法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(妙音菩薩品第二十四みょうおんぼさつほんだいにじゅうし/The Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound)Chapter 24 〔#061〕

妙音とは英語で「Wonderful Sound」、素晴らしい音と訳されるようです。





(世尊 我当往詣 娑婆世界 礼拜親近供養 釈迦牟尼仏 及見文殊師利法王子菩薩 薬王菩薩 勇施菩薩 宿王華菩薩 上行意菩薩 荘厳王菩薩 薬上菩薩)


 “World-Honored One, I must journey to the saha world to do obeisance, wait on, and offer alms to Shakyamuni Buddha, and to see Bodhisattva Manjushri, prince of the Dharma, Bodhisattva Medicine King, Bodhisattva Brave Donor, Bodhisattva Constellation King Flower, Bodhisattva Superior Practices Intent, Bodhisattva Adorned King, and Bodhisattva Medicine Superior.”

(爾時浄華宿王智仏 告妙音菩薩 汝莫軽彼国 生下劣想 善男子 彼娑婆世界 高下不平 土石諸山 穢悪充満 仏身卑小 諸菩薩衆 其形亦小 而汝身 四万二千由旬 我身 六百八十万由旬 汝身第一端正 百千万福 光明殊妙 是故汝往 莫軽彼国 若仏菩薩 及国土 生下劣想)


At that time the buddha Pure Flower Constellation King Wisdom said to Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound: “You must not look with contempt on that land or come to think of it as mean and inferior. Good man, that saha world is uneven, high in places, low in others, and full of dirt, stones, mountains, foulness, and impurity. The Buddha is puny in stature and the numerous bodhisattvas are likewise small in form, whereas your body is forty-two thousand yojanas in height and mine is six million eight hundred thousand yojanas. Your body is foremost in shapeliness, with hundreds, thousands, ten thousands of blessings and a radiance that is particularly wonderful. Therefore when you journey there, you must not look with contempt on that land or come to think of the Buddha and bodhisattvas or the land itself as mean and inferior!”


(妙音菩薩 白其仏言 世尊 我今詣娑婆世界 皆是如来之力 如来神通遊戲 如来功徳 智慧荘厳 於是妙音菩薩 不起于座 身不動揺 而入三昧 以三昧力 於耆闍崛山 去法座不遠 化作八万四千 衆宝蓮華 閻浮檀金為茎 白銀為葉 金剛為鬚 甄叔迦宝 以為其台 爾時文殊師利法王子 見是蓮華 而白仏言 世尊 是何因縁 先現此瑞 有若干千万蓮華 閻浮檀金為茎 白銀為葉 金剛為鬚 甄叔迦宝 以為其台)




Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound said to the buddha: “World-Honored One, my journey now to the saha world is in all respects due to the power of the thus come one, a sport carried out by the thus come one’s transcendental powers, an adornment to the thus come one’s blessings and wisdom.”
Thereupon the bodhisattva Wonderful Sound, without rising from his seat or swaying his body, entered into a samadhi, and through the power of the samadhi, in a place not far removed from the Dharma seat on Mount Gridhrakuta, created a jeweled mass of eighty-four thousand lotus blossoms. Their stems were made of Jambunada gold, their leaves were of silver, their stamens of diamond, and their calyxes of kimshuka jewels.
At that time the Dharma prince Manjushri, spying the lotus flowers, spoke to the Buddha, saying: “World-Honored One, what causes have brought about the appearance of this auspicious sign? Here are many ten thousands of lotus blossoms, their stems made of Jambunada gold, their leaves of silver, their stamens of diamond, and their calyxes of kimshuka jewels!”

(爾時釈迦牟尼仏 告文殊師利 是妙音菩薩摩訶薩 欲従浄華宿王智仏国 与八万四千菩薩囲繞 而来至此娑婆世界 供養親近礼拜於我 亦欲供養 聴法華経 )

At that time Shakyamuni Buddha said to Manjushri: “This bodhisattva mahasattva Wonderful Sound wishes to leave the land of the buddha Pure Flower Constellation King Wisdom and, surrounded by eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas, to come to this saha world to offer alms, wait on, and pay obeisance to me. He also wishes to offer alms to and hear the Lotus Sutra.”


(文殊師利 白仏言世尊 是菩薩種何善本 修何功徳 而能有是 大神通力 行何三昧 願為我等 説是三昧名字 我等亦欲 勤修行之 行此三昧 乃能見是菩薩 色相大小 威儀進止 唯願世尊 以神通力 彼菩薩来 令我得見)

Manjushri said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, what good roots has this bodhisattva planted, what benefits has he cultivated, that he can exercise such great transcendental powers as this? What samadhi does he carry out? I beg you to explain for us the name of this samadhi, for we too would like to apply ourselves diligently to its practice. If we carry out this samadhi, then we will be able to observe the aspect and size of this bodhisattva and his bearing and conduct. We beg the world-honored one to employ his transcendental powers to bring this bodhisattva here and enable us to see him!”


(爾時釈迦牟尼仏 告文殊師利 此久滅度多宝如来 当為汝等 而現其相 時多宝仏 告彼菩薩
善男子来 文殊師利法王子 欲見汝身 于時妙音菩薩 於彼国没 与八万四千菩薩 倶共発来 所経諸国 六種震動 皆悉雨於 七宝蓮華 百千天楽 不鼓自鳴 是菩薩 目如広大 青蓮華葉 正使和合 百千万月 其面貌端正 復過於此 身真金色 無量百千 功徳荘厳 威徳熾盛 光明照曜 諸相具足 如那羅延 堅固之身 入七宝台 上昇虚空 去地七多羅樹 諸菩薩衆 恭敬囲繞 而来詣此娑婆世界 耆闍崛山)




At that time Shakyamuni Buddha said to Manjushri, “Many Treasures Thus Come One, who entered extinction so long ago, will manifest his form for you.” Then the buddha Many Treasures said to that bodhisattva [Wonderful Sound], “Come, good man. The Dharma prince Manjushri wishes to see your body.”
With that, Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound vanished from his own land and, accompanied by eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas, appeared here [in the saha world]. The lands that he passed through on his way quaked and trembled in six different ways, and in all of them seven-jeweled lotus flowers rained down and the instruments of hundreds and thousands of heavenly musicians sounded of themselves without having been struck.
This bodhisattva’s eyes were as big and broad as the leaves of the blue lotus, and a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand moons put together could not surpass the perfection of his face. His body was pure gold in color, adorned with immeasurable hundreds and thousands of blessings. His dignity and virtue were splendid, his light shone brilliantly, he was endowed with many special marks and as stalwart in body as Narayana.

(到已下七宝台 以価直百千瓔珞 持至釈迦牟尼仏所 頭面礼足 奉上瓔珞 而白仏言 世尊 浄華宿王智仏 問訊世尊 少病少悩 起居軽利 安楽行不 四大調和不 世事可忍不 衆生易度不 無多貪欲 瞋恚 愚癡 嫉妬 慳慢不 無不孝父母 不敬沙門 邪見 不善心 不摂五情不 世尊 衆生能降伏 諸魔怨不 久滅度多宝如来 在七宝塔中 来聴法不 又問訊多宝如来 安穏少悩 堪忍久住不 世尊 我今欲見多宝仏身 唯願世尊 示我令見)




Taking his place on a dais made of seven treasures, he had risen up into the air until he was raised above the earth the height of seven tala trees. Then with the host of bodhisattvas surrounding him and paying reverence, he had journeyed to Mount Gridhrakuta in this saha world. When he arrived there he descended from the dais of seven treasures. Bearing a necklace worth hundreds and thousands, he proceeded to the place where Shakyamuni Buddha was, bowed his head to the ground, made obeisance at the Buddha’s feet, and presented the necklace, addressing the Buddha in these words: “World-Honored One, the buddha Pure Flower Constellation King Wisdom wishes to inquire about the world-honored one. Are your illnesses few, are your worries few? Can you come and go easily and conveniently, can you move about in comfort? Are the four elements properly harmonized in you? Can you endure the world’s affairs? Are the living beings easy to rescue? Are they not excessive in their greed, anger, foolishness, jealousy, stinginess, and arrogance? Are they not lacking in filial conduct toward their parents? Are they not disrespectful toward shramanas and given to erroneous views and other evil? Do they not fail to control their five emotions? World-Honored One, are the living beings able to conquer and overcome the enmity of the devils? Has Many Treasures Thus Come One, who entered extinction so long ago, come in his tower of seven treasures to listen to the Law? The buddha also wishes to inquire about Many Treasures Thus Come One, whether he is tranquil and at ease, with few worries, patient and long abiding. World-Honored One, I would like to see the body of the buddha Many Treasures. I beg the world-honored one to allow me to see him!”

(爾時釈迦牟尼仏 語多宝仏 是妙音菩薩 欲得相見 時多宝仏 告妙音言 善哉善哉 汝能為供養 釈迦牟尼仏 及聴法華経 并見文殊師利等 故来至此)


At that time Shakyamuni Buddha said to Many Treasures Buddha, “This bodhisattva Wonderful Sound wishes to see you.”
Then Many Treasures Buddha addressed Wonderful Sound, saying, “Excellent, excellent! You have come here in order to be able to offer alms to Shakyamuni Buddha and to listen to the Lotus Sutra and see Manjushri and the others.”




At that time the bodhisattva Flower Virtue said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, this bodhisattva Wonderful Sound—what good roots has he planted, what benefits has he cultivated, that he possesses these supernatural powers?”


(仏告華徳菩薩 過去有仏 名雲雷音王 多陀阿伽度 阿羅訶 三藐三仏陀 国名現一切世間 劫名喜見 妙音菩薩 於万二千歳 以十万種伎楽 供養雲雷音王仏 并奉上 八万四千七宝鉢 以是因縁果報 今生浄華宿王智仏国 有是神力 華徳 於汝意云何 爾時雲雷音王仏所 妙音菩薩 伎楽供養 奉上宝器者 豈異人乎 今此妙音菩薩摩訶薩是 華徳 是妙音菩薩 已曾供養親近 無量諸仏 久植徳本 又値恒河沙等 百千万億 那由佗仏)




The Buddha replied to Bodhisattva Flower Virtue: “In ages past there was a buddha named Cloud Thunder Sound King, tathagata, arhat, samyak-sambuddha. His land was called Manifesting All Worlds and his kalpa was called Gladly Seen. For twelve thousand years the bodhisattva Wonderful Sound employed a hundred thousand types of musical instruments to provide an offering to the buddha Cloud Thunder Sound King, and he also presented to him eighty-four thousand alms bowls made of the seven treasures. In recompense for these actions he has now been born in the land of the buddha Pure Flower Constellation King Wisdom and possesses these supernatural powers.
“Flower Virtue, what is your opinion? The bodhisattva Wonderful Sound who at that time made musical offerings to the buddha Cloud Thunder Sound King and presented him with jeweled vessels—was he someone unknown to you? In fact he is none other than the bodhisattva mahasattva Wonderful Sound who is here now!
“Flower Virtue, this bodhisattva Wonderful Sound has already made offerings to and waited on an immeasurable number of buddhas. Long ago he planted the roots of virtue and encountered hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of buddhas equal in number to the sands of the Ganges River.


(華徳 汝但見妙音菩薩 其身在此 而是菩薩現種種身 処処為諸衆生 説是経典 或現梵王身 或現帝釈身 或現自在天身 或現大自在天身 或現天大将軍身 或現毘沙門天王身 或現転輪聖王身 或現諸小王身 或現長者身 或現居士身 或現宰官身 或現婆羅門身 或現比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷身 或現長者 居士 婦女身 或現宰官婦女身 或現婆羅門婦女身 或現童男童女身 或現天 龍 夜叉 乾闥婆 阿脩羅 迦楼羅 緊那羅 摩睺羅伽 人非人等身 而説是経 諸有地獄 餓鬼 畜生 及衆難処 皆能救済 乃至於王後宮 変為女身 而説是経 華徳 是妙音菩薩 能救護娑婆世界 諸衆生者 是妙音菩薩 如是種種 変化現身 在此娑婆国土 為諸衆生 説是経典 於神通変化智慧
無所損減 是菩薩 以若干智慧 明照娑婆世界 令一切衆生 各得所知 於十方恒河沙世界中 亦復如是 若応以声聞形 得度者 現声聞形 而為説法 応以辟支仏形 得度者 現辟支仏形 而為説法 応以菩薩形 得度者 現菩薩形 而為説法 応以仏形 得度者 即現仏形 而為説法 如是種種 随所応度者 而為現形 乃至応以滅度 而得度者 示現滅度 華徳 妙音菩薩摩訶薩 成就大神通智慧之力 其事如是)






“Flower Virtue, you see only the body of Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound that is here. But this bodhisattva manifests himself in various different bodies and preaches this sutra for the sake of living beings in various different places. At times he appears as King Brahma, at times as the lord Shakra, at times as the heavenly being Freedom, at times as the heavenly being Great Freedom, at times as a great general of heaven, at times as the heavenly king Vaishravana, at times as a wheel-turning sage king, at times as one of the petty kings, at times as a rich man, at times as a householder, at times as a chief minister, at times as a Brahman, at times as a monk, a nun, a layman believer, or a laywoman believer, at times as the wife of a rich man or a householder, at times as the wife of a chief minister, at times as the wife of a Brahman, at times as a young boy or a young girl, at times as a heavenly being, a dragon, a yaksha, a gandharva, an asura, a garuda, a kimnara, a mahoraga, a human or a nonhuman being, and so preaches this sutra. The hell dwellers, hungry spirits, beasts, and numerous others who are in difficult circumstances are thus all able to be saved. And for the sake of those who are in the women’s quarters of the royal palace, he changes himself into a woman’s form and preaches this sutra.
“Flower Virtue, this bodhisattva Wonderful Sound can save and protect the various living beings of the saha world. This bodhisattva Wonderful Sound performs various transformations, manifesting himself in different forms in this saha land and preaching this sutra for the sake of living beings, and yet his transcendental powers, his transformations, and his wisdom suffer no injury or diminution thereby. This bodhisattva employs various types of wisdom to illuminate the saha world, causing each one among all the living beings to acquire the appropriate understanding, and does the same in all the worlds in the ten directions numerous as Ganges sands.
“If the form of a voice-hearer is what is needed to bring salvation, he manifests himself in the form of a voice-hearer and proceeds to preach the Law. If the form of a pratyekabuddha will bring salvation, he manifests himself in the form of a pratyekabuddha and preaches the Law. If the form of a bodhisattva will bring salvation, he manifests a bodhisattva form and preaches the Law. If the form of a buddha will bring salvation, he immediately manifests a buddha form and preaches the Law. Thus he manifests himself in various different forms, depending upon what is appropriate for salvation. And if it is appropriate to enter extinction in order to bring salvation, he manifests himself as entering extinction.
“Flower Virtue, the bodhisattva mahasattva Wonderful Sound has acquired the great transcendental powers and the power of wisdom that enable him to do all this!”


(爾時華徳菩薩 白仏言 世尊 是妙音菩薩 深種善根 世尊 是菩薩 住何三昧 而能如是 在所変現 度脱衆生)


At that time the bodhisattva Flower Virtue said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, this bodhisattva Wonderful Sound has planted the roots of goodness very deeply. World-Honored One, what samadhi does this bodhisattva dwell in, that he is able to carry out all these transformations and manifestations to save living beings?”


(仏告華徳菩薩 善男子 其三昧 名現一切色身 妙音菩薩 住是三昧中 能如是饒益 無量衆生)


The Buddha said to Bodhisattva Flower Virtue, “Good man, this samadhi is called manifesting all kinds of bodies. The bodhisattva Wonderful Sound, dwelling in this samadhi, is able in this manner to enrich and benefit immeasurable living beings.”

(説是妙音菩薩品時 与妙音菩薩倶来者 八万四千人 皆得現一切色身三昧 此娑婆世界 無量菩薩 亦得是三昧 及陀羅尼)


When the Buddha preached this chapter on Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound, the eighty-four thousand persons who had come with Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound all acquired this samadhi enabling them to manifest all kinds of bodies, and the immeasurable bodhisattvas in this saha world also acquired this samadhi and dharani.

(爾時妙音菩薩摩訶薩 供養釈迦牟尼仏 及多宝仏塔已 還帰本土 所経諸国 六種震動 雨宝蓮華 作百千万億 種種伎楽 既到本国 与八万四千菩薩囲繞 至浄華宿王智仏所 白仏言 世尊 我到娑婆世界 饒益衆生 見釈迦牟尼仏 及見多宝仏塔 礼拜供養 又見文殊師利法王子菩薩 及見薬王菩薩 得勤精進力菩薩 勇施菩薩等 亦令是八万四千菩薩 得現一切色身三昧)


At that time the bodhisattva mahasattva Wonderful Sound, having finished offering alms to Shakyamuni Buddha and to the tower of Many Treasures Buddha, returned to his original land. The lands that he passed through on his way quaked and trembled in six different ways, jeweled lotus flowers rained down, and hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of different kinds of music played.After he had arrived in his original land and was surrounded by his eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas, he proceeded to the place of the buddha Pure Flower Constellation King Wisdom and addressed the buddha, saying, “World-Honored One, I visited the saha world, enriched and benefited the living beings, saw Shakyamuni Buddha and the tower of Many Treasures Buddha, and offered obeisance and alms to them. I also saw Bodhisattva Manjushri, prince of the Dharma, and I saw Bodhisattva Medicine King, Bodhisattva Gaining Diligent Exertion Power, Bodhisattva Brave Donor, and others. And I made it possible for these eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas to gain the samadhi enabling them to manifest all kinds of bodies.”

(説是妙音菩薩 来往品時 四万二千天子 得無生法忍 華徳菩薩 得法華三昧)


When the Buddha preached this chapter on the comings and goings of Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound, forty-two thousand sons of gods gained the truth of the birthlessness of all phenomena, and Bodhisattva Flower Virtue gained the Lotus samadhi.







