十界/the ten worlds その(1) 〔#002〕

the ten worlds





英語では、「the ten worlds(テンワールズ)」と言います。


Today's theme is “the Ten Worlds”
In Buddhism, we have various conditions in our lives categories them into ten states of life...
We called “Jikkai(in Japanese)” , “the Ten Worlds” in English.
Knowing what is your inner life condition,
What we can see the true aspect of our own lives, How affect your life through the life state.. Let's look at “the Ten Worlds” together!!



One way that Buddhism explains life is through a concept known as the Ten Worlds. These are ten states or conditions of life that we experience within ourselves and which are then reflected in all aspects of our lives. Each of us possesses the potential for all ten, and we shift from one to another at any moment. That is, at each moment, one of the Ten Worlds is being manifested and the other nine are dormant. ⒸThe Winning Life P23

I hope we can really study this in earnest. The purpose of Buddhist study after all is expand one's state of life. And the doctrine of the Ten Worlds is like a mirror. As we gaze into it, we can see the true aspect of our own lives. It also enables us to perceive correctly the lives of others and society, and understand what we can do contribute to others' well-being. Daisaku Ikeda
引用元:Ⓒ法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p119


...At any rate, there is something wondrous about the function of one's state of life. Whether we are aware of it, our state of life to a grate extent determines our actions, thoughts, relationships and path in life, as well as our emotions.

十界①地獄(じごく)界/the world of Hell(ヘル)





地獄界は「the world of Hell/ワールド オブ ヘル」になります。





What a poisonous naming...
“Jigoku” is called “Hell” in English, so, “Jigokukai” is “the world of Hell”. 
..what is the meaning of "my life is “in the world of Hell”?
it's means, “Sufferings” control you.

can’t do anything about current situations, struggling with "pain" and "sufferings”....

Like a It's hard to breathe and feels why my life is so much painful...

Inner “Strength" is not working and Your suffering right in front of you and controlles you.

Hell—This is a state of suffering and despair, in which we perceive we are powerless, having no freedom of action. It is characterized by the impulse to destroy ourselves and everything around us./The Winning Life P23

Hell-Life itself is suffering, devoid of freedom; rage and anger fuel further self-destruction./world tribune 21 Jun 2019 

引用元:Ⓒ法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p106-108

The world of hell indicates a weakness and a profound inner suffering that a person fells totally powerless to resolve. Hell is sometimes said to exist under the ground; but in fact it is a state in which one's life sinks further and further down under its own weight.


Those who suffer-whether due to family discord, sickness or the flames of jealousy- and whose hearts swirl with rage at whatever has bought on that suffering exists in their own lives.


They lack the life force to perceive it in those terms and, consequently, feel resentment and anger toward others. Some people direct the flames of rage at themselves and their inability to do anything about their suffering. They have no strength to take responsibility for their misery and resolve the situation. Instead, they feel only unassignable resentment at their own impotence, a groan of despair.


斉藤: 人は逆境にあったり、困難に直面すると、ともすると自分一人が不幸であるかのように思って、他の人を恨み、社会を恨み、自分の殻に閉じこもってしまうことが、よくあります。

Saito: People faced with trying circumstances or beset by difficulties tend to think they alone are miserable. As a result, they often resent others and society in general and retreat into their own shell.


The world of hell that Buddhism describes does not indicate a set of external circumstances or an environment one is presented with. Rather, I think it indicates the weak life force in which people are buffeted about and controlled by their surroundings, unable to take a single step to extricate themselves.

名誉会長:そう。他のどこにあるのでもない。(省略)・・ 「心」の中にあるのです。だからこそ「心」を変える以外に、幸福はないのです。

Ikeda: That's right. It doesn't refer to anything external...The Ten Worlds exist within our lives. That's why apart from changing ourselves from within, there is no way to realize true happiness.

十界②: 餓鬼(がき)界:「the world of Hunger(ハンガー)/※hungry spiritsともいう」





餓鬼界は、英語で「the world of Hunger(ワールドオブハンガー)」と言います。






Gakikai is called “the World of Hunger” in English

What is “the hungry state” means, like a condition of “I want it”, “I want that”. Of course, We need some desires but

Your weakness being dragged this state, controlled you. and Always feel something is missing, always feel “not satisfied”, preoccupied with your mind and impact life as a "suffering".

No matter how much money you have, No matter what you can get, Your heart never feel satisfied.

You don’t feel happy, this true cases is your inner weakness been pulled by "desires”.

That’s makes you unhappy. Many people doesn’t realize that.


Hunger—Hunger is the state of being controlled by insatiable desire for money, power, status, or whatever. While desires are inherent in any of the Ten Worlds, in this state we are at the mercy of our cravings and cannot control them or ever satisfy them. The winning Life p24

Hungry spirits (hunger)-Governed by endless craving and the suffering that comes from those desires going unfulfilled. world tribune 21 Jun 2019

引用元:Ⓒ法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p110


We could not live without desires. In many cases, these desires become the energy that enables us to advance and realize self-improvement.


欲望を、どう使っていくかが問題なのです。餓鬼界というのは、欲望を価値創造に使うのではなく、欲望の奴隷になっている、境涯です。欲望ゆえに自分を苦しめ、他人をも傷つけていく —- だから「悪道」と呼ばれる。

The real issue, therefore, is how we use desire. Those in the world hunger do not use desire to create value; rather, they become its slave. On account of desire, they suffer themselves and cause injury to others. That's why the world of hunger is called an "evil path."

十界③:畜生(ちくしょう)界:「the world of Animals/※Animality(アニマリティ)ともいう」



畜生界は英語で、「the world of Animals(ワールドオブアニマルズ)」と言います。



Chikushokai in English, the World of Animals.

What is the "Animal state" means, acting based on instincts.

“only care about yourself”...this mind controls you.

While keep opening this state, become your words, become your attitude, interact with others.

After all, you can't build yourself up.

Animality—In this state, we are ruled by instinct. We exhibit neither reason nor moral sense nor the ability to make long-range judgments. In the world of animality, we operate by the law of the jungle, so to speak. We will not hesitate to take advantage of those weaker than ourselves and fawn on those who are stronger. The Winning Life p24

Animals (animality)-Driven by instinct rather than reason, morality or wisdom, and reflected in threatening the weak and fearing the strong. world tribune 21 Jun 2019

引用元:Ⓒ法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p113


Suda: Those in the world of animality are called "foolish" because, by living accourding to instinct, happiness forever eludes them.


Ikeda: Even thou they imagine that they are moving toward happiness, in the final analysis they are heading in precisely the opposite direction. They only see what is right before their eyes, and they get lost easily and ultimately come to grief.

十界④:修羅(しゅら)界「the World of Anger(アンガー)/※ asuras(アシュラス、アスラス)」


修羅界は、英語でthe World of Anger(アンガー)といいます。






Shurakai in English, the world of Anger. Is "asura” more familiar?..

“Anger” conquers your mind but as one more aspect, "Jealousy" is also this condition.

“surpassing others”, this is not bad itself but when it's tied in with your weakness, be swayed your mind by this strong feelings. As a result, make yourself suffer

Jealousy uses energy to make yourself looks better and on the surface,
pretends to be a good person but inside, preoccupied with surpassing others.

As conflict between public face and inner feelings, you can see neither yourself nor others correctly.


Anger—In this state, awareness of ego emerges, but it is a selfish, greedy, distorted ego, determined to best others at all costs and seeing everything as a potential threat to itself. In this state, we value only ourselves and tend to hold others in contempt. We are strongly attached to the idea of our own superiority and cannot bear to admit that anyone exceeds us in anything. The Winning Life p24

Asuras (anger)-Inclined to compare oneself with others, preoccupied with surpassing others, feigning humility while inwardly harboring jealousy and resentment. world tribune 21 Jun 2019 

引用元:Ⓒ法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p122-123


Ikeda: since their hearts are crooked, they can see neither themselves nor others correctly. Looking at things through the distorted lens of arrogance, they think they are larger than life. As a result, they neither desire to learn from others nor are they capable of honest self-reflection, both of which are the means to grow as human beings.



...Perhaps it has to do with the way arrogant people can summon forth a tremendous amount of energy or willpower to protect their inflated selfimage.


Saito: It would be wonderful if such people could channel that energy into self-improvement. But unfortunately they use it merely to protect the illusion to which they are so attaced.

Ikeda: That is the misery of the world of anger.


十界⑤:人(にん)界:「The world of Human being/※Humanity or Tranquillity(ヒューマニティ、トランクィリティ)ともいう」





人界は英語で「The world of Human being(ワールドオブヒューマンビーング)」といいます。







Ninkai is in English, the world of Human being.

this is "composure and tranquility" conditions and can think calmly...

It looks good, isn’t it?

Who wouldn’t want to keep this condition, but once we lost the environment or condition, can we keep maintain this state?

No, no, We can easily shift into “Hell” or “Hunger” comes up.

Even if you can control right now, It is easily affected by the surrounding environment and conditions.

It’s difficult to keep this at all the time.

Humanity—This is a flat, passive state of life, from which we can easily shift into the lower four worlds. While we may generally behave in a humane fashion in this state, we are highly vulnerable to external influences. The Winning Life p24

Human beings (humanity)-Able to control desires with reason, and act in harmony with others while aspiring to a higher life state. world tribune 21 Jun 2019
引用元:Ⓒ法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p140

名誉会長: 「平凡でも、人間らしく生きる」ことが難しい世の中に、だんだん、なってきている。十界論では「人界」は十界の中心に置かれている。ここからさらに上の境涯に行くこともできるし、下の境涯に転落することもある。そういう要の位置にあると言ってよい。

Ikeda: it is becoming increasingly difficult to lead a simple, human existence. In terms of the structure of the doctrine of the Ten Worlds, the world of humanity is right in the middle. From that vantage, one can either ascend to higher states of life or descend into the lower worlds. It could be said, therefore, that humanity occupies the central position.


For precisely that reason, Nichiren Daishonin repeatedly tells us that since we have had the rare good fortune to be born in the world of humanity, we should strive to attain a still higher state of life.

十界⑥:天(てん)界「the world of Heaven(ヘブン)/※Hevenly being or Rapture(ラピュチャー)ともいう」




英語で「the world of Heaven(ワールドオブヘブン)」といいます。


Tenkai is in English, The world of Heaven.

Filled with various desires and in full of joy.

Same as “the world of Human being”, especially this is short-lived and dependent on external influences.

Heaven—This is a state of intense joy stemming, for example, from the fulfillment of some desire, a sense of physical well-being, or inner contentment. Though intense, the joy experienced in this state is short-lived and dependent on external influences. The Winning Life p24

Heavenly beings (heaven)-Feeling short-lived joy in having various desires fulfilled. world tribune 21 Jun 2019
引用元:Ⓒ法華経の智慧(4)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p145-162


Ikeda:...Wouldn't it be better to simply remain in the world of heaven? I expect our discussion will hinge on this point. Uitimately, there is nothing wrong with the world of heaven. Problems arise, however, when, filled with self-satisfaction and complacency, we become attached to or are held back by this state of life.
It probably goes withour saying that everyone desires the bliss of a heavenly existence- good health, abundance, a happy home, a joyful life- circumstances I hope any pray everyone will enjoy. Unforunately, no rose can bloom forever. With the passing of time, its color is certain to fade and its petals to scatter as it experiences the four seasons or sufferings- birth, aging, sickness and death- that are an integral part of all life.



Ikeda: ...what is problematic about the world of heaven is that it funcitons to conceal the reality of the four sufferings. Because the state fo heaven is accompanied by momentary joy, it has the propensity to cause us to divert our eyes form the great problems lying at the heart of existence. In fact, often the world of hell is more efffective in opening our eyes to reality of life and enabling us to comprehend quickly the path leading to the four nobel worlds.

須田: 確かに“一見、幸せな人”ほど信心しにくいということがあります。

Suda: Certainly, those whose lives on the surface appear very happy may have considerable difficulty embracing faith.

斉藤: 物質的豊かさや精神的喜びは貴重です。しかし、その喜びさえあれば、生死の苦悩も乗り越えられるのか。残念ながら、答えは「ノー」です。

Saito: Material abundance and spiritual joy are important. But the question is whether simply possessing such happiness is enough to enable one to overcome the suffering of life and death. Sadly, the answer is "No."


Ikeda: ...If you can image a "heaven of desire" produced from having all of your desires fulfilled, you will find at its summit the devil king of the sixth heaven. A life or a society devoted solely to the pursuit of desire it ruled by this devil king. No condition is more horrid and miserable.

斉藤: 確かに現代の文明は、欲望追求を善とする文明であり、いわば「天界」を理想としてきたと言えると思います。その行き詰まりは、だれの目にも明らかです。

Saito: In modern civilization, the unbridled pursuit of desires is generally regarded as something good. And the goal of society is simply to reach the world of heaven. But modern civilization has reached a deadlock. That should be clear to anyone.

名誉会長: 行き詰まりの根本は、目が「外」ばかりを見て、「内」を見ていないところにある。...

Ikeda: The fundamental cause for this deadlock is that people are focused entirely on the external, material world and fail to direct their gaze within...



この「地獄界」から「天界」までの6つの生命状態は「六道(ろくどう)」とよばれています。英語で「the six paths」と言います。






The six life states from “Hell” to “Heaven”, we called “Rokudo” and “the Six paths” in english.

The reason of the Six paths from “Hell” to “Heaven”as one group, because the six paths is after all, comes out by external environment. Any happiness depend upon outside of yourself

Life itself, just crying, laughing, suffering..only emotions are stuck and repeated

In the true meaning,

The question of what I am living for, it's difficult to give an answer from this six paths.

--What is “Happiness” meaning not be swayed by external conditions

