この御書英語でどう言うの その(2) 〔#011〕


"'Joy' means that oneself and others together experience joy"

"both oneself and others together will take joy in their possession of wisdom and compassion( The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 146)"


The key point is this that joy is something we share with others.
To be concerned only with one's own happiness is egoism.
To claim you care only about the happiness of others is hypocrisy.
Genuin happiness is becoming happy together with others.


President Toda said: "Just becoming happy oneself- there's nothing difficult to that. It's easy. Helping others become happy is the foundation of our faith."

The earlier passage by the Daishoin plainly states that such happiness is gained by sharing wisdom and compassion, sharing the life of the Buddha.


To have wisdom but lack compassion is to lead a clothed and constricted life. That is not true wisdom. To possess compassion but lack wisdom and be foolish is to be of no help to anyone, including oneself. One who cannot help another does not know compassion at all.
『法華経の智慧』(第5巻)/The wisdom of the Lotus Sutra vol5

Nichiren states, “Both oneself and others together will take joy in their possession of wisdom and compassion” (The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 146). Our practice of Nichiren Buddhism and our organization for kosen-rufu exist so that we, and also others, may attain absolute happiness.

All kinds of things happen in life. There is sorrow, there is suffering. Every day, there are things we may find unpleasant or annoying. Married couples may sometimes quarrel, and some may go through painful divorces. Even if a couple does get along well, they may have a sick child or one of them may suffer illness. We face all kinds of sufferings and problems. How formidable are the challenges of living!

Faith is the engine that enables us to persevere in life to the very end.

Our Buddhist practice serves as the propulsive force for piercing through the clouds of suffering like a rocket and powerfully ascending higher and higher, without limit, to fly serenely through the skies of happiness.

When we chant Nam-myohorenge-kyo, hope and the strength to always live positively surge within us. Buddhism teaches that earthly desires—deluded impulses that are a cause of suffering—can be a springboard to enlightenment. Through faith in the Mystic Law, we can develop the ability to change all that is negative in our lives into something positive. We can transform all problems into happiness, sufferings into joy, anxiety into hope and worry into peace of mind. We will always be able to find a way forward.
「幸福と平和を創る智慧」/ The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace
