法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(薬王菩薩本事品第二十三やくおうぼさつほんじほんだいにじゅうさん/Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King)Chapter 23 〔#060〕







(爾時宿王華菩薩 白仏言 世尊 薬王菩薩 云何遊於 娑婆世界 世尊 薬王菩薩 有若干百千万億 那由佗 難行苦行 善哉世尊 願少解説 諸天 龍 神 夜叉 乾闥婆 阿脩羅 迦楼羅 緊那羅 摩睺羅伽 人非人等 又佗国土 諸来菩薩 及此声聞衆 聞皆歓喜)

その時、宿王華菩薩は仏に向かってこのように言います。「世尊よ、薬王菩薩はどうして娑婆世界を行ったり来たりしているのでしょうか。世尊よ、この薬王菩薩は百千万億那由他の難行、苦行があるのです。 すごいことです。世尊よ、少し解説してはいただけないでしょうか。多くの天人、龍神、夜叉、乾闥婆、阿修羅、迦楼羅、緊那羅、摩睺羅伽、人、人でないものなど、また他の国土からさまざまやって来られた菩薩および、この声聞たちは、これを聞いてみな歓喜するでしょう」と。

At that time the bodhisattva Constellation King Flower spoke to the Buddha, saying: “World-Honored One, how does the bodhisattva Medicine King come and go in the saha world? World-Honored One, this bodhisattva Medicine King has carried out some hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of difficult practices, arduous practices. Very well, World-Honored One, could I ask you to explain a little? The heavenly beings, dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas, human beings, and nonhuman beings, the bodhisattvas who have come from other lands and the multitude of voice-hearers, will all be delighted to hear you.”

(爾時仏告 宿王華菩薩 乃往過去 無量恒河沙劫 有仏号 日月浄明徳 如来 応供 正遍知 明行足 善逝 世間解 無上士 調御丈夫 天人師 仏 世尊 其仏 有八十億 大菩薩摩訶薩 七十二恒河沙 大声聞衆 仏寿四万二千劫 菩薩寿命亦等 彼 国無有女人 地獄 餓鬼 畜生 阿脩羅等 及以 諸難 地平如掌 瑠璃所成 宝樹荘厳 宝帳覆上 垂宝華旛 宝瓶香炉 周遍国界 七宝為台 一樹一台 其樹去台 尽一箭道 此諸宝樹 皆 有菩薩声聞 而坐其下 諸宝台上 各有百億諸天 作天伎楽 歌歎於仏 以為供養 爾時彼 仏 為一切衆生喜見菩薩 及衆菩薩 諸声聞衆 説法華経 是一切衆生 喜見菩薩 楽習苦行 於日月浄明徳仏法中 精進経行 一心求 仏 満万二千歳已 得現一切色身三昧 得此三昧已 心大歓喜 即作念言 我得現一切色身三昧 皆是得聞 法華経力 我今当供養 日月浄明徳仏 及法華経 即時入是三昧 於虚空中 雨曼陀羅華 摩訶曼陀羅華 細抹堅黒 栴檀 満虚空中 如雲而下 又雨海此岸栴檀 之香 此香六銖 価直娑婆世界 以供養仏)







At that time the Buddha addressed the bodhisattva Constellation King Flower, saying: “Many kalpas in the past, immeasurable as Ganges sands, there was a buddha named Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, buddha, world-honored one. This buddha had eighty million bodhisattvas mahasattva and a multitude of great voice-hearers equal to the sands of seventy-two Ganges Rivers. This buddha’s life span was forty-two thousand kalpas, and the life span of the bodhisattvas was the same. In his land there were no women, hell dwellers, hungry spirits, beasts, or asuras, and no kinds of tribulation. The ground was as level as the palm of a hand, made of lapis lazuli and adorned with jeweled trees. Jeweled curtains covered it over, banners of jeweled flowers hung down, and jeweled urns and incense burners filled the land everywhere. There were daises made of the seven treasures, with a tree by each dais, the tree situated an arrow-shot’s length from the dais. These jeweled trees all had bodhisattvas and voice-hearers sitting under them, and each of the jeweled daises had hundreds of millions of heavenly beings playing on heavenly instruments and singing the praises of the buddha as an offering.

At that time, for the sake of the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings and the other numerous bodhisattvas and multitude of voice-hearers, the buddha preached the Lotus Sutra. This bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings delighted in carrying out arduous practices. In the midst of the Law preached by the buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue he applied himself diligently and traveled about here and there, single-mindedly seeking buddhahood for a period of fully twelve thousand years. After that he was able to gain the samadhi in which one can manifest all physical forms. Having gained this samadhi, his heart was filled with great joy and he thought to himself: My gaining the samadhi in which I can manifest all physical forms is due entirely to the fact that I heard the Lotus Sutra. I must now make an offering to the buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue and to the Lotus Sutra!

Immediately he entered the samadhi and in the midst of the sky rained down mandarava flowers, great mandarava flowers, and finely ground, hard black particles of sandalwood; they filled the whole sky like clouds as they came raining down. He also rained down the incense of the sandalwood that grows by the southern seashore. Six taels of this incense is worth as much as the saha world. All these he used as an offering to the buddha.

(作是供養已 従三昧起 而自念言 我雖以神力 供養於仏 不如以身供養 即服諸香 栴檀薫陸 兜楼婆畢力迦 沈水 膠香 又飲瞻蔔 諸華香油 満千二百歳已 香油塗身 於日月浄明徳仏前 以天宝衣 而自纏身已 灌諸香油 以神通力願 而自然身 光明遍照 八十億恒河沙世界 其中諸仏 同時讃言 善哉善哉 善男子 是真精進 是名真法 供養如来 若以華香瓔珞 焼香抹香塗香 天繒旛蓋 及海此岸栴檀之香 如是等種種諸物供養 所不能及 仮使国城 妻子布施 亦所不及 善男子 是名第一之施 於諸施中 最尊最上 以法供養 諸如来故 作是語已 而各黙然 其身火然 千二百歳 過是已後 其身乃尽 一切衆生喜見菩薩 作如是法供養已 命終之後 復生日月浄明徳仏国中 於浄徳王家 結跏趺坐 忽然化生 即為其父 而説偈言)






“When he had finished making this offering, he rose from his samadhi and thought to himself: Though I have employed my supernatural powers to make this offering to the buddha, it is not as good as making an offering of my own body.“Thereupon he swallowed various perfumes, sandalwood, kunduruka, turushka, prikka, aloes, and liquidambar gum, and he also drank the fragrant oil of champaka and other kinds of flowers, doing this for a period of fully twelve hundred years. Anointing his body with fragrant oil, he appeared before the buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue, wrapped his body in heavenly jeweled robes, poured fragrant oil over his head and, calling on his transcendental powers, set fire to his body. The glow shone forth, illuminating worlds equal in number to the sands of eighty million Ganges Rivers. The buddhas in these worlds simultaneously spoke out in praise, saying: ‘Excellent, excellent, good man! This is true diligence. This is what is called a true dharma offering to the thus come one. Though one may use flowers, incense, necklaces, incense for burning, powdered incense, paste incense, heavenly silken banners, canopies, even the incense of the sandalwood that grows by the southern seashore, presenting offerings of all such things as these, one can never match this! Though one may make donations of one’s realm and cities, one’s wife and children, one is no match for this! Good man, this is called the foremost donation of all. Among all donations, this is the most highly prized, for one is offering one’s dharma to the thus come ones!’ 

(大王今当知 我経行彼処 即時得一切 現諸身三昧 勤行大精進 捨所愛之身)


“After they had spoken these words, they each one fell silent. The body of the bodhisattva burned for twelve hundred years, and when that period of time had passed, it at last burned itself out.

(説是偈已 而白父言 日月浄明徳仏 今故現在 我先供養仏已 得解一切衆生 語言陀羅尼 復聞是法華経 八百千万億那由佗 甄迦 羅頻婆羅 阿 婆等偈 大王 我今当還供養此仏 白已 即坐七宝之台 上昇虚空 高七多 羅樹 往到仏所 頭面礼足 合十指爪 以偈讃仏 容顔甚奇妙 光明照十方 我適曾供養 今復還親近)

この偈を説き終わって、父に向かいこのように言います。「日月浄明徳仏は今なお現世におられます。私は先に仏を供養し終わり、解一切衆生語言陀羅尼を得、またこの法華経の八百千万億那由他、甄迦羅、頻婆羅、阿 婆の偈を聞いたのです。大王よ、私は今還ってこの仏を供養すべきなのです」と。

言い終わり、七宝の台に坐って、虚空の上に高さ七多羅樹昇り、仏の所に到着し、頭面で仏の足に礼拝し、十の指の爪を合せ、詩にして仏をこのように讃えたのです。 「容姿は珍しく素晴らしく、 光明は十方を照している。私はかつて供養をし、今また帰り親しく近づくのです」と。

“After the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings had made this dharma offering and his life had come to an end, he was reborn in the land of the buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue, in the household of the king Pure Virtue. Sitting in cross-legged position, he was suddenly born by transformation, and at once for the benefit of his father he spoke in verse form, saying:

Great king, you should now understand this. Having walked about in a certain place, immediately gained the samadhi that allows me to manifest all physical forms. I have carried out my endeavors with great diligence and cast aside the body that I loved.
“When he had recited this verse, he said to his father: ‘The buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue is still present at this time. Previously I made an offering to this buddha and gained a dharani that allows me to understand the words of all living beings. Moreover I have heard this Lotus Sutra with its eight hundred, thousand, ten thousand, millions of nayutas, kankaras, vivaras, akshobhyas of verses. Great king, I must now once more make an offering to this buddha.’
“Having said this, he seated himself on a dais made of the seven treasures, rose up into the air to the height of seven tala trees and, proceeding to the place where the buddha was, bowed his head to the ground in obeisance at the buddha’s feet, put the nails of his ten fingers together, and spoke this verse in praise of the buddha:
A countenance so rare and wonderful, its bright beams illuminating the ten directions! At a previous time I made an offering, and now once more I draw near.

(爾時一切衆生喜見菩薩 説是偈已 而白仏言 世尊 世尊猶故在世 爾時日月浄明徳仏 告一切衆生喜見菩薩 善男子 我涅槃時到 滅尽時至 汝可安施牀座 我於今夜 当般涅槃)



“At that time, after the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings had spoken this verse, he said to the buddha: ‘World-Honored One, is the World-Honored One still present in the world?’

“At that time the buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue said to the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings: ‘Good man, the time has come for my nirvana. The time has come for extinction. You may provide me with a comfortable couch, for tonight will be my parinirvana.’

(又勅一切衆生喜見菩薩 善男子 我以仏法 属累於汝 及諸菩薩大弟子 并阿耨多羅三藐三菩提法 亦以三千大千七宝世界 諸宝樹宝台 及給侍諸天 悉付於汝 我滅度後 所有舎利 亦付属汝 当令流布 広設供養 応起若干千塔)


“He also commanded the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings, saying: ‘Good man, I take the teaching of the buddha and entrust it to you. In addition, the bodhisattvas and great disciples, the doctrine of supreme perfect enlightenment, and the seven-jeweled major world system, its jeweled trees, jeweled daises, and heavenly beings who wait on and attend them—all these I hand over to you. I also entrust to you the relics of my body that remain after I have passed into extinction. You must distribute them abroad and arrange for offerings to them far and wide. You should erect many thousands of towers [to house them].’

(如是日月浄明徳仏 勅一切衆生喜見菩薩已 於夜後分 入於涅槃 爾時一 切衆生喜見菩薩 見仏滅度 悲感懊悩 恋慕於仏 即以海此岸栴檀為 供養仏身 而以焼之 火滅已後 収取舎利 作八万四千宝瓶 以起八万四千塔 高三世界 表刹荘厳 垂諸旛蓋 縣衆宝鈴)



“The buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue, having given these commands to the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings, that night, in the last watch of the night, entered nirvana.

“At that time the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings, seeing the buddha pass into extinction, was deeply grieved and distressed. Out of his great love and longing for the buddha he at once prepared a pyre made of sandalwood from the seashore, and with this as an offering to the buddha’s body, he cremated the body. After the fire had burned out, he gathered up the relics, fashioned eighty-four thousand jeweled urns and built eighty-four thousand towers, high as the three worlds, adorned with central poles, draped with banners and canopies, and hung with a multitude of jeweled bells.
(爾時一切衆生喜見菩薩 復自念言 我雖作是供養 心猶未足 我今当更 供養舎利 便語諸菩薩大弟子 及天 龍 夜叉等 一切大衆 汝等当一心念 我今供養 日月浄明徳仏舎利 作是語已 即於八万四千塔前 然百福荘厳臂 七万二千歳 而以供養 令無数求声聞衆 無量阿僧祇人 発阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 皆使得住 現一切色身三昧)

そして多くの菩薩大弟子、および天人、龍人、夜叉など一切の大衆にこのように語ります。「あなたたちよ、一心に念ずるべき なのです。私は今、日月浄明徳仏の遺骨を供養するだろうと」と。


“At that time the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings once more thought to himself: Though I have made these offerings, my mind is not yet satisfied. I must make some further offering to the relics.

“Then he spoke to the other bodhisattvas and great disciples, and to the heavenly beings, dragons, yakshas, and all the members of the great assembly, saying, ‘You must give your undivided attention. I will now make an offering to the relics of the buddha Sun Moon Pure Bright Virtue.’

“Having spoken these words, immediately in the presence of the eighty-four thousand towers he burned his arms, which were adorned with a hundred blessings, for a period of seventy-two thousand years as his offering. This caused the numberless multitudes who were seeking to become voice-hearers, and an immeasurable asamkhya of persons, to conceive a desire for supreme perfect enlightenment, and all of them were able to dwell in the samadhi where one can manifest all physical forms.

(爾時諸菩薩 天人阿脩羅等 見其無臂 憂悩悲哀 而作是言 此一切衆生喜見菩薩 是我等師 教化我者 而今焼臂 身不具足 于時一切衆生喜見菩薩 於大衆中 立此誓言 我捨両臂 必当得仏 金色之身 若実不虚 令我両臂 還復如故 作是誓已 自然還復 由斯菩薩 福徳智慧 淳厚所致 当爾之時 三千大千世界 六種震動 天雨宝華 一切天人 得未曾有)




“At that time the bodhisattvas, heavenly and human beings, asuras, and others, seeing that the bodhisattva had destroyed his arms, were alarmed and saddened and they said: ‘This bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings is our teacher, instructing and converting us. Now he has burned his arms and his body is no longer whole!’

“At that time, in the midst of the great assembly, the bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings made this vow, saying: ‘I have cast away both my arms. I am certain to attain the golden body of a buddha. If this is true and not false, then may my two arms become as they were before!’
“When he had finished pronouncing this vow, his arms reappeared of themselves as they had been before. This came about because the merits and wisdom of this bodhisattva were manifold and profound. At that time the major world system shook and trembled in six different ways, and heaven rained down jeweled flowers, and all the heavenly and human beings gained what they had never had before.”

(仏告宿王華菩薩 於汝意云何 一切衆生喜見菩薩 豈異人乎 今薬王菩薩是也 其所捨身布施 如是無量 百千万億 那由佗数 宿王華 若有発心 欲得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提者 能然手指 乃至足一指 供養仏塔 勝以国城妻子 及三千大千国土 山林河池 諸珍宝物 而供養者)


The Buddha said to the bodhisattva Constellation King Flower: “What do you think? Is this bodhisattva Gladly Seen by All Living Beings someone unknown to you? He is in fact none other than the present bodhisattva Medicine King! He cast aside his body as an offering in this fashion immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of times.
“Constellation King Flower, if there are those who have made up their minds and wish to gain supreme perfect enlightenment, they would do well to burn a finger or one toe of their foot as an offering to the buddha towers. It is better than offering one’s realm and cities, wife and children, or the mountains, forests, rivers, and lakes in the lands of the major world system, or all their precious treasures. Even if a person were to fill the whole major world system with the seven treasures as an offering to the buddha and the great bodhisattvas, pratyekabuddhas, and arhats, the benefits gained by such a person cannot match those gained by accepting and upholding this Lotus Sutra, even just one four-line verse of it! That brings the most numerous blessings of all. 

(若復有人 以七宝満 三千大千世界 供養於仏 及大菩薩 辟支仏 阿羅漢 是人所得功徳 不如受持 此法華経 乃至一四句偈 其福最多 宿王華 譬如一切川流江河 諸水之中 海為第一 此法華経 亦復如是 於諸如来 所説経中 最為深大 又如土山 黒山 小鉄囲山 大鉄囲山 及十宝山 衆山之中 須弥山為第一 此法華経 亦復如是 於諸経中 最為其上 又如衆星之中 月天子 最為第一 此法華経 亦復如是 於千万億種 諸経法中 最為照明 又如日天子 能除諸闇 此経亦復如是 能破一切 不善之闇 又如諸小王中 転輪聖王 最為第一 此経亦復如是 於衆経中 最為其尊 又如帝釈 於三十三天中王 此経亦復如是 諸経中王 又如大梵天王 一切衆生之父 此経亦復如是 一切賢聖 学無学 及発菩薩心者之父 又如一切 凡夫人中 須陀  斯陀含 阿那含 阿羅漢 辟支仏 為第一 此経亦復如是 一切如来所説 若菩薩所説 若声聞所説 諸経法中 最為第一 有能受持 是経典者 亦復如是 於一切衆生中 亦為第一 一切声聞 辟支仏中 菩薩為第一 此経亦復如是 於一切諸経法中 最為第一 如仏為諸法王 此経亦復如是 諸経中王)





“Constellation King Flower, among all the rivers, streams, and other bodies of water, for example, the ocean is foremost. And this Lotus Sutra is likewise, being the profoundest and greatest of the sutras preached by the thus come ones. Again, just as among the Dirt Mountains, Black Mountains, Small Iron Encircling Mountains, Great Iron Encircling Mountains, Ten Treasure Mountains, and all the other mountains, Mount Sumeru is foremost, so this Lotus Sutra is likewise. Among all the sutras, it holds the highest place. And just as among all the stars and their like, the moon, a god’s son, is foremost, so this Lotus Sutra is likewise. For among all the thousands, ten thousands, millions of types of sutra teachings, it shines the brightest. And just as the sun, a god’s son, can banish all darkness, so too this sutra is capable of destroying the darkness of all that is not good.
“As among the petty kings the wheel-turning sage king is foremost, so this sutra is the most honored among all the many sutras. As the lord Shakra is king among the thirty-three heavenly beings, so this sutra likewise is king among all the sutras. And as the great heavenly king Brahma is the father of all living beings, so this sutra likewise is father of all sages, worthies, those still learning, those who have completed their learning, and those who set their minds on becoming bodhisattvas. And as among all ordinary mortals, the stream-winners, once-returners, non-returners, arhats, and pratyekabuddhas are foremost, so this sutra likewise is foremost among all the sutra teachings preached by all the thus come ones, preached by all the bodhisattvas, or preached by all the voice-hearers. One who can accept and uphold this sutra is likewise foremost among all living beings. Bodhisattvas are foremost among all voice-hearers and pratyekabuddhas, and in the same way this sutra is foremost among all the sutra teachings. As the Buddha is king of the doctrines, so likewise this sutra is king of the sutras.

(宿王華 此経能救 一切衆生者 此経能令 一切衆生 離諸苦悩 此経能大饒益 一切衆生 充満其願 如清涼池 能満一切 諸渇乏者 如寒者得火 如裸者得衣 如商人得主 如子得母 如渡得船 如病得医 如暗得燈 如貧得宝 如民得王 如賈客得海 如炬除暗 此法華経 亦復如是 能令衆生 離一切苦 一切病痛 能解一切 生死之縛 若人得聞 此法華経 若自書 若教人書 所得功徳 以仏智慧 籌量多少 不得其辺 若書是経巻 華香瓔珞 焼香抹香塗香 旛蓋衣服 種種之燈 蘇燈油燈 諸香油燈 瞻蔔油燈 須曼那油燈 波羅羅油燈 婆利師迦油燈 那婆摩利油燈供養 所得功徳 亦復無量)




“Constellation King Flower, this sutra can save all living beings. This sutra can cause all living beings to free themselves from suffering and anguish. This sutra can bring great benefits to all living beings and fulfill their desires, as a clear cool pond can satisfy all those who are thirsty. It is like a fire to one who is cold, a robe to one who is naked, like a band of merchants finding a leader, a child finding its mother, someone finding a ship in which to cross the water, a sick man finding a doctor, someone in darkness finding a lamp, the poor finding riches, the people finding a ruler, a traveling merchant finding his way to the sea. It is like a torch that banishes darkness. Such is this Lotus Sutra. It can cause living beings to cast off all distress, all sickness and pain. It can unloose all the bonds of birth and death.
“If one is able to hear this Lotus Sutra, if one copies it oneself or causes others to copy it, the benefits one gains thereby will be such that even the buddha wisdom could never finish calculating their extent. If one copies these sutra rolls and uses flowers, incense, necklaces, incense for burning, powdered incense, paste incense, banners, canopies, robes, various kinds of lamps such as lamps of butter oil, oil lamps, lamps with various fragrant oils, lamps of champaka oil, lamps of sumana oil, lamps of patala oil, lamps of varshika oil, or lamps of navamalika oil to make offerings to them, the benefits that one acquires will likewise be immeasurable.

(宿王華 若有人 聞是薬王菩薩本事品者 亦得無量無辺功徳 若有女人 聞是薬王菩薩本事品 能受持者 尽是女身 後不復受 若如来滅後 後五百歳中 若有女人 聞是経典 如説修行 於此命終 即往安楽世界 阿弥陀仏 大菩薩衆 囲繞住処 生蓮華中 宝座之上 不復為貪欲所悩 亦復不 瞋恚愚癡所悩 亦復不為 慢嫉妬 諸垢所悩 得菩薩神通 無生法忍 得是忍已 眼根清浄 以是清浄眼根 見七百万二千億 那由佗 恒河沙等 諸仏如来 是時諸仏 遥共讃言)


“Constellation King Flower, if there is a person who hears this chapter on the Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King, he too will gain immeasurable and boundless benefits. If there is a woman who hears this chapter on the Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King and is able to accept and uphold it, that will be her last appearance in a woman’s body and she will never be born in that form again.
“If in the last five-hundred-year period after the thus come one has entered extinction there is a woman who hears this sutra and carries out its practices as the sutra directs, when her life here on earth comes to an end she will immediately go to the world of Peace and Delight where the buddha Amitayus dwells surrounded by the assembly of great bodhisattvas, and there will be born seated on a jeweled seat in the center of a lotus blossom. He3 will no longer know the torments of greed, desire, anger, p.329rage, foolishness, or ignorance, or the torments brought about by arrogance, envy, or other defilements. He will gain the bodhisattva’s transcendental powers and the truth of the birthlessness of all phenomena. Having gained this truth, his faculty of sight will be clear and pure, and with this clear pure faculty of sight he will see the buddhas, the thus come ones, equal in number to the sands of seven hundred twelve thousand million nayutas of Ganges Rivers.
“At that time buddhas will join in praising him from afar, saying:
(善哉善哉 善男子 汝能於釈迦牟尼仏法中 受持読誦 思惟是経 為佗人説 所得福徳 無量無辺 火不能焼 水不能漂 汝之功徳 千仏共説 不能令尽 汝今已能 破諸魔賊 壞生死軍 諸余怨敵 皆悉摧滅 善男子 百千諸仏 以神通力 共守護汝 於一切世間 天人之中 無如汝者 唯除如来 其諸声聞 辟支仏 乃至菩薩 智慧禅定 無有与汝等者 宿王華 此菩薩 成就如是 功徳智慧之力 若有人 聞是薬王菩薩本事品 能随喜讃善者 是人現世口中 常出青蓮華香 身毛孔中 常出牛頭栴檀之香 所得功徳 如上所説)




‘Excellent, excellent, good man! In the midst of the Law of Shakyamuni Buddha you have been able to accept, uphold, read, recite, and ponder this sutra and to preach it for others. The good fortune you gain thereby is immeasurable and boundless. It cannot be burned by fire or washed away by water. Your benefits are such that a thousand buddhas speaking all together could never finish describing them. Now you have been able to destroy all devils and thieves, to annihilate the army of birth and death, and all others who bore you enmity or malice have likewise been wiped out.
“‘Good man, a hundred, a thousand buddhas will employ their transcendental powers to join in guarding and protecting you. Among the heavenly and human beings of all the worlds, there will be no one like you. With the sole exception of the thus come one, there will be none among the voice-hearers, pratyekabuddhas, or bodhisattvas whose wisdom and ability in meditation can equal yours!’
“Constellation King Flower, such will be the benefits and the power of wisdom successfully acquired by this bodhisattva.
“If there is a person who, hearing this chapter on the Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King, is able to welcome it with joy and praise its excellence, then in this present existence this person’s mouth will constantly emit the fragrance of the blue lotus flower, and the pores of his body will constantly emit the fragrance of ox-head sandalwood. His benefits will be such as have been described above. 

(是故宿王華 以此薬王菩薩本事品 属累於汝 我 滅度後 後五百歳中 広宣流布 於閻浮提 無令断絶 悪魔魔民 諸天 龍 夜叉 鳩槃荼等 得其便也 宿王華 汝当以神通之力 守護是経 所以者何 此経則為 閻浮提人 病之良薬 若人有病 得聞是経 病即消滅 不老不死 宿王華 汝若見有 受持是経者 応以青蓮華 盛満抹香 供散其上 散已 作是念言 此人不久 必当取草 坐於道場 破諸魔軍 当吹法螺 撃大法鼓 度脱一切衆生 老病死海 是故求仏道者 見有受持是経典人 応当如是 生恭敬心 説是薬王菩薩本事品時 八万四千菩薩 得解一切衆生語言陀羅尼 多宝如来 於宝塔中 讃宿王華菩薩言 善哉善哉 宿王華 汝成就不可思議功徳 乃能問 釈迦牟尼仏 如此之事 利益無量一切衆生)






“For this reason, Constellation King Flower, I entrust this chapter on the Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King to you. After I have passed into extinction, in the last five-hundred-year period you must spread it abroad widely throughout Jambudvipa and never allow it to be cut off, nor must you allow evil devils, the devils’ people, heavenly beings, dragons, yakshas, kumbhanda demons, or others to seize the advantage!
“Constellation King Flower, you must use your transcendental powers to guard and protect this sutra. Why? Because this sutra provides good medicine for the ills of the people of Jambudvipa. If a person who has an illness is able to hear this sutra, then his illness will be wiped out and he will know neither aging nor death.
“Constellation King Flower, if you see someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, you must take blue lotus blossoms, heap them with powdered incense, and scatter them over him as an offering. And when you have scattered them, you should think to yourself: Before long this person will pick grasses, spread them as a seat in the place of enlightenment, and conquer the armies of the devil. Then he will sound the conch of the Law, beat the drum of the great Law, and free all living beings from the sea of aging, sickness, and death!

“For this reason when those who seek the buddha way see someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, they should approach him with this kind of respect and reverence.”

When the Buddha preached this chapter on the Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King, eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas gained the dharani that allows them to understand the words of all living beings. Many Treasures Thus Come One in the midst of his treasure tower praised the bodhisattva Constellation King Flower, saying: “Excellent, excellent, Constellation King Flower. You succeeded in acquiring inconceivable benefits and thus were able to question Shakyamuni Buddha about this matter, profiting immeasurable numbers of living beings.”









My mentor left this world,
offering his life in sacrifice.
How can I who remain
serve the Buddha's will?

All that is left to me-
the pure flower of life itself-
I will break from its stalk in offering
to repay my country and my friends.

The storm must be howling now,
darkening the Eastern sky.
Men grieve, best by demons.
How can i save my brothers?

I clutch in my hand the wich-granting jewel.
My heart cries out, "With this, I will save everyone!"
My mentor smiles in peace.



