十界互具/the Mutual possession of the Ten Worlds 〔#004〕

the Mutual possesion of the Ten worlds


前回まで、十界(the ten worlds)をそれぞれ前半後半に分けて学んできましたが、




十界互具/the Mutual possession of the Ten Worlds

十界互具。英語では「the Mutual possession of the Ten Worlds」といいます。

「Ten Worlds」が「Mutual possession」なんだそうです。。



つまり自分のベースとなる界を「基底部」(fundamental life-tendency)ともいいますが、


これを「十界互具」といいます。(the concept that each of the Ten Worlds possesses all ten within itself.) 




引用文献:法華経の智慧(4)p289/The wisdom of the lotus sutra- vol4p217


enables us to change this basic tendency, to change our fundamental state of mind. Your basic tendency in a sense determines your life...Making the world of Buddhahood our basic life tendency is called "attaining Buddhahood." Of course, even if Buddhahood becomes out basic tendency, we still have the nine worlds; consequently, we still have worries and suffering. But the foundation of our lives becomes one of hope, and we acquire a rhythm of peace of mind and joy.







 青春対話Ⅱ P251

生命の基底というのは・・・?What do you mean by "basic life-tendency?"

It is the core nature or inclination of your life, the "base" to which you always tend to return. Every day we are subject to many external causes and conditions that prompt a range of emotions and responses. We get angry, we laugh, we reflect. And our lives are always in a state of constant change.

Nevertheless everyone has a unique life-tendency. For instance, some people are angry by nature and quick to lose their temper. Some have a weak life force and become depressed easily. Others live in the state of bodhisattvas and always think of others first. 

勝利の人生/The Winning Life
十界はもともと、生命がその業の報いとして誕生してくる世界であり、別々に存在する十種の世界としてとらえられていまし た。例えば、人間は人界、動物は畜生界、神は天界というように。
The Ten Worlds were originally thought of as distinct physical realms into which beings were born as a result of accumulated karma. For example, human beings were born in the world of humanity, animals in the world of animality, and gods in the world of heaven.

In Nichiren Buddhism, the Ten Worlds are instead viewed as conditions of life that all people have the potential to experience. At any moment, one of the ten will be manifest and the other nine dormant, but there is always the potential for change.

This principle is further expressed as the mutual possession of the Ten Worlds—the concept that each of the Ten Worlds possesses all ten within itself...The vital implication of this principle is that all people, in whatever state of life, have the ever-present potential to manifest Buddhahood. And equally important is that Buddhahood is found within the reality of our lives in the other nine worlds, not somewhere separate.

In the course of a day, we experience different states from moment to moment in response to our interaction with the environment. The sight of another’s suffering may call forth the compassionate world of bodhisattva, and the loss of a loved one will plunge us into hell. However, all of us have one or more worlds around which our life activities usually center and to which we tend to revert when external stimuli subside. This is one’s basic life tendency, and it has been established by each individual through prior actions.

(略)信心の目的は、各人がそれぞれの生命の基調を仏界の方向へ転換していくことに あります。
The purpose of Buddhist practice is to elevate one’s basic life tendency and eventually establish Buddhahood as one’s fundamental state.

仏界を生命の基調にすることは、九界が顕れないということではありません。九界は生命に必要不可欠な境涯です。地獄の苦しみを経験しなければ、慈悲の心を実感することも不可能です。餓鬼界と畜生界に突出する本能、すなわち、食欲、睡眠欲、 性欲がなければ、人類はやがて絶滅の憂き目を見ることでしょう。仏界を生命の基調にしたとしても、依然として九界の喜びや 悲しみを経験し続けていくのです。Establishing Buddhahood as our basic life tendency does not mean we rid ourselves of the other nine worlds. All these states are integral and necessary aspects of life. Without experiencing the sufferings of hell ourselves, we could never feel true compassion for others. Without the instinctive desires represented by hunger and animality, we would forget to eat, sleep, and reproduce ourselves, and soon become extinct. Even if we establish Buddhahood as our fundamental life tendency, we will still continue to experience the joys and sorrows of the nine worlds. However, they will not control us, and we will not define ourselves in terms of them.

仏界という生命の傾向性を 基調とした場合は、他の九界がうまく調和を保ち、自分自身と周囲の人々を幸せにする働きとなるのです。
Based on the life tendency of Buddhahood, our nine worlds will be harmonized and function to benefit both ourselves and those around us.

「幸福と平和を創る智慧」/ The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace
One way to view the principle that each of us is an entity of the mutual possession of the Ten Worlds is to look at it from the perspective of our basic life tendency. While we all possess the Ten Worlds, our lives often lean toward one particular life state more than others—for instance, some people’s lives are basically inclined toward the world of hell, while others tend naturally toward the world of bodhisattva. This could be called the “habit pattern” of one’s life, a predisposition formed through karmic causes that a person has accumulated from the past.

Just as a spring returns to its original shape after being stretched, people tend to revert to their own basic tendency. But even if one’s basic life tendency is the world of hell, it doesn’t mean that one will remain in that state 24 hours a day. That person will still move from one life state to another— for instance, sometimes manifesting the world of humanity, sometimes the world of anger and so on. Likewise, those whose basic life tendency is the world of anger—driven by the desire to always be better than others—will also sometimes manifest higher worlds such as heaven or bodhisattva. However, even if they momentarily manifest the world of bodhisattva, they will quickly revert to their basic life tendency of the world of anger.

Changing our basic life tendency means carrying out our human revolution and fundamentally transforming our state of life.


Our daily practice of gongyo—reciting portions of the Lotus Sutra and chanting Nam-myohorenge-kyo—is a solemn ceremony in which our lives become one with the life of the Buddha. By applying ourselves steadfastly and persistently to this practice for manifesting our inherent Buddhahood, we firmly establish the world of Buddhahood in our lives so that it is solid and unshakable like the earth. On this foundation, this solid stage, we can freely enact at each moment the drama of the nine worlds. Moreover, kosen-rufu is the challenge to transform the fundamental life state of society into that of Buddhahood. The key to this lies in increasing the number of those who share our noble aspirations.

When we base ourselves on faith in Nichiren Buddhism, absolutely no effort we make is ever wasted. When we establish Buddhahood as our basic life tendency, we can move toward a future of hope while creating positive value from all our activities in the nine worlds, both past and present. In fact, all of our hardships and struggles in the nine worlds become the nourishment that strengthens the world of Buddhahood in our lives.

煩悩即菩提で、悩み(煩悩=九界)が全部、幸福(菩提=仏界)の薪となる。身体が食物を摂って消化吸収し、エネルギーに変えるようなものです。 九界の現実の苦悩と無関係な仏など、真の仏ではない。十界互具の仏ではないのです。それが法華経の寿量品の心です。
In accord with the Buddhist principle that “earthly desires lead to enlightenment,” sufferings (earthly desires, or the deluded impulses of the nine worlds) all become the “firewood” or fuel for gaining happiness (enlightenment, or the world of Buddhahood). This is similar to how our bodies digest food and turn it into energy. A Buddha who has no connection to the actual sufferings of the nine worlds is not a genuine Buddha—namely, one who embodies the mutual possession of the Ten Worlds. This is the essential message of “Life Span,” the 16th chapter of the Lotus Sutra.

The world of Buddhahood can also be described as a state of life in which one willingly takes on even hellish suffering. This is the world of hell contained in the world of Buddhahood. It is characterized by empathy and hardships deliberately taken on for the happiness and welfare of others, and arises from a sense of responsibility and compassion. Courageously taking on problems and sufferings for the sake of others strengthens the world of Buddhahood in our lives.

