法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(分別功徳品第十七ふんべつくどくほんだいじゅうなな/Distinctions in Benefits)Chapter 17 〔#054〕






(爾時大会 聞仏説 寿命劫数 長遠如是 無量無辺 阿僧祇衆生 得大饒益)


At that time, when the great assembly heard the Buddha describe how his life span lasted such a very long number of kalpas, immeasurable, boundless asamkhyas of living beings gained a great many rich benefits.

(於時世尊 告弥勒菩薩摩訶薩 阿逸多 我説是如来 寿命長遠時 六百八十万億 那由佗 恒河沙衆生 得無生法忍 復有千倍菩薩摩訶薩 得聞持陀羅尼門 復有一世界 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 得楽説無礙弁才 復有一世界 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 得百千万億 無量旋陀羅尼 復有三千大千世界 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 能転不退法輪 復有二千中国土 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 能転清浄法輪 復有小千国土 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 八生当得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 復有四四天下 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 四生当得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 復有三四天下 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 三生当得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 復有二四天下 微塵数菩薩摩訶薩 二生当得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 復有一四天下 微塵数 菩薩摩訶薩 一生当得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 復有八世界 微塵数衆生 皆発阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心)



At that time the world-honored one said to the bodhisattva mahasattva Maitreya: “Ajita, when I described how the life span of the thus come one lasts for such an exceedingly long time


living beings numerous as the sands of six hundred and eighty ten thousands, millions, nayutas of Ganges Rivers attained the truth of birthlessness


And bodhisattvas mahasattva a thousand times more in number gained the dharani teaching that allows them to retain all that they hear.


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of an entire world gained the eloquence that allows them to speak pleasingly and without hindrance.


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of an entire world gained dharanis that allow them to retain hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions, immeasurable repetitions of the teachings.


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of a major world system were able to turn the unregressing wheel of the Law.


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of an intermediate world system were able to turn the pure wheel of the Law.


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of a minor world system gained assurance that they would attain supreme perfect enlightenment after eight rebirths.

And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of four four-continent worlds gained assurance that they would attain supreme perfect enlightenment after four rebirths.


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of three four-continent worlds gained assurance that they would attain supreme perfect enlightenment after three rebirths.


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of two four-continent worlds gained assurance that they would attain supreme perfect enlightenment after two rebirths


And bodhisattvas mahasattva numerous as the dust particles of one four-continent world gained assurance that they would attain supreme perfect enlightenment after one rebirth.


And living beings numerous as the dust particles of eight worlds were all moved to set their minds upon supreme perfect enlightenment.

(仏説是諸菩薩摩訶薩 得大法利時 於虚空中 雨曼陀羅華 摩訶曼陀羅華 以散無量 百千万億 宝樹下 師子座上諸仏 并散七宝塔中 師子座上 釈迦牟尼仏 及久滅度 多宝如来 亦散一切 諸大菩薩 及四部衆 又雨細抹 栴檀沈水香等 於虚空中 天鼓自鳴 妙声深遠 又雨千種天衣 垂諸瓔珞 真珠瓔珞 摩尼珠瓔珞 如意珠瓔珞 遍於九方 衆宝香炉 焼無価香 自然周至 供養大会 一一仏上 有諸菩薩 執持旛蓋 次第而上 至于梵天 是諸菩薩 以妙音声 歌無量頌 讃歎諸仏)



When the Buddha announced that these bodhisattvas mahasattva had gained the great benefits of the Law, from the midst of the air mandarava flowers and great mandarava flowers rained down, scattering over the immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of buddhas who were seated on lion seats under jeweled trees, and also scattering over Shakyamuni Buddha, and over Many Treasures Thus Come One, who long ago entered extinction, both of whom were seated on lion seats in the tower of seven treasures. They also scattered over all the great bodhisattvas and the four kinds of believers. In addition, finely powdered sandalwood and aloes rained down, and in the midst of the air heavenly drums sounded of their own accord, wonderful notes deep and far-reaching. And a thousand varieties of heavenly robes rained down, draped with various necklaces, pearl necklaces, mani jewel necklaces, necklaces of wish-granting jewels, spreading everywhere in nine directions. In jewel-encrusted censers priceless incenses burned, their fragrance of its own accord permeating everywhere as an offering to the great assembly. Above each one of the buddhas there appeared bodhisattvas holding banners and canopies, in rows reaching up to the Brahma heaven. These bodhisattvas employed their wonderful voices in singing immeasurable hymns of praise to the buddhas.

(爾時弥勒菩薩 従座而起 偏袒右肩 合掌向仏而説偈言)


At that time the bodhisattva Maitreya rose from his seat, bared his right shoulder and, pressing his palms together and facing the Buddha, spoke in verse form, saying:

(仏説希有法 昔所未曾聞 世尊有大力 寿命不可量 無数諸仏子 聞世尊分別 説得法利者 歓喜充遍身)


The Buddha preaches a rarely encountered Law,one never heard from times past. The world-honored one possesses great powers and his life span cannot be measured. The countless sons of the Buddha,hearing the world-honored one make distinctions and describe the benefits of the Law they will gain,
find their whole bodies filled with joy.

 ( ※そして、もう一度先ほどの12の功徳を弥勒なりにまとめて伝えます(省略)) 

(世尊説無量 不可思議法 多有所饒益 如虚空無辺)


The world-honored one preaches a Law that is immeasurable and cannot be fathomed, and those who benefit from it are many, as boundless as the open air.

(爾時仏告 弥勒菩薩摩訶薩 阿逸多 其有衆生 聞仏寿命 長遠如是 乃至能生 一念信解 所得功徳 無有限量 若有善男子 善女人 為阿耨多羅三藐三菩提故 於八十万億 那由佗劫 行五波羅蜜 檀波羅蜜 尸羅波羅蜜 提波羅蜜 毘梨耶波羅蜜 禅波羅蜜 除般若波羅蜜 以是功徳 比前功徳 百分千分 百千万億分 不及其一 乃至算数譬諭 所不能知..)



At that time the Buddha said to the bodhisattva mahasattva Maitreya: “Ajita, if there are living beings who, on hearing that the life span of the Buddha is of such long duration, are able to believe and understand it even for a moment, the benefits they gain thereby will be without limit or measure. Suppose there are good men or good women who, for the sake of supreme perfect enlightenment, over a period of eight hundred thousand million nayutas of kalpas practice the five paramitas—the paramitas of almsgiving, keeping of the precepts, forbearance, assiduousness, and meditation, the paramita of obtaining wisdom being omitted—the benefits they obtain will not measure up to even a hundredth part, a thousandth part, a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, millionth part of the benefits mentioned previously. Indeed, it is beyond the power of calculation, simile, or parable to convey the comparison...

(若人求仏慧 於八十万億 那由佗劫数 行五波羅蜜 於是諸劫中 布施供養仏 及縁覚弟子 并諸菩薩衆 珍異之飲食 上服与臥具 栴檀立精舎 以園林荘厳 如是等布施 種種皆微妙 尽此諸劫数 以回向仏道 若復持禁戒 清浄無欠漏 求於無上道 諸仏之所歎 若復行忍辱 住於調柔地 設衆悪来加 其心不傾動 諸有得法者 懐於増上慢 為斯所軽悩 如是亦能忍 若復勤精進 志念常堅固 於無量億劫 一心不懈怠 又於無数劫 住於空閑処 若坐若経行 除睡常摂心 以是因縁故 能生諸禅定 八十億万劫 安住心不乱 持此一心福 願求無上道 我得一切智 尽諸禅定際 是人於百千 万億劫数中 行此諸功徳 如上之所説) 


If someone seeking the buddha wisdom for a period of eight hundred thousand million nayutas of kalpas should practice the five paramitas, during all those kalpas distributing alms to the buddhas and to the cause-awakened ones and disciples and the multitude of bodhisattvas,


rare delicacies of food and drink, fine garments and articles of bedding, or building religious retreats of sandalwood adorned with gardens and groves; if he should distribute alms of many varieties, all refined and wonderful, and do this for the entire number of kalpas to express his devotion to the buddha way;


and if moreover he should keep the precepts, in purity and without omission or outflow, seeking the unsurpassed way, praised by the buddhas; and if he should practice forbearance, remaining in a posture of submission and gentleness, even when various evils are visited on him, not allowing his mind to be roused or swayed; when others, convinced they have gained the Law, harbor thoughts of overbearing arrogance and he is treated with contempt and vexed by them, if he can still endure it with patience

and if he is diligent and assiduous, ever firm in intent and thought, for immeasurable millions of kalpas single-minded, never lax or neglectful,

for countless kalpas dwelling in a deserted and quiet place; 

and if he practices sitting and walking exercises, banishing drowsiness, constantly regulating his mind,


and as a result of such actions is able to produce states of meditation, for eighty million ten thousand kalpas remaining calm, his mind never deranged;
and if he holds to the blessing of this single-mindedness and with it seeks the unsurpassed way, saying, “I will gain comprehensive wisdom and exhaust all the states of meditation!”If this person for a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million kalpas should carry out these meritorious practices as I have described above,
 (有善男女等 聞我説寿命 乃至一念信 其福過於彼 若人悉無有 一切諸疑悔 深心須臾信 其福為如此 其有諸菩薩 無量劫行道 聞我説寿命 是則能信受 如是諸人等 頂受此経典 願我於未来 長寿度衆生 如今日世尊 諸釈中之王 道場師子吼 説法無所畏 我等未来世 一切所尊敬 坐於道場時 説寿亦如是 若有深心者 清浄而質直 多聞能総持 随義解仏語 如是諸人等 於此無有疑)



still those good men and women who hear me describe my life span and believe it for even a moment win blessings that surpass those of such a person.
If a person is completely free of all doubt and regret, if in the depths of his mind he believes for one instant, his blessings will be such as this.

These bodhisattvas who have practiced the way for immeasurable kalpas

when they hear me describe my life span are able to believe and accept what I say.These people will gratefully accept this sutra, saying, “Our wish is that in future ages we may use our long lives to save living beings. Just as today the world-honored one, king of the Shakyas, roars like a lion in the place of enlightenment, preaching the Law without fear, so may we too in ages to come,

honored and revered by all, when we sit in the place of enlightenment
describe our life spans in the same manner.”
If there are those profound in mind, pure, honest, and upright, who, hearing much, can retain it all, who follow principle in understanding the Buddha’s words, then people such as this will have no doubts. 
(又阿逸多 若有聞仏 寿命長遠 解其言趣 是人所得功徳 無有限量 能起如来 無上之慧 何況広聞是経 若教人聞 若自持 若教人持 若自書 若教人書 若以華香瓔珞 幢旛繒蓋 香油蘇燈 供養経巻 是人功徳 無量無辺 能生一切種智)



“Furthermore, Ajita, if there is someone who, hearing of the long duration of the Buddha’s life span, can understand the import of such words, the benefits that such a person acquires will be without limit or measure, able to awaken in him the unsurpassed wisdom of the thus come one.

How much more so, then, if far and wide a person listens to this sutra or causes others to listen to it, embraces it himself or causes others to embrace it, copies it himself or causes others to copy it, or presents flowers, incense, necklaces, streamers, banners, silken canopies, fragrant oil, or lamps of butter oil as offerings to the sutra rolls. The benefits of such a person will be immeasurable, boundless, able to inspire in him the wisdom that embraces all species.

(阿逸多 若善男子 善女人 聞我説寿命長遠 深心信解 則為見仏 常在耆闍崛山 共大菩薩 諸声聞衆 囲繞説法 又見此娑婆世界 其地瑠璃 坦然平正 閻浮檀金 以界八道 宝樹行列 諸台楼観 皆悉宝成 其菩薩衆 咸処其中 若有能如是観者 当知是為 深信解相)


Ajita, if good men and good women, hearing me describe the great length of my life span, in the depths of their minds believe and understand, then they will see the Buddha constantly abiding on Mount Gridhrakuta, with the great bodhisattvas and multitude of voice-hearers surrounding him, preaching the Law. They will also see this saha world, its ground of lapis lazuli level and well ordered, the Jambunada gold bordering its eight highways, the rows of jeweled trees, the terraces, towers, and observatories all made of jewels, and all the multitude of bodhisattvas who live in their midst. If there are those who are able to see such things, you should know that it is a mark of their deep faith and understanding.

(又復如来滅後 若聞是経 而不毀  起随喜心 当知已為 深信解相 何況 読誦受持之者 斯人則為 頂戴如来 阿逸多 是善男子 善女人 不須為我 復起塔寺 及作僧坊 以四事供養衆僧 所以者何 是善男子 善女人 受持読誦 是経典者 為已起塔 造立僧坊 供養衆僧 則為以仏舎利 起七宝塔 高広漸小 至于梵天 縣諸旛蓋 及衆宝鈴 華香瓔珞 抹香塗香焼香 衆鼓伎楽 簫笛箜篌 種種舞戲 以妙音声 歌唄讃頌 則為已於 無量千万億劫 作是供養已)




Again, if after the thus come one has entered extinction there are those who hear this sutra and do not slander or speak ill of it but feel joy in their hearts, you should know that this is a sign that they have already shown deep faith and understanding. How much more in the case of persons who read, recite, and embrace this sutra! Such persons are in effect receiving the thus come one on the crown of their heads.
Ajita, these good men and good women need not for my sake erect towers and temples or build monks’ quarters or make the four kinds of offerings to the community of monks. Why? Because these good men and good women, in receiving, embracing, reading, and reciting this sutra, have already erected towers, constructed monks’ quarters, and given alms to the community p.282of monks. It should be considered that they have erected towers adorned with the seven treasures for the relics of the Buddha, broad at the base and tapering at the top, reaching to the Brahma heaven, hung with banners, canopies, and a multitude of jeweled bells, with flowers, incense, necklaces, powdered incense, paste incense, incense for burning, many kinds of drums, musical instruments, pipes, harps, and various types of dances and diversions, and with wonderful voices that sing and intone hymns of praise. It is as though they have already offered alms for immeasurable thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas.

(阿逸多 若我滅後 聞是経典 有能受持 若自書 若教人書 則為起立僧坊 以赤栴檀 作諸殿堂 三十有二 高八多羅樹 高広厳好 百千比丘 於其中止 園林浴池 経行禅窟 衣服飲食 牀蓐湯薬 一切楽具 充満其中 如是僧坊 堂閣若干 百千万億 其数無量 以此現前 供養於我 及比丘僧 是故我説 如来滅後 若有受持読誦 為佗人説 若自書 若教人書 供養経巻 不須復起塔寺 及造僧坊 供養衆僧 況復有人 能持是経 兼行布施 持戒 忍辱 精進 一心 智慧 其徳最勝 無量無辺 譬如虚空 東西南北 四維上下 無量無辺 是人功徳 亦復如是 無量無辺 疾至一切種智)




Ajita, if after I have entered extinction there are those who hear this sutra and can accept and uphold it, copy it themselves, or cause others to copy it, then it may be considered that they have already erected monks’ quarters, or used red sandalwood to construct thirty-two halls, as tall as eight tala trees, lofty, spacious, and beautifully adorned to accommodate hundreds and thousands of monks. Gardens, groves, pools, lakes, exercise grounds, caves for meditation, clothing, food, drink, beds, matting, medicines, and all kinds of utensils for comfort fill them, and these monks’ quarters and halls number in the hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions, and indeed are immeasurable in number. All these are presented before me as alms for me and the community of monks.

So I say, if after the thus come one enters extinction there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this sutra or preach it to others, who copy it themselves or cause others to copy it, or who offer alms to the sutra rolls, then they need not erect towers or temples or build monks’ quarters or offer alms to the community of monks. And how much more is this true of those who are able to embrace this sutra and at the same time dispense alms, keep the precepts, practice forbearance, and display diligence, single-mindedness, and wisdom! Their virtue will be uppermost, immeasurable and boundless as the open sky, east, west, north, and south, in the four intermediate directions, and up and down, is immeasurable and boundless. The blessings of such persons will be as immeasurable and boundless as this, and such persons will quickly attain the wisdom that embraces all species.
(若人読誦 受持是経 為佗人説 若自書若教人書 復能起塔 及造僧坊 供養讃歎 声聞衆僧 亦以百千万億 讃歎之法 讃歎菩薩功徳 又為佗人 種種因縁 随義解説 此法華経 復能清浄持戒 与柔和者 而共同止 忍辱無瞋 志念堅固 常貴坐禅 得諸深定 精進勇猛 摂諸善法 利根智慧 善答問難)

If a person reads, recites, accepts, and upholds this sutra or preaches it to others; if he copies it himself or causes others to copy it; and if he can erect towers, build monks’ quarters, offer alms and praise to the community of voice-hearers; if he can employ hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of modes of praise to praise the merits of the bodhisattvas; and if for the sake of others he employs various causes and conditions and accords with principle in explaining and preaching this Lotus Sutra; and if he can observe the precepts with purity, keep company with those who are gentle and peaceful, be forbearing and without anger, firm in intent and thought, constantly prizing the practice of sitting in meditation, attaining various states of profound meditation, diligent and courageous, mastering all the good doctrines, keen in faculties and wisdom, good at answering difficult questions—

(阿逸多 若我滅後 諸善男子 善女人 受持読誦 是経典者 復有如是 諸善功徳 当知是人 已趣道場 近阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 坐道樹下 阿逸多 是善男子 善女人 若坐若立 若経行処 此中便応起塔 一切天人 皆応供養 如仏之塔)

Ajita, if after I have entered extinction there are good men and good women who accept, uphold, read, and recite this sutra and have good merits such as these, you should know that they have already proceeded to the place of enlightenment and are drawing near to supreme perfect enlightenment as they sit beneath the tree of the way. Ajita, wherever these good men and good women sit or stand or circle about in exercise, there one should erect a tower, and all heavenly and human beings should offer alms to it as they would to the tower of the Buddha.” 










では! 次は随喜功徳品の登場です。
