【創価の哲学】大聖堂じゃなくて大誓堂 〔#206〕








I would like to introduce you to our “Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu”we called “Daiseido”.this is not a "Cathedral" (same pronunciation of “daiseido”)
If use same kanji character of “cathedral”has a slightly image of medieval taste...No no, that is not a reason we don’t use the character of cathedral.
Let’s see together what is the Soka Gakkai's Great Hall for!



この大誓堂にはどんな意義があるのか、アメリカ創価学会SGI-USAが発行している“Living Buddism ”に詳しく載っていましたのでちょっと覗いてみましょう。

The places that come from all over the world, sometimes called Mecca.
Our Great Hall is also easy to imagine such as mystical place
What does our Great Hall meaning...Let’s take a look of “Living Buddism” published by SGI-USA.



The SGI’s departure as a world religion for the sake of the people is implied in the name of the hall, which in Japanese is Kosen-rufu Daiseido: 

Dai (大): Great, grand 

Sei (誓): Vow, pledge 
Do (堂): Hall, auditorium 


Typically, the character sei (聖), meaning “sacred,” is used in the word daisedo, meaning “cathedral.” 


President Ikeda, however, chose an alternative character for sei (誓), meaning “vow.”


The use of the character for “vow” in the name of this new hall suggests that it is a place for each person to make a personal vow for kosen-rufu, rather than seek salvation from an outside source.


This hall serves as a place for us to refresh our personal vow for kosen-rufu based on the profound example of the three founding presidents—a place where we can pray to do our human revolution and transform our karma, based on our unshakable commitment to this vow. 


Ultimately, faith is found in the great desire for kosen-rufu, and making a vow is the starting point for developing a life of indestructible happiness and good fortune. The Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu is the grand assembly hall for the common people— an invincible fortress overflowing with the shared victory of the mentors and disciples of Soka.

引用元:英語/Living Buddhism Jan 2014 P16 :日本語/world tribune Japanese Jan 2014 P3 







How was it?
they explained very well this vaguely familiar with the meaning of this Hall/
This Great Hall is a place where each person makes a vow.
this is Not that for just enjoy to see or making some good memories.
this Hall is for making a vow, this article said.





This remind me the story, the last part of the story of the Lotus Sutra.
Because it is connected with what Buddha was saying in the last scene. After listened this Buddha’s word, all who were in that place, take this word, and went back to each place.

This is the word as below.

是故普賢 若見受持 是経典者 当起遠迎 当如敬仏
Therefore, Universal Worthy, if you see a person who accepts and upholds this sutra, you should rise and greet him from afar, showing him the same respect you would a buddha.

引用:法華経「普賢菩薩勧発品28」より/日本語訳:『英語で創価』/英語:the Soka Gakkai Nichiren Buddhism Library.







These 8 letters are the last word the Buddha's in the Lotus Sutra, and tells us how to treat for people who will hold and carry this Law.

Nichiren mentioned this to his disciples, so let's take a look at “The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings”



In this chapter [“Encouragements of the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy,” the 28th chapter of the Lotus Sutra], Shakyamuni Buddha revealed the foremost point he wished to convey to us. The Buddha preached the Lotus Sutra over a period of eight years, and eight characters sum up the message that he has left behind for living beings in this later age, the Latter Day of the Law. It is in the passage that reads, “Therefore, Universal Worthy, if you see a person who accepts and upholds this sutra, you should rise and greet him from afar, showing him the same respect you would a Buddha”, particularly the eight characters that make up the end of the passage, “you should rise and greet him,” etc. With this passage the words of Shakyamuni Buddha in the sutra come to an end, thus in effect ending the sutra. The word “should” shows that these words refer to the future. The words “should rise and greet him from afar” indicate that the sutra passage is saying that one should without fail show the practitioners of the Lotus Sutra the kind of respect one would show to a Buddha. ( The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, pp. 192–93) 


Nichiren Daishonin’s message here is that, if we were to distill the entire Lotus Sutra that Shakyamuni preached over an eight-year period into a single sentence, it would be, “If in the future you see practitioners of the Lotus Sutra, you should show them the same respect you would a Buddha.” It means to respect and treasure those who accept and uphold the Mystic Law. This is the foremost point that Shakyamuni wished to convey to us, Nichiren says.
The very essence of Buddhism exists in the act of respecting all children of the Buddha, respecting all human beings. 

引用元:(日本語)大白蓮華2018年4月号/(英語)Living Buddhism Jan 2019




How about that?
Might be you can see the meaning of this Hall.
And also this is the meaning of 8 pillars, when you go there, always welcome you in the Hall,

Eight pillars adorn both the north and south sides of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu. They symbolize the eight-character passage that expresses the heart of the Lotus Sutra and of the Soka Gakkai—“You should rise and greet them from afar, showing them the same respect you would a Buddha” (see LSOC, 365).


In sunshine and rain, these solid pillars stand to welcome all who visit the hall, as if paying tribute to their valiant efforts as Bodhisattvas of the Earth.


The practice of respecting as a Buddha each person who upholds the Mystic Law is the ultimate message of the Lotus Sutra (see OTT, 192), passed down from Shakyamuni to Nichiren Daishonin, and from Nichiren to the Soka Gakkai.







Majestic building tends to look like something to show off,
But this is not that for.
This is not to celebrate the glory of the Great Hall,
To praise and respect YOU, make a vow of Kosen-rufu.
If we can't see this point, The deep significance of this Hall hide in the majesty.






Also this Buddha's words in the Lotus Sutra, these 8 characters are “Reply”from one of his disciples word.
Which means,
By knowing what the disciple said to the Buddha, we could also see why disciples left as a great-scale story the Lotus Sutra.
the words of disciples vow was below:

「世尊 我今以神通力故 守護是経 於如来滅後 閻浮提内 広令流布 使不断絶

World-Honored One, I now therefore employ my transcendental powers to guard and protect this sutra. And after the thus come one has entered extinction, I will cause it to be widely propagated throughout Jambudvipa and will see that it never comes to an end.







The Law will not spread unless the person who holds it tells others
Who has a strong will,
Those who are equally determined welcome you same as a Buddha.
Proud of the flow of our movement, this is a  place to meet from all over the worlds.
The Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu will welcome you who have a strong determination.
~In honor of the Soka family around the world!~



・・・立派な会館です。しかし、建物はモノにすぎない。魂はありません。皆さんが、わが生命に“信心の王城”を、“広布の師弟城”を築き上げることによって、会館に魂を打ち込むことができるんです。つまり、“私は、こう戦い、勝ちました! 広宣流布の栄光の道を開きました!”と、堂々と語ることができる、自身の勝利の歴史を打ち立てることです。
 立ちましょう! 師子じゃないですか!
・・・a truly fine facility! Please remember, however, that it’s no more than a building; it has no spirit. It’s up to you to infuse it with your spirit by building in your own lives a citadel of faith and a citadel of the mentor-disciple spirit dedicated to kosen-rufu. In other words, the important thing is to write your own record of victory, of which you can proudly exclaim that you have struggled and won, that you have opened the way for the triumph of kosen-rufu.
“Let’s stand up and take action! Are we not lionhearted champions?”
