法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(随喜功徳品第十八ずいきくどくほんだいじゅはち/The Benefits of Responding with Joy)Chapter 18 〔#055〕



随喜功徳品は英語で「The Benefits of Responding with Joy」といいます。

「Joy」はまさに「歓喜、嬉しさ」とあらわし、「Responding 」は「反応を示す、応えていく」というような意味ですので、




(爾時弥勒菩薩摩訶薩 白仏言 世尊 若有善男子 善女人 聞是法華経 随喜者 得幾所福)


At that time the bodhisattva mahasattva Maitreya said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, if there are good men or good women who, hearing this Lotus Sutra, respond with joy, what amount of blessings do they acquire?”


(爾時仏告 弥勒菩薩摩訶薩 阿逸多 如来滅後 若比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 及余智者 若長若幼 聞是経 随喜已 従法会出 至於余処 若在僧坊 若空閑地 若城邑巷陌 聚落田里 如其所聞 為父母宗親 善友知識 随力演説 是諸人等 聞已随喜 復行転教 余人聞已 亦随喜転教 如是展転 至第五十 阿逸多 其第五十 善男子 善女人 随喜功徳 我今説之 汝当善聴 )



At that time the Buddha said to the bodhisattva mahasattva Maitreya: “Ajita, after the thus come one has entered extinction, suppose there are monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, or other persons of wisdom, whether old or young, who, hearing this sutra, respond with joy and, leaving the Dharma assembly, go to some other place, perhaps a monks’ quarters, a spot that is deserted and quiet, a city, a community, a settlement, or a village, and there in accordance with what they have heard they put forth effort in preaching and expounding for the sake of their parents and relatives, their good friends and acquaintances. These people, after hearing, respond with joy and they too set about spreading the teachings. One person, having heard, responds with joy and spreads the teachings, and the teachings in this way continue to be handed along from one to another until they reach a fiftieth person.

Ajita, the benefits received by this fiftieth good man or good woman who responds with joy I will now describe to you—you must listen carefully.


(若四百万億 阿僧祇世界 六趣四生衆生 卵生 胎生 湿生 化生 若有形 無形 有想 無想 非有想 非無想 無足 二足 四足 多足 如是等在 衆生数者 有人求福 随其所欲 娯楽之具 皆給与之 一一衆生 与満閻浮提 金 銀 瑠璃   碼碯 珊瑚 琥珀 諸妙珍宝 及象馬車乗 七宝所成 宮殿楼閣等 是大施主 如是布施 満八十年已 而作是念 我已施衆生 娯楽之具 随意所欲 然此衆生 皆已衰老 年過八十 髪白面皺 将死不久 我当以仏法 而訓導之 即集此衆生 宣布法化 示教利喜 一時皆得 須陀 道 斯陀含道 阿那含道 阿羅漢道 尽諸有漏 於深禅定 皆得自在 具八解脱 於汝意云何 是大施主 所得功徳 寧為多不 )






Imagine all the beings in the six paths of existence of four hundred ten thousand million asamkhya worlds, all the four kinds of living beings, those born from the egg, those born from the womb, those born from dampness, and those born by transformation, those with form, those without form, those with thought, those without thought, those who are not with thought, those who are not without thought, those without legs, those with two legs, four legs, or many legs. And imagine that, among all this vast number of living beings, a person should come who is seeking blessings and, responding to their various desires, dispenses objects of amusement and playthings to all these living beings. Each one of these living beings is given gold, silver, lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, coral, amber, and other wonderful and precious gems, as well as elephants, horses, carriages, and palaces and towers made of the seven treasures, enough to fill a whole Jambudvipa. This great dispenser of charity, having handed out gifts in this manner for a full eighty years, then thinks to himself: I have already doled out objects of amusement and playthings to these living beings, responding to their various desires. But these living beings are now all old and decrepit, their years over eighty, their hair white, their faces wrinkled, and before long they will die. Now I should employ the Law of the Buddha to instruct and guide them.
“Immediately he gathers all the living beings together and propagates the Law among them, teaching, benefiting, and delighting them. In one moment all are able to attain the way of the stream-winner, the way of the once-returner, the way of the non-returner, and the way of the arhat, to exhaust all outflows and enter deeply into meditation. All attain freedom and become endowed with the eight emancipations. Now what is your opinion? Are the benefits gained by this great dispenser of charity many or not?”

(弥勒白仏言 世尊 是人功徳甚多 無量無辺 若是施主 但施衆生 一切楽具 功徳無量 何況令得 阿羅漢果)



Maitreya said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, this man’s benefits are very many indeed, immeasurable and boundless. Even if this dispenser of charity had merely given all those playthings to living beings, his benefits would still be immeasurable. And how much more so when he has enabled them to attain the fruits of arhatship!”

(仏告弥勒 我今分明語汝 是人以一切楽具 施於四百万億 阿僧祇世界 六趣衆生 又令得阿羅漢果 所得功徳 不如 是第五十人 聞法華経一偈 随喜功徳 百分 千分 百千万億分 不及其一 乃至算数譬諭 所不能知 阿逸多 如是第五十人 展転聞法華経 随喜功徳 尚無量無辺 阿僧祇 何況最初 於会中聞 而随喜者 其福復勝 無量無辺 阿僧祇 不可得比 又阿逸多 若人為是経故 往詣僧坊 若坐 若立 須臾聴受 縁是功徳 転身所生 得好上妙 象馬車乗 珍宝輦輿 及乗天宮 若復有人 於講法処坐 更有人来 勧令坐聴 若分座令坐 是人功徳 転身得帝釈坐処 若梵天王坐処 若転輪聖王 所坐之処)





The Buddha said to Maitreya: “I will now state the matter clearly for you. This man gave all these objects of amusement to the living beings in the six paths of existence of four hundred ten thousand million asamkhya worlds and also made it possible for them to attain the fruits of arhatship. But the benefits that he gains do not match the benefits of the fiftieth person who hears just one verse of the Lotus Sutra and responds with joy. They are not equal to one hundredth, one thousandth, one part in a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, a million. Indeed it is beyond the power of calculation, simile, or parable to express the comparison.
“Ajita, the benefits gained by even the fiftieth person who hears the Lotus Sutra as it is handed along to him and responds with joy are immeasurable, boundless asamkhyas in number. How much greater then are those of the very first person in the assembly who, on hearing the sutra, responds with joy! His blessings are greater by an immeasurable, boundless asamkhya number, and are in fact incomparable.
“Moreover, Ajita, suppose a person for the sake of this sutra visits a monks’ quarters and, sitting or standing, even for a moment listens to it and accepts it. As a result of the benefits so obtained, when he is reborn in his next existence he will enjoy the finest, most superior and wonderful elephants, horses, and carriages, and palanquins decked with rare treasures, and will mount up to the heavenly palaces. Or suppose there is a person who is sitting in the place where the Law is expounded, and when another person appears, the first person urges him to sit down and listen, or offers to share his seat and so persuades him to sit down. The benefits gained by this person will be such that when he is reborn he will be in a place where the lord Shakra is seated, where the heavenly king Brahma is seated, or where a wheel-turning sage king is seated
(阿逸多 若復有人 語余人言 有経名法華 可共往聴 即受其教 乃至須臾間聞 是人功徳 転身得与 陀羅尼菩薩 共生一処 利根智慧 百千万世 終不.. 口気不臭 舌常無病 口亦無病 歯不垢黒 不黄不疎 亦不欠落 不差不曲 脣不下垂 亦不.縮 不麁渋 不瘡. 亦不欠壞 亦不.邪 不厚不大 亦不.黒 無諸可悪 鼻不.. 亦不曲戻 面色不黒 亦不狭長 亦不.曲 無有一切 不可喜相 脣舌牙歯 悉皆厳好 鼻脩高直 面貌円満 眉高而長 額広平正 人相具足 世世所生 見仏聞法 信受教誨 阿逸多 汝且観是 勧於一人 令往聴法 功徳如此 何況一心 聴説読誦 而於大衆 為人分別 如説修行) 






“Ajita, suppose there is a person who speaks to another person, saying, ‘There is a sutra called the Lotus. Let us go together and listen to it.’ And suppose, having been urged, the other person goes and even for an instant listens to the sutra. The benefits of the first person will be such that when he is reborn he will be born in the same place as dharani bodhisattvas. He will have keen faculties and wisdom. For a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand ages he will never be struck dumb. His mouth will not emit a foul odor. His tongue will never be afflicted, nor will his mouth be afflicted. His teeth will not be stained or black, nor will they be yellow or widely spaced, nor will they be missing or fall out or be at an angle or crooked. His lips will not droop down or curl back or be rough or chapped or afflicted with sores or misshapen or twisted or too thick or too big or black or discolored or unsightly in any way. His nose will not be too broad or flat or crooked or too highly arched. His face will not be swarthy, nor will it be long and narrow, or sunken and distorted. He will not have a single unsightly feature. His lips, tongue, and teeth will all be handsomely proportioned. His nose will be long and high, his face round and full, his eyebrows long and set high, his forehead broad, smooth, and well shaped, and he will be endowed with all the features proper to a human being. In each existence he is born into, he will see the Buddha, hear his Law, and have faith in his teachings.


“Ajita, just observe! The benefits gained merely by encouraging one person to go and listen to the Law are such as this! How much more, then, if one single-mindedly hears, preaches, reads, and recites the sutra and before the great assembly makes distinctions for the sake of people and practices it as the sutra instructs!”









随喜功徳品おわり!次は法師功徳品です! では!

