法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(妙荘厳王本事品第二十七みょうそうごんのうほんじほんだいにじゅうなな/Former Affairs of King Wonderful Adornment)Chapter 27 〔#064〕






(爾時仏告諸大衆 乃往古世 過無量無辺 不可思議阿僧祇劫 有仏名雲雷音宿王華智 多陀阿伽度 阿羅訶 三藐三仏陀 国名光明荘厳 劫名喜見 彼仏法中有王 名妙荘厳 其王夫人 名曰浄徳 有二子 一名浄蔵 二名浄眼 是二子 有大神力 福徳智慧 久修菩薩 所行之道)


At that time the Buddha addressed the great assembly, saying: “In an age long ago, an immeasurable, boundless, inconceivable number of asamkhya kalpas in the past, there was a buddha named Cloud Thunder Sound Constellation King Flower Wisdom, tathagata, arhat, samyak-sambuddha. His land was named Light Bright Adornment and his kalpa was named Gladly Seen. In the midst of this buddha’s Law there was a king named Wonderful Adornment. This king’s consort was named Pure Virtue, and he had two sons, one named Pure Storehouse and the other named Pure Eye. These two sons possessed great supernatural powers, merit, virtue, and wisdom, and for a long time they had been practicing the way appropriate to a bodhisattva...


(爾時彼仏 欲引導 妙荘厳王 及愍念衆生故 説是法華経 時浄蔵浄眼二子 到其母所 合十指爪掌白言 願母往詣 雲雷音宿王華智仏所 我等亦当 侍従親近 供養礼拜 所以者何 此仏於一切 天人衆中 説法華経 宜応聴受 母告子言 汝父信受外道 深著婆羅門法 汝等応往白父 与共倶去 浄蔵浄眼 合十指爪掌白母 我等是法王子 而生此邪見家 母告子言 汝等当憂念汝父 為現神変 若得見者 心必清浄 或聴我等 往至仏所)





母は、子にこのように告げます。「あなた方が父を憂えているなら、神変を現しなさい。もし見ることが出来れば、心は必ず清浄になるでしょう。あるいは 私たちが仏の所に行くことをきいてくれるかもしれません」と。

“At that time that buddha, wishing to attract and guide King Wonderful Adornment, and because he thought with compassion of living beings, preached the Lotus Sutra. The king’s two sons, Pure Storehouse and Pure Eye, went to where their mother was, pressed their palms and the nails of their ten fingers together, and said to her, ‘We beg our mother to go and visit the place where the buddha Cloud Thunder Sound Constellation King Flower Wisdom is. We too will attend him, drawing near to the buddha and offering alms and obeisance. Why? Because this buddha is preaching the Lotus Sutra in the midst of all the multitude of heavenly and human beings and it is right that we should listen and accept it.’ “The mother announced to her sons, ‘Your father puts his faith in non-Buddhist doctrines and is deeply attached to the Brahmanical doctrines. You should go to your father, tell him about this, and persuade him to go with you.’ “Pure Storehouse and Pure Eye pressed their palms and ten fingernails together and said to their mother, ‘We are sons of the Dharma king, and yet we have been born into this family of erroneous views!’“The mother said to her sons, ‘You are right to think with concern about your father. You should manifest some supernatural wonder for him. When he sees that, his mind will surely be cleansed and purified and he will permit us to go to where the buddha is.’


(於是二子 念其父故 踊在虚空 高七多羅樹 現種種神変 於虚空中 行住坐臥 身上出水 身下出火 身下出水 身上出火 或現大身 満虚空中 而復現小 小復現大 於空中滅 忽然在地 入地如水 履水如地)


“The two sons, being concerned about their father, leaped up into the air to the height of seven tala trees and there performed various types of supernatural wonders, walking, standing, sitting, and lying down in midair; making water come out of the upper part of their bodies; making fire come out of the lower part of their bodies; making water come out of the lower part of their bodies; making fire come out of the upper part of their bodies; manifesting huge bodies that filled the sky and then making themselves small again; after becoming small, making themselves big again; disappearing in the midst of the sky and then suddenly appearing on the ground; sinking into the ground as though it were water; walking on the water as though it were land.


(現如是等 種種神変 令其父王 心浄信解 時父見子 神力如是 心大歓喜 得未曾有 合掌向子言 汝等師為是誰 誰之弟子 二子白言 大王 彼雲雷音宿王華智仏 今在七宝菩提樹下 法座上坐 於一切世間 天人衆中 広説法華経 是我等師 我是弟子 父語子言 我今亦欲 見汝等師 可共倶往)





They manifested these various types of supernatural wonders in order to cause the mind of their royal father to become pure and to make him believe and understand.At that time when the father saw his sons displaying supernatural powers of this kind, his mind was filled with great delight, as he experienced what he had never known before, and he pressed his palms together, faced his sons and said, ‘Who is your teacher? Whose disciples are you?’“The two sons replied, ‘Great king, the buddha Cloud Thunder Sound Constellation King Flower Wisdom is at present sitting in the Dharma seat under the seven-jeweled bodhi tree and, amid the multitudes of heavenly and human beings of all the world, is broadly expounding the Lotus Sutra. This is our teacher and we are his disciples.’
“The father said to his sons, ‘I would like to go now and see your teacher. You can go with me.’


(於是二子 従空中下 到其母所 合掌白母 父王今已信解 堪任発阿耨多羅 三藐三菩提心 我等為父 已作仏事 願母見聴 於彼仏所 出家修道 爾時二子 欲重宣其意 以偈白母)


“With this the two sons descended from the air, proceeded to where their mother was, pressed their palms together and said to their mother, ‘Our royal father has now come to believe and understand. He is fully capable of conceiving a desire for supreme perfect enlightenment. We have finished doing the buddha’s work for the sake of our father. We beg that our mother will permit us to go to the place where the buddha is, to leave the household life, and to practice the way.’
(母即告言 聴汝出家 所以者何 仏難値故 於是二子 白父母言 善哉父母 願時往詣 雲雷音宿王華智仏所 親覲供養 所以者何 仏難得値 如優曇波羅華 又如一眼之亀 値浮木孔 而我等宿福深厚 生値仏法 是故父母 当聴我等 令得出家 所以者何 諸仏難値 時亦難遇 彼時妙荘厳王 後宮八万四千人 皆悉堪任 受持是法華経 浄眼菩薩 於法華三昧 久已通達 浄蔵菩薩 已於無量 百千万億劫 通達離諸悪趣三昧 欲令一切衆生 離諸悪趣故 其王夫人 得諸仏集三昧 能知諸仏 秘密之蔵 二子如是 以方便力 善化其父 令心信解 好楽仏法)



“Their mother then said to them, ‘I will permit you to leave household life. Why? Because the buddha is difficult to encounter.’
“The two sons then addressed their father and mother, saying: ‘Excellent, father and mother! And we beg you in due time to go to the place where the buddha Cloud Thunder Sound Constellation King Flower Wisdom is, attend him in person, and offer alms. Why? Because encountering the buddha is as difficult as encountering the udumbara flower. Or as difficult as it is for a one-eyed turtle to encounter a floating log with a hole in it. We have been blessed with great good fortune from past existences and so have been born in an age where we can encounter the buddha’s Law. For this reason our father and mother should permit us to leave household life. Why? Because the buddhas are difficult to encounter, and the proper time is also hard to come upon.’
“At that time the eighty-four thousand persons in the women’s quarters of King Wonderful Adornment were all capable of accepting and upholding the Lotus Sutra. Bodhisattva Pure Eye had long ago mastered the Lotus samadhi, and Bodhisattva Pure Storehouse had already, some hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas in the past, mastered the samadhi of the escape from the evil realms of existence. This was because he wished to make it possible for all living beings to escape from the evil realms. The king’s consort had gained the samadhi of the buddhas’ assembly and was capable of understanding the secret storehouse of the buddhas. Her two sons, as already described, had employed the power of expedient means to improve and transform their father so that he could acquire a mind of faith and understanding and love and delight in the buddha’s Law.
“Thereupon King Wonderful Adornment, accompanied by his ranks of ministers and his attendants; his queen Pure Virtue and all the ladies-in-waiting and attendants of the women’s quarters; and the king’s two sons and their forty-two thousand attendants, all at the same time went to where the buddha was. Arriving there, they bowed their heads to the ground in obeisance at his feet, circled around the buddha three times, and then withdrew and stood at one side.


(於是妙荘厳王 与群臣眷属倶 浄徳夫人 与後宮采女眷属倶 其王二子 与四万二千人倶 一時共詣仏所 到已頭面礼足 繞仏三匝 却住一面 爾時彼仏 為王説法 示教利喜 王大歓悦 爾時妙荘厳王 及其夫人 解頚真珠瓔珞 価直百千 以散仏上 於虚空中 化成四柱宝台 台中有大宝牀 敷百千万天衣 其上有仏 結跏趺坐 放大光明 爾時妙荘厳王作是念 仏身希有 端厳殊特 成就第一微妙之色 時雲雷音宿王華智仏 告四衆言 汝等見是 妙荘厳王 於我前合掌立不 此王於我法中 作比丘 精勤修習 助仏道法 当得作仏 号娑羅樹王 国名大光 劫名大高王 其娑羅樹王仏 有無量菩薩衆 及無量声聞 其国平正 功徳如是)





“At that time that buddha preached the Law for the sake of the king, instructing him and bringing him benefit and joy. The king was exceedingly delighted.
“At that time King Wonderful Adornment and his queen removed from their necks necklaces of pearls worth hundreds and thousands and scattered them over the buddha. In midair the necklaces changed into a jeweled dais with four pillars. On the dais was a large jeweled couch spread with hundreds, thousands, ten thousands of heavenly robes. Seated cross-legged on them was a buddha who emitted a brilliant light.“At that time King Wonderful Adornment thought to himself: The buddha’s body is rare indeed, extraordinary in dignity and adornment, constituting a form of utmost subtlety and wonder! Then the buddha Cloud Thunder Sound Constellation King Flower Wisdom spoke to the four kinds of believers, saying, ‘Do you see this King Wonderful Adornment who stands before me with his palms pressed together? In the midst of my Law this king will become a monk, diligently practicing the Law that aids the buddha way. He will be able to become a buddha. His name will be Sal Tree King, his land will be called Great Light, and his kalpa will be called Great Lofty King. This buddha Sal Tree King will have an immeasurable multitude of bodhisattvas, as well as immeasurable voice-hearers. His land will be level and smooth. Such will be his benefits.’

(其王即時 以国付弟 王与夫人二子 并諸眷属 於仏法中 出家修道 王出家已 於八万四千歳 常勤精進 修行妙法華経 過是已後 得一切浄功徳荘厳三昧)

“The king immediately turned over his kingdom to his younger brother and he himself, along with his queen, his two sons, and all their attendants, in the midst of the buddha’s Law renounced the household life to practice the way.


(即昇虚空 高七多羅樹 而白仏言 世尊 此我二子 已作仏事 以神通変化 転我邪心 令得安住 於仏法中 得見世尊 此二子者 是我善知識 為欲発起 宿世善根 饒益我故 来生我家 爾時雲雷音宿王華智仏 告妙荘厳王言 如是 如是 如汝所言 若善男子 善女人 種善根故 世世得善知識 其善知識 能作仏事 示教利喜 令入阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 大王 当知 善知識者 是大因縁 所謂化導 令得見仏 発阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 大王汝見 此二子不 此二子 已曾供養 六十五百千万億 那由佗 恒河沙諸仏 親近恭敬 於諸仏所 受持法華経 愍念邪見衆生 令住正見 妙荘厳王 即従虚空中下 而白仏言 世尊 如来甚希有 以功徳智慧故 頂上肉髻 光明顕照 其眼長広 而紺青色 眉間毫相 白如珂月 歯白斉密 常有光明 脣色赤好 如頻婆果





“After the king had left the household life, for the space of eighty-four thousand years he constantly applied himself with diligence, practicing the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law. When this period had passed, he gained the samadhi of the adornment of all pure benefits. Rising into the air to the height of seven tala trees, he addressed the buddha, saying: ‘World-Honored One, these two sons of mine have carried out the buddha’s work, employing transcendental powers and transformations to turn my mind away from erroneous views, enabling me to abide safely in the buddha’s Law, and permitting me to see the world-honored one. These two sons have been good friends to me. They wished to awaken the good roots from my past existences and to enrich and benefit me, and for that reason they were born into my household.’“At that time the buddha Cloud Thunder Sound Constellation King Flower Wisdom said to King Wonderful Adornment, ‘Just so, just so. It is as you have said. If good men and good women have planted good roots, and as a result in existence after existence have been able to gain good friends, then these good friends can do the buddha’s work, teaching, benefiting, delighting, and enabling them to enter supreme perfect enlightenment. Great king, you should understand that a good friend is the great cause and condition by which one is guided and led, and that enables one to see the buddha and to conceive the desire for supreme perfect enlightenment. Great king, do you see these two sons? These two sons have already offered alms to buddhas equal in number to the sands of sixty-five hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million nayutas of Ganges Rivers, have drawn near to them with reverence, and in the presence of those buddhas have accepted and upheld the Lotus Sutra, thinking with compassion of living beings who embrace erroneous views and causing them to abide in correct views.’“King Wonderful Adornment then descended from midair and said to the buddha, ‘World-Honored One, the thus come one is a very rare being! Because of his benefits and wisdom, the knob of flesh on the top of his head illuminates all with a bright light. His eyes are long, broad, and dark blue in color. The tuft of hair in between his eyebrows, one of his features, is white as a crystal moon. His teeth are white, even, closely spaced, and constantly have a bright gleam. His lips are red and beautiful as the bimba fruit.’


(爾時妙荘厳王 讃歎仏如是等 無量百千万億功徳已 於如来前 一心合掌 復白仏言 世尊 未曾有也 如来之法 具足成就 不可思議 微妙功徳 教戒所行 安穏快善 我従今日 不復自随心行 不生邪見  慢瞋恚 諸悪之心 説是語已 礼仏而出)



“At that time King Wonderful Adornment, having praised the buddha’s immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of benefits in this manner, in the presence of the thus come one single-mindedly pressed his palms together and addressed the buddha once more, saying, ‘World-Honored One, such a thing as this has never been known before! The Law of the thus come one is fully endowed with inconceivably subtle and wonderful benefits. Where his teachings and precepts are observed there will be tranquillity and good feeling. From this day on I will no longer follow the whims of my own mind, nor will I give way to erroneous views or to arrogance, anger, or other evil states of mind.’

“When he had spoken these words, he bowed to the buddha and departed.”

(仏告大衆 於意云何 妙荘厳王 豈異人乎 今華徳菩薩是 其浄徳夫人 今仏前 光照荘厳相菩薩是 哀愍妙荘厳王 及諸眷属故 於彼中生 其二子者 今薬王菩薩 薬上菩薩是 是薬王薬上菩薩 成就如此 諸大功徳 已於無量 百千万億諸仏所 植衆徳本 成就不可思議 諸善功徳 若有人識 是二菩薩名字者 一切世間 諸天人民 亦応礼拜 仏説是妙荘厳王 本事品時 八万四千人 遠塵離垢 於諸法中 得法眼浄) 




The Buddha said to the great assembly: “What is your opinion? Is this King Wonderful Adornment someone unknown to you? In fact he is none other than the present Bodhisattva Flower Virtue. And his queen Pure Virtue is Bodhisattva Light Shining Adornment Marks who is now in the Buddha’s presence. Out of pity and compassion for King Wonderful Adornment and his attendants, he was born in their midst. The king’s two sons are the present bodhisattvas Medicine King and Medicine Superior.

“These bodhisattvas Medicine King and Medicine Superior have already succeeded in acquiring great benefits such as these, and in the presence of immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of buddhas have planted numerous roots of virtue and acquired inconceivably good benefits. If there are persons who are acquainted with the names of these two bodhisattvas, the heavenly and human beings of all the world will surely do obeisance to them.”

When the Buddha preached this chapter on the Former Affairs of King Wonderful Adornment, eighty-four thousand persons removed themselves from dust and defilement and with respect to the various phenomena attained the pure Dharma eye.   












