
リビングブディズム紙”loneliness epidemic”




今回のテーマは”Loneliness Epidemic”。




そんな慢性的な孤独感をLoneliness Epidemic」というようで、特に今の若者が陥っている状態のことを指しているようですね。



引用:Living Buddhism July 2019 P12 "The Loneliness Epidemic: A Buddhist Perspective"


Lillian I: I’m the program manager at the Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue in Boston. I’m responsible for organizing our “Dialogue Nights” event, which is a bimonthly forum that brings together young professionals and college students in Boston to engage in dialogue on topics that they are concerned about. We focus on sharing the philosophy of Daisaku Ikeda with the youth community of Boston. 


「Loneliness Epidemic」について

Lillian: Boston is a big city with more than 30 universities in the greater metropolitan area. Through our “Dialogue Nights,” I’ve learned that young people are seeking a genuine connection with others and a space where they can be themselves. Based on popular demand, we recently held an event on the topic of loneliness. It turned out to be one of our most well-attended events, which shows how salient this topic is for youth. 


One young woman shared how she chose to isolate herself, because it was the safest way for her to ensure that she doesn’t get hurt. While this outlook perpetuates the cycle of loneliness, many young people don’t have the tools to rise above their circumstances. 


(インタビュアー:What do you think are the root causes of the loneliness epidemic?「loneliness epidemic」の根本的な原因は何だと思いますか?)

Lillian: ...Many young people only know how to communicate through technology. When young people don’t know how to discover their authentic selves, it’s easy to define themselves based on what they see in social media, for example. SGI President Ikeda says that it is only by interacting with others that we can truly learn about ourselves. When we have less opportunities to interact meaningfully with others, it is very difficult to fully develop skills like empathy or compassion.


(インタビュアー:Do you feel that loneliness is related to lacking a sense of purpose? 「孤独」は、目的意識が不足していることと関連していると思いますか?)

Lillian: Yes. At a recent dialogue night event, a young woman shared that she feels that there are two types of loneliness: one is related to not being in a relationship, and the other is questioning the purpose of life.


Youth are so aware of what’s happening in the world, and they have a desire to find purpose and to do something with their lives, but those desires are not rooted in a sound philosophy. I met with a young woman in high school and her friends the other day. They love coming to SGI meetings because they get to talk about life, which they don’t do in school. When they were asked what they were interested in talking about, they said they wanted to learn about the purpose of life. I was so surprised by how they are grappling with such deep questions at such a young age.


(インタビュアー:What do you feel Buddhism offers as a solution? ブディズムが解決策としてどんなことを提供できると思いますか?)

Lillian: I was thinking about how lonely I used to feel. Most of the time, I was intoxicated or high. Why did I feel that way? I had many failed expectations. I didn’t have any hope for my life, and I decided nothing would change.


At one of my first SGI meetings, I asked why, in addition to the positive functions on the Gohonzon, negative functions were also represented. My friend responded that everything in your life makes up who you are and can have value. I was blown away by that concept. Through this practice and encountering the Gohonzon and President Ikeda’s words, I’ve learned to embrace all that I am and create value, even from the negative aspects of my life.


President Ikeda says: “When people have a genuine sense that, no matter how difficult their present circumstances, they are not alone but are vitally connected with others and with the world, they can stand up without fail. This is the power inherent in life” ( The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 4, p. 105).


The SGI’s neighborhood discussion meetings, which take place in 3,000 homes across the country, are spaces where people from all walks of life can come together, free of judgment, and engage with one another heart to heart.


 A lot of the research around loneliness talks about how human beings are social animals, and it is not natural for us as humans to isolate ourselves. When we attend discussion meetings, we come to realize that we are not alone—we are all interconnected. 


(インタビュアー:In the Afterword to volume 30 of The New Human Revolution, President Ikeda talks about the principle of “voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma” and names loneliness as a suffering that we decided to take on to help others. What are your thoughts on this?「新人間革命」第30巻のあとがきにおいて、池田SGI会長は「願兼於業(がんけんおごう」の原理として、孤独とは他の人を救うために引き受けた苦悩なのだと述べられております。これについてはどう思いますか?)

Lillian: I feel that loneliness is a manifestation of our society. It’s a wake-up call to us that people’s hearts are dying! This idea that we have voluntarily chosen our karma to lead people to happiness is empowering. It gives meaning to my suffering. In the depths of my life, I chose to experience loneliness so I can understand the suffering of others, and help them transform this karma. That’s what gives my struggles meaning. Instead of feeling like I just have to get rid of my problems, I ask myself how I can use them to create value for myself and others.


This is the profundity of our philosophy of hope.











Only can the various sides of the character be brought out, till it attains a certain completeness, and the man, feels sure of himself in opposition to any and every man.
引用:ゲーテとの対話(上)/Conversations with Goethe


