法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(安楽行品第十四あんらくぎょうほんだいじゅうよん/Peaceful Practices)Chapter 14 〔#051〕




英語では「Peaceful Practices」と訳されるようです。

Peaceful は「穏やかな」とか「平穏な」という意味になりますが、果たしてこのピースフルな修行とはどんな修行のことを指すのでしょうか。




今回は、その続きです。また、今回のストーリーには譬え話が一つ入っており、「髻中明珠(けいちゅうみょうしゅ) の譬え」と呼ばれています。どのような内容なのかもご確認ください。



Q: 文殊からの質問

(爾時 文殊師利法王子菩薩摩訶薩 白仏言 世尊 是諸菩薩 甚為難有 敬順仏故 発大誓願 於後悪世 護持読誦 説是法華経 世尊 菩薩摩訶薩 於後悪世 云何能説是経)



At that time Manjushri, Dharma prince, bodhisattva mahasattva, said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, these bodhisattvas undertake something that is very difficult. Because they revere and obey the Buddha, they have taken a great vow that in the evil age hereafter they will guard, uphold, read, recite, and preach this Lotus Sutra. World-Honored One, in the evil age hereafter, how should the bodhisattvas mahasattva go about preaching this sutra?”

A: 釈尊からの答え (四つの安楽行/four peaceful practices)

(仏告文殊師利 若菩薩摩訶薩 於後悪世 欲説是経 当安住四法)

The Buddha said to Manjushri: “If the bodhisattvas mahasattva in the evil age hereafter wish to preach this sutra, they should abide by four rules.

1)身安楽行/ the peaceful practice of the body

(一者安住菩薩行処 親近処 能為衆生 演説是経)





 First, they should abide by the practices and associations proper for bodhisattvas so that they can expound this sutra for the sake of living beings. Manjushri, what do I mean by the practices of a bodhisattva mahasattva? If a bodhisattva mahasattva takes his stand on perseverance, is gentle and compliant, never violent, and never alarmed in mind; and if with regard to phenomena he takes no action but observes the true aspect of phenomena without acting or making any distinction, then this I call the practices of a bodhisattva mahasattva.


(云何名菩薩摩訶薩親近処 菩薩摩訶薩 不親近国王王子 大臣官長 不親近諸外道 梵志 尼犍子等 及造世俗文筆 讃詠外書 及路伽耶陀。逆路伽耶陀者。亦不親近。諸有凶戲。相扠相撲。及那羅等。種種変現之戲。又不親近旃陀羅。及畜猪羊鶏狗。畋猟漁捕。諸悪律儀。如是人等。或時来者。則為説法。無所 望。又不親近求声聞。比丘。比丘尼。優婆塞。優婆夷。亦不問訊。若於房中。若経行処。若在講堂中。不共住止。或時来者。随宜説法。無所 求。







“As for the associations proper for them, bodhisattvas mahasattva should not associate closely with rulers, princes, high ministers, or heads of offices. They should not associate closely with non-Buddhists, Brahmans, or Jains, or with those who compose works of secular literature or books extolling the non-Buddhists, nor should they be closely associated with Lokayatas or Anti-Lokayatas. They should not be closely associated with hazardous amusements, boxing, or wrestling, or with actors or others engaged in various kinds of illusionary entertainments, or with chandalas, persons engaged in raising pigs, sheep, chickens, or dogs, or those who engage in hunting or fishing or other evil activities. If such persons at times come to them, then they may preach the Law for them, but they should expect nothing from it. Again they should not associate with monks, nuns, laymen, or laywomen who seek to become voice-hearers, nor should they question or visit them. They should not stay with them in the same room, or in the place of exercise, or in the lecture hall. If at times they come to them, they may preach the Law in accordance with what is appropriate, but should expect nothing from it.
(文殊師利 又菩薩摩訶薩 不応於女人身 取能生欲想相 而為説法 亦不楽見 若入佗家 不与小女 処女寡女等共語 亦復不近 五種不男之人 以為親厚 不独入佗家 若有因縁 須独入時 但一心念仏 若為女人説法 不露歯笑 不現胸臆 乃至為法 猶不親厚 況復余事 不楽畜年小弟子 沙弥小児 亦不楽与同師 常好坐禅 在於閑処 修摂其心 文殊師利 是名初親近処)








“Manjushri, the bodhisattva mahasattva should not, when preaching the Law to women, do so in a manner that could arouse thoughts of desire in them, nor should he delight in seeing them. If he enters the house of another person, he should not engage in talk with the young girls, unmarried women, or widows. Nor should he go near the five types of unmanly men or have any close dealings with them. He should not enter another person’s house alone. If for some reason it is imperative to enter alone, he should concentrate his whole mind on thoughts of the Buddha. If he should preach the Law for a woman, he should not bare his teeth in laughter or let his chest become exposed. He should not have any intimate dealings with her even for the sake of the Law, much less for any other purpose.“He should not delight in nurturing underage disciples, shramaneras, or children, and should not delight in sharing the same teacher with them. He should constantly take pleasure in sitting in meditation, and being in quiet surroundings learn to still his mind. Manjushri, these are what I call the things he should first of all associate himself with.


(復次菩薩摩訶薩 観一切法空 如実相 不顛倒 不動 不退 不転 如虚空 無所有性 一切語言道断 不生 不出 不起 無名 無相 実無所有 無量 無辺 無礙 無障 但以因縁有 従顛倒生 故説常楽観如是法相 是名菩薩摩訶薩第二親近処)





 “Next, the bodhisattva mahasattva should view all phenomena as empty, that being their true aspect. They do not turn upside down, do not move, do not regress, do not revolve. They are like empty space, without innate nature, beyond the reach of all words. They are not born, do not emerge, do not arise. They are without name, without form, without true being. They are without volume, without limits, without hindrance, without barriers. It is only through causes and conditions that they exist, but because of upside-downness, errors are born. Therefore I say that he should constantly delight in viewing the aspect of phenomena as this. This is what I call the second thing that the bodhisattva mahasattva should associate himself with.”


(2)口安楽行/the peaceful practice of the mouth

(又文殊師利 如来滅後 於末法中 欲説是経 応住安楽行)


“Furthermore, Manjushri, after the thus come one has passed into extinction, in the Latter Day of the Law, if a person wishes to preach this sutra, he should abide by these peaceful practices.

(若口宣説 若読経時 不楽説人 及経典過 亦不軽慢 諸余法師 不説佗人 好悪長短 於声聞人 亦不称名 説其過悪 亦不称名 讃歎其美 又亦不生 怨嫌之心 善修如是安楽心故 諸有聴者 不逆其意 有所難問 不以小乗法答 但以大乗 而為解説 令得一切種智)



声聞の人の名前をあげ、その過ちや悪を説いてはいけません。また、その名前をあげて美点を褒めたたえてはいけません。 また、怨んだり嫌ったりする心をおこしてはいけません。



When he opens his mouth to expound or when he reads the sutra, he should not delight in speaking of the faults of other people or scriptures. He should not display contempt for other teachers of the Law or speak of the good or bad, the strong or weak points of others. With regard to the voice-hearers he should not refer to them by name and describe their faults, or name them and praise their good points. Also he should not allow his mind to become filled with resentment or hatred. Because he is good at cultivating this kind of peaceful mind, his listeners will not oppose his ideas. If he is asked difficult questions, he should not reply in terms of the teachings of the lesser vehicle. He should explain things solely in terms of the great vehicle so that people will be able to acquire wisdom embracing all species.”


(3)意安楽行/peaceful practice of the mind

(又文殊師利 菩薩摩訶薩 於後末世 法欲滅時 受持読誦 斯経典者 無懐嫉妬 諂誑之心 亦勿軽罵 学仏道者 求其長短)



“Also, Manjushri, if a bodhisattva mahasattva in the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish, should accept and embrace, read and recite this sutra, he must not harbor a mind marked by jealousy, fawning, or deceit. And he must not be contemptuous of or revile those who study the buddha way or seek out their shortcomings.

(若比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 求声聞者 求辟支仏者 求菩薩道者 無得悩之 令其疑悔 語其人言 汝等去道甚遠 終不能得 一切種智 所以者何 汝是放逸之人 於道懈怠故)


“If there are monks, nuns, laymen, or laywomen who seek to become voice-hearers, seek to become pratyekabuddhas, or seek the bodhisattva way, one must not trouble them by causing them to have doubts or regrets, by saying to them, ‘You are far removed from the way and in the end will never be able to attain wisdom embracing all species. Why? Because you are self-indulgent and willful people who are negligent of the way!’

(又亦不応 戲論諸法 有所諍競 当於一切衆生 起大悲想 於諸如来 起慈父想 於諸菩薩 起大師想 於十方諸大菩薩 常応深心 恭敬礼拜 於一切衆生 平等説法 以順法故 不多不少 乃至深愛法者 亦不為多説)




“Also one should never engage in frivolous debate over the various doctrines or dispute or wrangle over them. With regard to all living beings one should think of them with great compassion. With regard to the thus come ones, think of them as kindly fathers; with regard to the bodhisattvas, think of them as great teachers. Toward the great bodhisattvas of the ten directions at all times maintain a serious mind, paying them due reverence and obeisance. To all living beings preach the Law in an equitable manner. Because a person is heedful of the Law, that does not mean one should vary the amount of preaching. Even to those who show a profound love for the Law one should not on that account preach at greater length.

(文殊師利 是菩薩摩訶薩 於後末世 法欲滅時 有成就 是第三安楽行者 説是法時 無能悩乱 得好同学 共読誦是経 亦得大衆 而来聴受 聴已能持 持已能誦 誦已能説 説已能書 若使人書 供養経巻 恭敬尊重讃歎)



“Manjushri, if among these bodhisattvas mahasattva there are those who in the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish, succeed in carrying out this third set of peaceful practices, then when they preach this Law they will be free of anxiety and confusion, and will find good fellow students to read and recite this sutra with. They will attract large assemblies of persons who come to listen and assent. After they have listened, they will embrace; after they have embraced, they will recite; after they have recited, they will preach; and after they have preached, they will copy, or will cause others to copy, and will present offerings to the sutra rolls, treating them with reverence, respect, and praise.”

(4)誓願安楽行/the peaceful practice of vows

(又文殊師利 菩薩摩訶薩 於後末世 法欲滅時 有受持法華経者 於在家出家人中 生大慈心 於非菩薩人中 生大悲心 応作是念 如是之人 則為大失 如来方便 随宜説法 不聞不知不覚  不問不信不解 其人雖不問 不信不解是経 我得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提時 随在何地 以神通力 智慧力 引之令得 住是法中

また文殊師利よ、菩薩が末世において法が滅びようとする時に法華経を受持する者は、 在家、出家の人に大慈の心を生じさせ、 菩薩でない人の中では大悲の心を生じさせてこのように思いなさい。「この人は、如来が方便や随宜での教えているのを、 聞かず、知らず、気が付かず、問わず、信ぜず、理解しないのだと。この人がこの経を問わず、信ぜず、理解しなくても、、私が最極の完全なる智慧を得た時には、どこにいようと、神通力、智慧力をもって、これを引いてこの法の中にとどまらせよう」と。

“Manjushri, if among these bodhisattvas mahasattva there are those who in the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish, accept and embrace the Lotus Sutra, toward believers who are still in the household or those who have left the household they should cultivate a mind of great compassion, and toward those who are not bodhisattvas they should also cultivate a mind of great compassion, and should think to themselves: These people have lost much. Though the thus come one as an expedient means preached the Law in accordance with what is appropriate, they do not listen, do not know, do not realize, do not inquire, do not believe, do not understand. But although these people do not inquire about, do not believe, and do not understand this sutra, when I have attained supreme perfect enlightenment, wherever I may happen to be, I will employ my transcendental powers and the power of wisdom to draw them to me and cause them to abide in this Law.

(文殊師利 是菩薩摩訶薩 於如来滅後 有成就 此第四法者 説是法時 無有過失 常為比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 国王王子 大臣人民 婆羅門居士等 供養恭敬 尊重讃歎 虚空諸天 為聴法故 亦常随侍 若在聚落城邑 空閑林中 有人来欲難問者 諸天昼夜 常為法故 而衛護之 能令聴者 皆得歓喜 所以者何 此経是一切 過去未来現在 諸仏神力 所護故 文殊師利 是法華経於無量国中 乃至名字 不可得聞 何況得見 受持読誦)

文殊師利よ、この菩薩が如来の滅後においてこの第四の法を成し遂げるようとする者は、この法を説こうとする時、過ちがあることはないでしょう。 常に出家男女、在家男女、国王、王子、大臣、人民、婆羅門、居士らに供養され、恭敬され、尊重され、讃嘆されるでしょう。




文殊師利よ、この法華経は数え切れない国の中で名すら聞くことができないのです。 ましてや、見て受持し読誦することなどはなおさらなのです。 

“Manjushri, after the thus come one has entered extinction, if among these bodhisattvas mahasattva there are those who succeed in carrying out this fourth set of rules, then when they preach the Law they will commit no error. Monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, rulers, princes, great ministers, common people, Brahmans, and householders will constantly offer them alms and will revere, respect, and praise them. The heavenly beings in the sky, in order to listen to the Law, will constantly follow and attend them. If they are in a settlement or town or in a quiet and deserted place or a forest and people come and want to ask them difficult questions, the heavenly beings day and night will for the sake of the Law constantly guard and protect them and will cause all the listeners to rejoice. Why? Because this sutra is protected by the supernatural powers of all the buddhas of the past, future, and present.“Manjushri, as for this Lotus Sutra, throughout immeasurable numbers of lands one cannot even hear its name, much less be able to see it, accept and embrace, read and recite it.

髻中明珠の譬え(けいちゅうみょうしゅのたとえ/parable of the bright jewel in the topknot)


(文殊師利 譬如強力 転輪聖王 欲以威勢 降伏諸国 而諸小王 不順其命 時転輪王 起種種兵 而往討伐 王見兵衆 戦有功者 即大歓喜 随功賞賜 或与田宅 聚落城邑 或与衣服厳身之具 或与種種珍宝 金 銀 瑠璃  碼碯 珊瑚 琥珀 象馬車乗 奴婢人民 唯髻中明珠 不以与之 所以者何 独王頂上 有此一珠 若以与之 王諸眷属 必大驚怪)



Manjushri, suppose, for example, that there is a powerful wheel-turning sage king who wants to use his might to subdue other countries, but the petty rulers will not heed his commands. At that time the wheel-turning king calls up his various troops and sets out to attack. If the king sees any of his fighting forces who have won distinction in battle, he is greatly delighted and immediately rewards the persons in accordance with their merits, handing out fields, houses, settlements, and towns, or robes and personal adornments, or perhaps giving out various precious objects such as gold, silver, lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, coral, or amber, or elephants, horses, carriages, men and women servants, and people. Only the bright jewel that is in his topknot he does not give away. Why? Because this one jewel exists only on the top of the king’s head, and if he were to give it away, his followers would be certain to express great consternation and alarm.

(文殊師利 如来亦復 如是 以禅定智慧力 得法国土 王於三界 而諸魔王 不肯順伏 如来賢聖諸将 与之共戦 其有功者 心亦歓喜 於四衆中 為説諸経 令其心悦 賜以禅定 解脱 無漏根力 諸法之財 又復賜与 涅槃之城 言得滅度 引導其心 令皆歓喜而不為説 是法華経)

文殊師利よ、如来もまた、このようなものなのです。 禅定や智慧の力によって、法の国土を得た三界の王なのです。 しかし、諸々の魔王はあえて従わず、降伏しない。 如来は賢聖の諸将と共に戦い、その功ある者に喜び、 四衆に諸経を説き悦ばせ、禅定、解脱、無漏根力という諸法の財を与え、また悟りの城を賜与して滅度を得たりと言ってその心を導き皆を歓喜させるのです。


“Manjushri, the thus come one is like this. He uses the power of meditation and wisdom to win Dharma lands and become king of the threefold world. But the devil kings are unwilling to obey and submit. The worthy and sage military leaders of the thus come one engage them in battle, and when any of the Buddha’s soldiers achieve distinction, the Buddha is delighted in heart and in the midst of the four kinds of believers he preaches various sutras, causing their hearts to be joyful. He bestows upon them meditations, emancipations, faculties that are free of outflows, powers, and other treasures of the Law. He also bestows upon them the city of nirvana, telling them that they have attained extinction, guiding their minds and causing them all to rejoice. But he does not preach the Lotus Sutra to them.

(文殊師利 如転輪王 見諸兵衆 有大功者 心甚歓喜 以此難信之珠 久在髻中 不妄与人 而今与之 如来亦復如是 於三界中 為大法王 以法教化 一切衆生 見賢聖軍 与五陰魔 煩悩魔 死魔共戦 有大功勲 滅三毒 出三界 破魔網 爾時如来 亦大歓喜 此法華経 能令衆生 至一切智 一切世間 多怨難信 先所未説 而今説之)





“Manjushri, when the wheel-turning king sees someone among his soldiers who has gained truly great distinction, he is so delighted in heart that he takes that unbelievably fine jewel that has been in his topknot for so long and has never been recklessly given away, and now gives it to the man. And the thus come one does the same. In the threefold world he acts as the great Dharma king. He uses the Law to teach and convert all living beings, and watches his worthy and sage armies as they battle with the devils of the five components, the devils of earthly desires, and the death devil. And when they have won great distinction and merit, wiping out the three poisons, emerging from the threefold world, and destroying the nets of the devils, at that time the thus come one is filled with great joy. This Lotus Sutra is capable of causing living beings to attain comprehensive wisdom. It will face much hostility in the world and be difficult to believe. It has not been preached before, but now I preach it.

(文殊師利 此法華経 是諸如来 第一之説 於諸説中 最為甚深 末後賜与 如 彼強力之王 久護明珠 今乃与之 文殊師利 此法華経 諸仏如来 秘密之蔵 於諸経中 最在其上 長夜守護 不妄宣説 始於今日 乃与汝等 而敷演之爾時世尊 欲重宣此義 而説偈言)



“Manjushri, this Lotus Sutra is foremost among all that is preached by the thus come ones. Among all that is preached it is the most profound. And it is given at the very last, the way that powerful ruler did when he took the bright jewel he had guarded for so long and finally gave it away.
“Manjushri, this Lotus Sutra is the secret storehouse of the buddhas, the thus come ones. Among the sutras, it holds the highest place. Through the long night I have guarded and protected it and have never recklessly propagated it. But today for the first time I expound it for your sake.”













