『牧師が語る仏法の師』から学ぼう。 〔#281〕









英語版:A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist Teacher






I will never forget that a terrible night when I learned that he was dead. But it was also on that night that I decided I would do whatever was in my power to make sure that his life and legacy were not forgotten. This was a promise I made in my heart. I was lost in grief, rage, and tears, but I made a decision that night that, while evil people might kill the prince of peace, I would make sure that his ideas with survive.
A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherTurning poison into medicine P64







In my 18th year at Morehouse I was exhausted, maybe even burn out. I had expended a great deal of energy in my efforts to realize Martin Luther King Jr.'s message, and I felt like no one was paying me any attention. I did not have a staff, just a secretary. The Sunday attendance at the services was to small, only about 100 people, which seemed smaller than it really was because the chapel seated 2501. I believed in what I was doing and thought I was in the right place, but I was becoming despondent. A powerful feeling of loneliness had a sunk in. 

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherHuman revolution p97





Being a disciple is not the same as joining a club. It is not as simple as declaring allegiance or choosing a side. It is a purposeful decision to try to understand the greater vision held by a mentor and to try to actualize that vision in our own life. The decision to be a disciple is fundamentally a choice about the values, virtues, and vision of victory we have for ourselves and the world, and how to avoid vices.
A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherTurning poison into medicine P58



When a person responds to the call to be a disciple, something is fulfilled. We are realizing something more than duty, something more like the truest part of who we are. 

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherTurning poison into medicine P63




King was a source of a personal inspiration to me since I was a young man, and he continues to inspire generations of young people from all ethnic stripes in the dedicates since his assassination. Sometimes, however, when we make someone a hero, as we have done with King, we honor their life but keep them distant from the living. We no longer have to be responsible for embodying their teachings. We free ourselves from the duties and obligations of discipleship.




This is my lineage. But a “calling” is not just a way of making a living. It’s about making a life. It’s about living a life shaped by the vision of another, dedicated to the path first walked by our mentor. It is about the finding what it is that gives meaning to one’s life.

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherTurning poison into medicine P66





いつまでも ただの弟子でいるのは 師に報いる道ではない。-ニーチェ
Only repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a puil.
-Friedrich Nietzsche











Some have been suspicious of me, asking what common cause a black scholar, a Baptist preacher, and an avowed Christian follower of Jesus could find with a Japanese-based lay Buddhist community that does not even worship God.
  I have had to ask myself many questions as well. Is the SGI’s interpretation of the teachings of the historical Buddha more adaptive then accurate? Why do so many African Americans, traditionally diehard Christians who learn toward fundamentalism, find Nichoren Buddhism so appealing? How is it that SGI practitioners have developed such a deep connection to Daisaku Ikeda, even though he does not speak English and rarely visit America? 
  In fact, Ikeda has never seen the word-class institution known as Soka University of America in Addison Viejo, California, which he funded. Is the SGI merely a cult of personality since practitioners embrace Ikeda, a man that most have never met, as their mentor in life and enthusiastically promote his work on the writing?
  In my search to find answers to these and many other questions, I have found in lay Nichiren Buddhism, Daisaku Ikeda, and the kosen-rufu movement he leads an authentic religious philosophy and spiritual practice that mirrors the core beliefs, spiritual values, and the democratic ideas of my own mentor, Martin Luther king Jr. But, unlike King, Ikeda is one who walks among us. Although he is over ninety, he is still here, showing the way to be peace itself. 
  It is Ikeda who helped me to see even more clearly that the essence of King’s philosophy was his conviction that peace is not only possible, but plausible.
 A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherTurning poison into medicine P126






As I learned about him, I quickly realized that he has done a much more effective job at institutionalizing his message and his dreams than even Gandhi or King.
 When I met Ikeda and came to learn of him accomplishments, I felt so inspired. I know from my own experience how challenging it is to create organizational and institutional structures, mechanisms, and instruments with a genuine global vision. I appreciated the scale of his accomplishment, not just because I agree with their arm, but because I understood the difficulties he no doubt faced along the way.
He will have disciples for peace for many generations to come. He is inspiring them, he is educating them, and he's giving them the tools to create peace wisdom themselves and in the world. This was why I felt so dedicated to him from the start. I saw in him the long shadow of Gandhi and King. Daisaku Ikeda was saying what I believe Mahatma Gandhi and Martin King would be saying if they were alive today.
A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherHuman revolution page 113





 Ikeda believes that the sacred texts of his faith tradition, the writings of Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra, are the beginning, not the end, of all discussion. For him, those sacred texts a springboard for debate and discussion-an opportunity to apply what they hold sacred to their lives in order to maintain their transformative relevance. Ikeda realizes that the teaching of those texts needs to be understood in the modern context, so he has produced other writings that interpret Nichiren tradition in light of contemporary issues. Because those teachings are timeless, he has worked to ensure that their message transcends time and space, speaking effectively and humanely to people today. Through Ikeda’s work, and by his example, the Buddhists in the SGI have also been invited to engage in this reflection and a discussion with equally serious intensity. Ikeda is striving toward a more perfect understanding of the teachings of Buddhism, but I do not think he believes that what he have to say on the subject is the final word. He expect his followers to continue in the path of unconditional understanding and the their application that he has modeled for them. 

The power of moral Cosmopolitan dialogue P135



『牧師が語る仏法の師』/第11 価値創造

Ikeda has been called to actualize the dreams of Makiguchi and Toda, his mentor. This calling is not simply the desire to live a life dedicated to great ideals. It is a responsibility to give speeches and author documents and build institutions that will serve as a road map to figure generations so they, too, can heed the call of value creation. Ikeda’s vocation is not about what he can do; rather, it is about what he can leave behind so that his mentor’s ideas continue to be taught and discussed- and realized cosmically.
Through my associations with Daisaku Ikeda and the SGI, I was beginning to understand, too, that King’s vision of the world the house also depended on education and the human revolution it offered.

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherValue creation p179





Many of us are familiar with Gandhi’s famous injunction to be the change we wish to see in the world. There are days when I seen to see this slogan everywhere -on bumper stickers, T-shirts, postcards, shopping bags, and on dorm room walls. Of course, I am delighted that is such an important idea has become so common place in our society, and I hope that it means that there are more and more people who actually live their lives in this way. But this slogan is much more than a platitude; it is an expression of a way of life spoken by a man who knew exactly what he was saying, and exactly what he was asking of others.
If all we have left of men like Gandhi and King are statues and monuments, if the only remnants of their ideas are catchphrases or sayings that make us feel better, then their true legacies will be forgotten. Without a real knowledge of their histories and their struggles, and without fostering a commitment to embody the work they were engaged in, we truly have nothing left of these men at all.

Global commonwealth of realized citizens p194






What Christians do not realize is that Jesus did not want to be worshipped. He wanted to be emulated. He wanted to be followed. He wanted his teaching to be obeyed—meaning, he wanted them to take root deep in the lives of people. He wanted a new kingdom to come from within.
I am reminded of Jesus saying “Greater works than these will he do.” This is a tremendous expression of the humility on the part of Jesus. For me, it confirms my acceptance of Jesus as my example. As I see it, Jesus does not save us. Rather, he frees us so that he can save ourselves. Through our thoughts, works, deeds and prayers, we can do even greater works than he. Taking Jesus at his word is a freeing proposition.

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherAn inside job page 206







Superficially, the question view of player appears to be outwardly directed, while Buddhist player seems to be inwardly focused. I suppose that those apparent differences might spark an interesting theological discussion on the differences between Christian and the Buddhist ways to pray. But I think that a reality, an actual practice, player always has elements of both.
SGI members seek communion with the universal Dharma, or Mystic Law, through reciting their mantra in front of their Gohonzon, the calligraphic school that is the “object of devotion” for all Nichiren Buddhists. And we Christians do not to pray passively, asking for some superheroic force or “cosmic bellhop” outside of us to solve all our problems for us while we sit back and do nothing. When we pray or chant sincerely and intentionally knowing that what we are seeking has already been given, and that we as Buddhists and Christians alike are engaged in the art of vibrational increase and alignment with the name, nature, and qualities of ultimacy, then our prospective ought to be changed. And when this happens, our actions also change. When we pray confidently, we experience utopia.

For Christians, God is not a problem solver. There are no problems in God. In God all problems dissolve, because the omniactive, omniabundant, omnipresent split corresponds and responds to its own nature reflected and vibrating in your prayers and chanting. 

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherFace to heal the World page 215





『牧師が語る仏法の師』/第5章 モアハウスの使命

Maybe it is naive to believe that it is possible to create institutions faithful to King’s spirit, places that sustain his living and breathing legacy. 
But I preferred to think hopefully about making a difference.
 I do not marry hope that it is possible to do this work. I believe that it is necessary.

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist TeacherMorehouse mission page 75




My ultimate hope was that by examining the lives of these great figures, viewers of that exhibition and readers of this book, will find these lofty ideas and principles within their grasp in the midst of their own daily existence. For it is within the mundane the realm of daily living that Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Daisaku Ikeda have sought to forge an existence filled with dignity, freedom, and happiness for all people.

A Baptist Preacher's Buddhist Teacher』 Afterword page 231






