法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(勧持品第十三かんじほんだいじゅうさん/Encouraging Devotion )Chapter 13 〔#050〕



勧持品は英語で「Encouraging Devotion」と訳されます。


Encouragingは、 「勇気づける」とか「励まされる」とかの意味があります。






(爾時薬王菩薩摩訶薩 及大楽説菩薩摩訶薩 与二万菩薩眷属倶 皆於仏前 作是誓言 唯願世尊 不以為慮 我等於仏滅後 当奉持読誦 説此経典 後悪世衆生 善根転少 多増上慢 貪利供養 増不善根 遠離解脱 雖難可教化 我等当起大忍力 読誦此経 持説書写 種種供養 不惜身命)



At that time the bodhisattva mahasattva Medicine King, along with the bodhisattva mahasattva Great Joy of Preaching and twenty thousand bodhisattva followers who were accompanying them, all in the presence of the Buddha took this vow, saying: “We beg the world-honored one to have no further worry. After the Buddha has entered extinction we will honor, embrace, read, recite, and preach this sutra. Living beings in the evil age to come will have fewer and fewer good roots. Many will be overbearingly arrogant and greedy for offerings and other forms of gain, increasing the roots that are not good and moving farther away than ever from emancipation. But although it will be difficult to teach and convert them, we will summon up the power of great patience and will read and recite this sutra, embrace, preach, and copy it, offering it many kinds of alms and never begrudging our bodies or lives.”


(爾時衆中 五百阿羅漢 得受記者 白仏言 世尊 我等亦自誓願 於異国土 広説此経 復有学無学 八千人 得受記者 従座而起 合掌向仏 作是誓言 世尊我等亦当 於佗国土 広説此経 所以者何 是娑婆国中 人多弊悪 懐増上慢 功徳浅薄 瞋濁諂曲 心不実故)




At that time the five hundred arhats in the assembly who had received a prophecy of enlightenment said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, we too will make a vow. In lands other than this one we will broadly preach this sutra.”
Also there were eight thousand persons, some still learning, others with nothing more to learn, who had received a prophecy of enlightenment. They rose from their seats, pressed their palms together and, turning toward the Buddha, made this vow: “World-Honored One, we too in other lands will broadly preach p.230this sutra. Why? Because in this saha world the people are given to corruption and evil, beset by overbearing arrogance, shallow in blessings, irascible, muddled, fawning, and devious, and their hearts are not sincere.”


(爾時仏姨母 摩訶波闍波提比丘尼 与学無学比丘尼 六千人倶 従座而起 一心合掌 瞻仰尊顔 目不暫捨)


At that time the Buddha’s maternal aunt, the nun Mahaprajapati, and the six thousand nuns who accompanied her, some still learning, others with nothing more to learn, rose from their seats, pressed their palms together with a single mind, and gazed up at the face of the honored one, their eyes never leaving him for an instant.

(於時世尊 告憍曇弥 何故憂色 而視如来 汝心将無謂 我不説汝名 授阿耨多羅三藐三菩提記耶 憍曇弥 我先総説 一切声聞 皆已授記 今汝欲知記者 将来之世 当於六万八千億 諸仏法中 為大法師 及六千学無学比丘尼 倶為法師 汝如是漸漸 具菩薩道当得作仏 号一切 衆生喜見 如来 応供 正遍知 明行足 善逝 世間解 無上士 調御丈夫 天人師 仏 世尊 憍曇弥 是一切衆生喜見仏 及六千菩薩 転次授記 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提)



At that time the world-honored one said to Gautami, “Why do you look at the thus come one in that perplexed manner? In your heart are you perhaps worrying that I have failed to mention your name among those who have received a prophecy of the attainment of supreme perfect enlightenment? But Gautami, I earlier made a general statement saying that all the voice-hearers have received such a prophecy. Now if you would like to know the prophecy for you, I will say that in ages to come, amid the Law of sixty-eight thousands of millions of buddhas, you will be a great teacher of the Law, and the six thousand nuns, some still learning, some already sufficiently learned, will accompany you as teachers of the Law. In this manner you will bit by bit fulfill the way of the bodhisattva until you are able to become a buddha with the name Gladly Seen by All Living Beings Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, buddha, world-honored one. Gautami, this Gladly Seen by All Living Beings Buddha will confer a prophecy upon the six thousand bodhisattvas, to be passed from one to another, that they will attain supreme perfect enlightenment.”


(爾時羅睺羅母 耶輸陀羅比丘尼 作是念 世尊於授記中 独不説我名 仏告耶輸陀羅 汝於来世 百千万億 諸仏法中 修菩薩行 為大法師 漸具仏道 於善国中 当得作仏 号具足千万光相如来 応供 正遍知 明行足 善逝 世間解 無上士 調御丈夫 天人師 仏 世尊 仏寿無量阿僧祇劫)



At that time the mother of Rahula, the nun Yashodhara, thought to herself, The world-honored one in his bestowal of prophecies has failed to mention my name alone! The Buddha said to Yashodhara, “In future ages, amid the p.231Law of hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of buddhas, you will practice the deeds of a bodhisattva, will be a great teacher of the Law, and will gradually fulfill the buddha way. Then in a good land you will become a buddha named Endowed with a Thousand Ten Thousand Glowing Marks Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, buddha, world-honored one. The life span of this buddha will be immeasurable asamkhya kalpas.”

(爾時摩訶波闍波提比丘尼 及耶輸陀羅比丘尼并其眷属 皆大歓喜 得未曾有 即於仏前 而説偈言 世尊導師 安穏天人 我等聞記 心安具足)

「世尊導師よ、天人、人を安穏ならしめる 我ら受記を聞き 心安らかになる」と。

At that time the nun Mahaprajapati, the nun Yashodhara, and their followers were all filled with great joy, having gained what they had never had before. Immediately in the presence of the Buddha they spoke in verse form, saying:
The world-honored one, leader and teacher, brings tranquillity to heavenly and human beings.We have heard these prophecies and our minds are peaceful and satisfied.


(諸比丘尼 説是偈已 白仏言 世尊 我等亦能 於佗方国土 広宣此経)



The nuns, having recited these verses, said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, we too will be able to go to lands in other directions and broadly propagate this sutra.” 


(爾時世尊 視八十万億那由佗 諸菩薩摩訶薩 是諸菩薩 皆是阿惟越致 転不退法輪 得諸陀羅尼 即従座起 至於仏前 一心合掌 而作是念 若世尊 告勅我等 持説此経者 当如仏教 広宣斯法 復作是念 仏今黙然 不見告勅 我当云何 時諸菩薩 敬順仏意 并欲自満本願 便於仏前 作師子吼 而発誓言 世尊 我等於如来滅後 周旋往返 十方世界 能令衆生 書写此経 受持読誦 解説其義 如法修行 正憶念 皆是仏之威力 唯願世尊 在於佗方 遥見守護)








At that time the world-honored one looked at the eight hundred thousand million nayutas of bodhisattvas mahasattva. These bodhisattvas had all reached the level of non-regression, turned the unregressing wheel of the Law, and had gained dharanis. They rose from their seats, advanced before the Buddha and, pressing their palms together with a single mind, thought to themselves, If the world-honored one should order us to embrace and preach this sutra, we would do as the Buddha instructed and broadly propagate this Law. And then they thought to themselves, But the Buddha now is silent and gives us no such order. What shall we do?

At that time the bodhisattvas, respectfully complying with the Buddha’s will and at the same time wishing to fulfill their own original vows, proceeded in the presence of the Buddha to roar the lion’s roar and to make a vow, saying:

World-Honored One, after the thus come one has entered extinction we will travel here and there, back and forth through the worlds in the ten directions so as to enable living beings to copy this sutra, to receive, embrace, read, and recite it, understand and preach its principles, practice it in accordance with the Law, and properly keep it in their thoughts. All this will be done through the Buddha’s power and authority. We beg that the world-honored one, though in another region, will look on from afar and guard and protect us.”

(即時諸菩薩 倶同発声 而説偈言)  


At that time the bodhisattvas joined their voices together and spoke in verse form, saying:


二十行の偈(にじゅうぎょうのげ/twenty-line verse

(唯願不為慮 於仏滅度後 恐怖悪世中 我等当広説)  


We beg you not to worry.After the Buddha has passed into extinction,in an age of fear and evil we will preach far and wide.

(有諸無智人 悪口罵詈等 及加刀杖者 我等皆当忍)  


There will be many ignorant people who will curse and speak ill of us and will attack us with swords and staves, but we will endure all these things.

(悪世中比丘 邪智心諂曲 未得謂為得 我慢心充満) 

悪世の中の比丘は 邪な智恵があって心が曲がっており、まだ得ていないのを得たと思いこみ、自身に執着する心が充満し、

In that evil age there will be monks with perverse wisdom and hearts that are fawning and crooked who will suppose they have attained what they have not attained, being proud and boastful in heart.

(或有阿練若 納衣在空閑 自謂行真道 軽賎人間者)


Or there will be forest-dwelling monks wearing clothing of patched rags and living in retirement,who will claim they are practicing the true way, despising and looking down on all humankind.
(貪著利養故 与白衣説法 為世所恭敬 如六通羅漢)


Greedy for profit and support, they will preach the Law to white-robed laymen and will be respected and revered by the world as though they were arhats who possess the six transcendental powers.
(是人懐悪心 常念世俗事 仮名阿練若 好出我等過)


These men with evil in their hearts, constantly thinking of worldly affairs, will borrow the name of forest-dwelling monks and take delight in proclaiming our faults,
(而作如是言 此諸比丘等 為貪利養故 説外道論議)

saying things like this: “These monks are greedy for profit and support and therefore they preach non-Buddhist doctrines

(自作此経典 誑惑世間人 為求名聞故 分別説是経)


and fabricate their own scriptures to delude the people of the world. Because they hope to gain fame and renown thereby they make distinctions when preaching this sutra.”
(常在大衆中 欲毀我等故 向国王大臣 婆羅門居士 及余比丘衆 誹謗説我悪 謂是邪見人 説外道論議)

Because in the midst of great assemblies they constantly try to defame us, they will address the rulers, high ministers, Brahmans, and householders, as well as the other monks, slandering and speaking evil of us, saying, “These are men of perverted views who preach non-Buddhist doctrines!”
(我等敬仏故 悉忍是諸悪 為斯所軽言 汝等皆是仏)



But because we revere the Buddha we will bear all these evils. Though they treat us with contempt, saying, “You are all no doubt buddhas!”

(如此軽慢言 皆当忍受之 濁劫悪世中 多有諸恐怖)


all such words of arrogance and contempt we will endure and accept. In a muddied kalpa, in an evil age, there will be many things to fear.
(悪鬼入其身 罵詈毀辱我 我等敬信仏 当著忍辱鎧)


Evil demons will take possession of others and through them curse, revile, and heap shame on us.But we, reverently trusting in the Buddha, will put on the armor of perseverance.
(為説是経故 忍此諸難事 我不愛身命 但惜無上道)

In order to preach this sutra we will bear these difficult things.We care nothing for our bodies or lives but are anxious only for the unsurpassed way.

(我等於来世 護持仏所嘱 世尊自当知 濁世悪比丘)

In ages to come we will protect and uphold what the Buddha has entrusted to us. This the world-honored one must know. The evil monks of that muddied age,

(不知仏方便 随宜所説法 悪口而顰蹙 数数見擯出)


failing to understand the Buddha’s expedient means, how he preaches the Law in accordance with what is appropriate, will confront us with foul language and angry frowns; again and again we will be banished

(遠離於塔寺 如是等衆悪 念仏告勅故 皆当忍是事)

to a place far removed from towers and temples. All these various evils, because we keep in mind the Buddha’s orders, we will endure.
(諸聚落城邑 其有求法者 我皆到其所 説仏所嘱法)


If in the settlements and towns there are those who seek the Law, we will go to wherever they are and preach the Law entrusted to us by the Buddha.
(我是世尊使 処衆無所畏 我当善説法 願仏安穏住)

We will be envoys of the world-honored one, facing the assemblies without fear. We will preach the Law with skill, for we desire the Buddha to rest in tranquillity. 

(我於世尊前 諸来十方仏 発如是誓言 仏自知我心)


In the presence of the world-honored one and of the buddhas who have gathered from the ten directions we proclaim this vow. The Buddha must know what is in our hearts. 














それを二十行の偈(にじゅうぎょうのげ/twenty-line verse )として伝えています。

ちなみに、これを3種類に分類したのが三類の強敵(さんるいのごうてき/three powerful enemies)といいます。(詳しくは省略)





勧持品おわり! 次は安楽行品です。

