誇りをもって、笑みをたたえて、やるのです。 〔#237〕


弘教について、戸田先生は、こう言われたこともあった。「なかには、折伏のできない人もいる。口べただとか、気があまり良すぎるとかいう人は、折伏はあまりできないが、本人は喜んで信仰している。それならそれでいいのである。それを『あなた! 折伏しなくちゃだめよ!』とか言う人がいる。だめよと言ったって、本人ができなければ、しょうがないではないか。本人が御本尊をありがたいと思っているなら、それでいいのだ。


..regarding propagation, he(Mr. Toda) once said: "Some people may have a hard time doing propagation, perhaps because they are awkward with words or simply too good-natured. And that's just fine, but they should practice joyfully nevertheless. "There are those who will nevertheless tell them, ' You absolutely have to propagate this Buddhism!' But if someone just can't do it, scolding will not help in the least. If the person is appreciative for his or her practice to the Gohonzon, that is enough. "The important thing is that people be encouraged so that they can truly understand faith. When they really grasp the greatness of the Gohonzon, they will naturally tell others about the practice. And that itself is propagation."


We need to enjoy our propagation efforts, keeping a generous spirit and an open mind. And we should do so smiling brightly with pride and appreciation, aware that there is no higher honor than telling others even a few words about the Mystic Law during this lifetime.



If people are instructed to introduce a specific number of people, on the other hand, they will only feel burdened. It will cause them suffering. Everyone will feel heavy, which will only hinder the kosen-rufu movement.
A leader's role is to enable everyone to enjoy their practice. But most leaders do just the opposite. We need to give people courage and hope. We need to applaud and encourage them with an open heart. It is of course important to set goals for our-selves. When we then pray for all members without exception to receive great benefit, our spirit will absolutely be conveyed. 
To enable people to receive immense benefit, we must calmly discuss faith with them, saying, "Let's do our best together!" and "Let's enjoy vibrant health and live long lives!" When members encourage one another in this fashion, each person grows naturally, as does the entire organization. 




Just praising the Mystic Law to others is itself splendid propagation. Whether others decide to take faith is a separate issue. By simply talking to people about the Mystic Law, we receive benefit without fail. It is the same with sports or playing the piano in that by making continuous effort, one's ability develops in time. Likewise, in propagation, if we tell people about this Buddhism whenever the opportunity arise, our good fortune from doing so will protect our family and our descendants.
Those who tenaciously share Buddhism develop a foundation of good fortune as solid and strong as concrete. No devil can destroy it. Those who avoid propagation, however, no matter how high their organizational position, are as superficial as plated metal and at the crucial moment they will fall apart.  

引用元:法華経の智慧(5)/The wisdom of the lotus sutra vol Ⅴ p257-258














