがきゅうしゅそう) 倶出霊鷲山(くしゅつりょうじゅせん) 我時語衆生(がじごしゅじょう) 常在此不滅(じょうざいしふめつ

時に我及び衆僧は倶(とも)に霊鷲山に出(い)ず我は時に衆生に語る 常に此(ここ)に在(あ)って滅せず


then I and the assembly of monks appear together on Holy Eagle Peak. At that time I tell the living beings that I am always here, never entering extinction,

以方便力故(いほうべんりきこ) 現有滅不滅(げんうめつふめつ) 余国有衆生(よこくうしゅじょう) 恭敬信楽者(くぎょうしんぎょうしゃ)
方便力を以(もっ)ての故に 滅不滅ありと現(げん)ず余国に衆生有りて恭敬し信楽せば


but that because of the power of expedient means at times I appear to be extinct, at other times not, and that if there are living beings in other lands who are reverent and sincere in their wish to believe, 

我復於彼中(がぶおひちゅう) 為説無上法(いせつむじょうほう) 汝等不聞此(にょとうふもんし) 但謂我滅度(たんにがめつど)
我れは復(また)彼(か)の中に於(お)いて 為(ため)に無上の法を説く 汝等(なんじたち)は此れを聞かずして 但(た)だ我れは滅度すと謂(おも)えり


then among them too I will preach the unsurpassed Law. But you have not heard of this, so you suppose that I enter extinction. 

我見諸衆生(がけんしょしゅじょう) 没在於苦海(もつざうおくかい) 故不為現身(こふいげんしん) 令其生渇仰(りょうごしょうかつごう)
我は諸(もろもろ)の衆生を見れば 苦海に没在(もつざい)せり故に為(ため)に身を現(げん)ぜずして 其れをして渇仰(かつごう)を生(しょう)ぜしむ


When I look at living beings I see them drowned in a sea of suffering; therefore I do not show myself, causing them to thirst for me. 

因其心恋慕(いんごしんれんぼ) 乃出為説法(ないしゅついせっぽう) 神通力如是(じんずうりきにょぜ) 於阿僧祇劫(おあそうぎこう)
其の心は恋慕するに因(よ)って乃(すなわ)ち出でて為に法を説く神通力は是(かく)の如し 阿僧祇劫に於(おい)て


Then when their minds are filled with yearning, at last I appear and preach the Law for them. Such are my transcendental powers. For asamkhya kalpas   

常在霊鷲山(じょうざいりょうじゅせん) 及余諸住処(ぎゅうよしょじゅうしょ) 衆生見劫尽(しゅじょうけんこうじん) 大火所焼時(たいかしょしょうじ)
常に霊鷲山及び余の諸(もろもろ)の住処(じゅうしょ)に在(あ)り衆生は劫尽きて 大火に焼かるると見る時も


constantly I have dwelled on Holy Eagle Peak and in various other places. When living beings witness the end of a kalpa and all is consumed in a great fire, 

我此土安穏(がしどあんのん) 天人常充満(てんにんじょうじゅうまん) 園林諸堂閣(おんりんしょどうかく) 種種宝荘厳(しゅじゅほうしょうごん)
我が此の土は安穏にして 天人(てんにん)は常に充満せり園林諸(もろもろ)の堂閣(そうかく) 種種(じゅじゅ)の宝をもって荘厳し


this, my land, remains safe and tranquil, constantly filled with heavenly and human beings. The halls and pavilions in its gardens and groves are adorned with various kinds of gems.
宝樹多花果(ほうじゅたけか) 衆生所遊楽(しゅじょうしょゆうらく) 諸天撃天鼓(しょてんぎゃくてんく) 常作衆伎楽(じょうさつしゅぎがく)
宝樹は華果(けか)多くして 衆生の遊楽する所なり諸天は天鼓(てんく)を撃(う)って 常に衆の妓楽(ぎがく)を作(な)し


Jeweled trees abound in flowers and fruit where living beings enjoy themselves at ease. The gods strike heavenly drums, constantly making many kinds of music.   

雨曼陀羅華(うまんだらけ) 散仏及大衆(さんぶつぎゅうだいしゅ) 我浄土不毀(がじょうどふき) 而衆見焼尽(にしゅけんしょうじん)
曼陀羅華を雨(ふ)らして 仏及び大衆に散(さん)ず我が浄土は毀(やぶ)れざれども 衆は焼け尽きて


Mandarava blossoms rain down, scattering over the Buddha and the great assembly. My pure land is not destroyed, yet the multitude sees it as consumed in fire,

憂怖諸苦悩(うふしょくのう) 如是悉充満(にょぜしつじゅうまん) 是諸罪衆生(ぜしょざいしゅじょう) 以悪業因縁(いあくごういんねん)

憂怖(うふ)諸(もろもろ)の苦悩 是(かく)の如き悉(ことごと)く充満せるを見る是の諸の罪の衆生は 悪業の因縁を以て


with anxiety, fear, and other sufferings filling it everywhere.These living beings with their various offenses, through causes arising from their evil actions,  

過阿僧祇劫(かあそうぎこう) 不聞三宝名(ふもんさんぼうみょう) 諸有修功徳(しょうしゅくどく) 柔和質直者(にゅうわしちじきしゃ)

阿僧祇劫を過(す)ぐれども 三宝の名(みな)を聞かず諸有(あらゆ)る功徳を修(しゅ)して 柔和質直なる者は


spend asamkhya kalpas without hearing the name of the three treasures.But those who practice meritorious ways, who are gentle, peaceful, honest, and upright,  

則皆見我身(そつかいけんがしん) 在此而説法(ざいしにせっぽう) 或時為此衆(わくじいししゅ) 説仏寿無量(せつぶつじゅむりょ
則(すなわ)ち皆我が身 此(ここ)にあって法を説くと見る或る時は此の衆(しゅ)の為に 仏寿(ぶつじゅ)は無量なりと説く

all of them will see me here in person, preaching the Law. At times for this multitude I describe the Buddha’s life span as immeasurable,

久乃見仏者(くないけんぶっしゃ) 為説仏難値(いせつぶつなんち) 我智力如是(がちりきにょぜ) 慧光照無量(えこうしょうむりょう)

久しくあって乃(いま)し仏を見たてまつる者には 為(ため)に仏には値(あ)い難(がた)しと説く我が智力(ちりき)は是(かく)の如し 慧光(えこう)の照らすこと無量にして


and to those who see the Buddha only after a long time I explain how difficult it is to meet a buddha. Such is the power of my wisdom that its sagacious beams shine without measure. 

寿命無数劫(じゅみょうむしゅこう) 久修業所得(くしゅごうしょとく) 汝等有智者(にょとううちしゃ) 勿於此生疑(もっとししょうぎ)
寿命は無数劫(むしゅこう)なり 久しく業(ごう)を修(しゅ)して得(う)る所なり汝等(なんじたち)智(ち)有(あ)る者よ 此(ここ)に於て疑(うたが)いを生ずること勿(なか)れ


This life span of countless kalpas I gained as the result of lengthy practice.You who are possessed of wisdom, entertain no doubts on this point!

当断令永尽(とうだんりょうようじん) 仏語実不虚(ふつごじっぷうこ) 如医善方便(にょいぜんほうべん) 為治狂子故(いじおうしこ)
当に断じて永く尽きしむべし 仏語は実にして虚しからず医(くすし)の善き方便をもって狂子(おうし)を治(じ)せんが為(ため)の故に


Cast them off, end them forever, for the Buddha’s words are true, not false.
He is like a skilled physician who uses an expedient means to cure his deranged sons.  

実在而言死(じつざいにごんし) 無能説虚妄(むのうせっこもう) 我亦為世父(がやくいせぶ) 救諸苦患者(くしょくげんじゃ)

実には在(あ)れども而も死すと言うに能(よ)く虚妄を説くものなきが如く我も亦(ま)た為(こ)れ世の父 諸の苦患(くげん)を救う者なり


Though in fact alive, he gives out word he is dead, yet no one can say he speaks falsely. I am the father of this world, saving those who suffer and are afflicted. 

為凡夫顛倒(いぼんぶてんどう) 実在而言滅(じつざいにごんめつ) 以常見我故(いじょうけんがこ) 而生驕恣心(にしょうきょうししん)

凡夫は顛倒せるが為に 実には在れども滅すと言う常に我を見るを以(もっ)ての故に 而(しか)も憍恣(きょうし)の心を生じ


Because of the befuddlement of ordinary people, though I live, I give out word I have entered extinction. For if they see me constantly, arrogance and selfishness arise in their minds. 

放逸著五欲(ほういつじゃくごよく) 墮於悪道中(だおあくどうちゅう) 我常知衆生(がじょうちしゅじょう) 行道不行道(ぎょうどうふぎょうどう)

放逸にして五欲に著(じゃく)し 悪道の中に堕ちなん我れは常に衆生の 道を行じ道を行ぜざるを知って


Abandoning restraint, they give themselves up to the five desires and fall into the evil paths of existence. Always I am aware of which living beings practice the way, and which do not,

随応所可度(ずいおうしょかど) 為説種種法(いせつしゅじゅほう) 毎自作是念(まいじさぜねん) 以何令衆生(いがりょうしゅじょう)
応(まさに)度(ど)すべき所に随(したが)って 為(ため)に種種(しゅじゅ)の法を説く毎(つね)に自(みずか)ら是(こ)の念を作(な)す 何(なに)を以(もっ)てか衆生をして


and in response to their need for salvation I preach various doctrines for them.
At all times I think to myself: How can I cause living beings

得入無上道(とくにゅうむじょうどう) 速成就仏身(そくじょうじゅぶっしん)

無上道に入(い)り 速かに仏身を成就することを得(え)しめんと


to gain entry into the unsurpassed way and quickly acquire the body of a buddha?  






(毎自作是念 以何令衆生 得入無上道 速成就仏身)










From a lecture on Nichiren Daishonin’s writing “The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life”

“Life Span,” the 16th chapter of the Lotus Sutra, speaks of “ebbing” and “flowing” (see LSOC, 267).

“Ebbing” refers to death and “flowing” to life. 

Based on the standpoint of the eternity of life, the “Life Span” chapter states that life itself does not disappear and emerge, does not undergo birth or death.In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Nichiren Daishonin reveals an even more profound view of life as the “originally inherent nature of birth and death” (OTT, 127). 

According to this principle, living is the state in which our life is actively manifested, and death is the state when it returns to a latent or potential state. These phases of birth and death continue eternally. That is the true nature of life itself. 

The supreme teaching of Buddhism that views living as an active state and death as a latent state offers a profound and magnificent view of the eternity of life. 

In addition, it teaches the oneness of life and death. Life is activated by a wondrous, underlying power. When life in its latent state comes into contact with the right causes and conditions, it becomes manifest and takes shape as a dynamic living being with a rich individuality. Eventually, that life quietly ebbs and moves toward death. But as it shifts into its potential, dormant phase, it stores a new energy, awaiting the next new phase of life. 

Life is an explosion and burning of the stored up energy that had been in a resting state. Eventually that life brings its story to a close, and it drifts back into death. It merges with the universe, is recharged by the power of the life of the universe as a whole and awaits its next emergence into active life. 

This is the nature of life and death inherent in all things, and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the foundation of this intrinsic rhythm of the universe.

