法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(普賢菩薩勧発品第二十八ふげんぼさつかんぼっぽんだいにじゅうはち/Encouragements of the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy)Chapter 28 〔#065〕





普賢菩薩勧発品は英語で「Encouragements of the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy」と訳します。Encouragements 」=「励まし、激励」という意味ですね。ユニバーサルな価値のある菩薩の励ましとは何でしょう。






(白仏言 世尊 我於宝威徳上王仏国 遥聞此娑婆世界 説法華経 与無量無辺 百千万億 諸菩薩衆 共来聴受 唯願世尊 当為説之 若善男子 善女人 於如来滅後 云何能得 是法華経)


“World-Honored One, when I was in the land of the buddha King Above Jeweled Dignity and Virtue, from far away I heard the Lotus Sutra being preached in this saha world. In company with this multitude of immeasurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of bodhisattvas I have come to listen to and accept it. I beg that the world-honored one will preach it for us. And good men and good women in the time after the thus come one has entered extinction—how will they be able to acquire this Lotus Sutra?”


(仏告普賢菩薩 若善男子 善女人 成就四法 於如来滅後 当得是法華経 一者為諸仏護念 二者植諸徳本 三者入正定聚 四者発救一切衆生之心 善男子 善女人 如是成就四法 於如来滅後 必得是経)


「もし善男子、善女人が四法を成就すれば如来の滅後において必ずこの法華経を得ることができるでしょう。 一には諸仏にまもられること、二には諸々の善根を植えること、三には成仏が定まった者たちに入ること、四には一切衆生を救うの心を起こすことなのです。善男子、善女人よ、このように四法を成就すれば如来の滅後において、必ずこの経を得ることができるでしょう」と。

The Buddha said to Bodhisattva Universal Worthy: “If good men and good women fulfill four conditions in the time after the thus come one has entered extinction, then they will be able to acquire this Lotus Sutra. First, they must be protected and kept in mind by the buddhas. Second, they must plant the roots of virtue. Third, they must enter the stage where they are sure of reaching enlightenment. Fourth, they must conceive a determination to save all living beings. If good men and good women fulfill these four conditions, then after the thus come one has entered extinction they will be certain to acquire this sutra.”

(爾時普賢菩薩 白仏言世尊 於後五百歳 濁悪世中 其有受持 是経典者 我当守護 除其衰患 令得安穏 使無伺求 得其便者 若魔 若魔子 若魔女 若魔民 若為魔所著者 若夜叉 若羅刹 若鳩槃荼 若毘舎闍 若吉蔗 若富単那 若韋陀羅等 諸悩人者 皆不得便 是人若行若立 読誦此経 我爾時乗 六牙白象王 与大菩薩衆 倶詣其所 而自現身 供養守護 安慰其心 亦為供養法華経故 是人若坐 思惟此経 爾時我復 乗白象王 現其人前 其人若於法華経 有所忘失 一句一偈 我当教之 与共読誦 還令通利 爾時受持読誦法華経者 得見我身 甚大歓喜 転復精進 以見我故 即得三昧 及陀羅尼 名為旋陀羅尼 百千万億旋陀羅尼 法音方便陀羅尼得如是等陀羅尼 世尊 若後世後五百歳 濁悪世中 比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 求索者 受持者 読誦者 書写者 欲修習是法華経 於三七日中 応一心精進 満三七日已 我当乗六牙白象 与無量菩薩 而自囲繞 以一切衆生 所喜見身 現其人前 而為説法 示教利喜 亦復与其 陀羅尼呪 得是陀羅尼故 無有非人 能破壞者 亦不為女人 之所惑乱 我身亦自 常護是人 唯願世尊 聴我説此陀羅尼)







At that time Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, in the evil and corrupt age of the last five-hundred-year period, if there is someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, I will guard and protect him, free him from decline and harm, see that he attains peace and tranquillity, and make certain that no one can spy out and take advantage of his shortcomings. No devil, devil’s son, devil’s daughter, devil’s minion, or one possessed by the devil, no yaksha, rakshasa, kumbhanda, pishacha, kritya, putana, vetada, or other being that torments humans will be able to take advantage of him.
“Whether that person is walking or standing, if he reads and recites this sutra, then at that time I will mount my six-tusked kingly white elephant and with my multitude of great bodhisattvas will proceed to where he is. I will manifest myself, offer alms, guard and protect him, and bring comfort to his mind. I will do this because I too want to offer alms to the Lotus Sutra. If when that person is seated he ponders this sutra, at that time too I will mount my kingly white elephant and manifest myself in his presence. If that person should forget a single phrase or verse of the Lotus Sutra, I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding. At that time the person who accepts, upholds, reads, and recites the Lotus Sutra will be able to see my body, will be filled with great joy, and will apply himself with greater diligence than ever. Because he has seen me, he will immediately acquire samadhis and dharanis. These are called the repetition dharani, the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million repetition dharani, and the Dharma sound expedient dharani. He will acquire dharanis such as these.
“World-Honored One, in that later time, in the evil and corrupt age of the last five-hundred-year period, if monks, nuns, laymen believers, or laywomen believers who seek out, accept, uphold, read, recite, and transcribe this Lotus Sutra should wish to practice it, they should do so diligently and with a single mind for a period of twenty-one days. When the twenty-one days have been fulfilled, I will mount my six-tusked white elephant and, with immeasurable numbers of bodhisattvas surrounding me and with this body that all living beings delight to see, I will manifest myself in the presence of the person and preach the Law for him, bringing him instruction, benefit, and joy. I will also give him dharani spells. And because he has acquired these spells, no nonhuman being will be able to injure him and he cannot be confused or led astray by women. I too will personally guard him at all times. Therefore, World-Honored One, I hope you will permit me to pronounce these dharanis.” Then in the presence of the Buddha he pronounced these spells..... 


(世尊 若有菩薩 得聞是陀羅尼者 当知普賢 神通之力 若法華経 行閻浮提 有受持者 応作此念 皆是普賢 威神之力 若有受持読誦 正憶念 解其義趣 如説修行 当知是人 行普賢行 於無量無辺諸仏所 深種善根 為諸如来 手摩其頭 若但書写 是人命終 当生忉利天上 是時八万四千天女 作衆伎楽 而来迎之 其人即著七宝冠 於采女中 娯楽快楽 何況受持読誦 正憶念 解其義趣 如説修行 若有人受持読誦 解其義趣 是人命終 為千仏授手 令不恐怖 不墮悪趣 即往兜率天上 弥勒菩薩所 弥勒菩薩 有三十二相 大菩薩衆 所共囲繞 有百千万億 天女眷属 而於中生 有如是等 功徳利益 是故智者 応当一心自書 若使人書 受持読誦 正憶念 如説修行 世尊 我今以神通力故 守護是経 於如来滅後 閻浮提内 広令流布 使不断絶)







“World-Honored One, if any bodhisattva is able to hear these dharanis, he should understand that it is due to the transcendental powers of Universal Worthy. If when the Lotus Sutra is propagated throughout Jambudvipa there are those who accept and uphold it, they should think to themselves: This is all due to the authority and supernatural power of Universal Worthy! If there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this sutra, memorize it correctly, understand its principles, and practice it as the sutra prescribes, these persons should know that they are carrying out the practices of Universal Worthy himself. In the presence of immeasurable, boundless numbers of buddhas they have planted good roots deep, and the hands of the thus come ones will pat them on the head.
“If they do no more than copy the sutra, when their lives come to an end they will be reborn in the heaven of the thirty-three gods. At that time eighty-four thousand heavenly women, performing all kinds of music, will come to greet them. Such persons will put on crowns made of seven treasures and amidst the ladies-in-waiting will amuse and enjoy themselves. How much more so, then, if they accept, uphold, read, and recite the sutra, memorize it correctly, understand its principles, and practice it as the sutra prescribes. If there are persons who accept, uphold, read, and recite the sutra and understand its principles, when the lives of these persons come to an end, they will be received into the hands of a thousand buddhas, who will free them from all fear and keep them from falling into the evil paths of existence. Immediately they will proceed to the Tushita heaven, to the place of Bodhisattva Maitreya. Bodhisattva Maitreya possesses the thirty-two features and is surrounded by a multitude of great bodhisattvas. He has hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of heavenly women attendants, and these persons will be reborn in their midst. Such will be the benefits and advantages they will enjoy.
“Therefore persons of wisdom should single-mindedly copy the sutra themselves, or cause others to copy it, should accept, uphold, read, and recite it, memorize it correctly and practice it as the sutra prescribes. World-Honored One, I now therefore employ my transcendental powers to guard and protect this sutra. And after the thus come one has entered extinction, I will cause it to be widely propagated throughout Jambudvipa and will see that it never comes to an end.”

(爾時釈迦牟尼仏讃言 善哉善哉 普賢 汝能護助是経 令多所衆生 安楽利益 汝已成就 不可思議功徳 深大慈悲 従久遠来 発阿耨多羅三藐三菩提意 而能作是神通之願 守護是経 我当以神通力 守護能受持 普賢菩薩名者 普賢 若有受持読誦 正憶念 修習書写 是法華経者 当知是人 則見釈迦牟尼仏 如従仏口 聞此経典 当知是人 供養釈迦牟尼仏 当知是人 仏讃善哉 当知是人 為釈迦牟尼仏 手摩其頭 当知是人 為釈迦牟尼仏 衣之所覆 如是之人 不復貪著世楽 不好外道 経書手筆 亦復不喜 親近其人 及諸悪者 若屠児 若畜猪羊鶏狗 若猟師 若衒売女色 是人心意質直 有正憶念 有福徳力 是人不為 三毒所悩 亦不為嫉妬 我慢 邪慢 増上慢 所悩 是人少欲知足 能修普賢之行 普賢若如来滅後 後五百歳 若有人 見受持読誦 法華経者 応作是念 此人不久 当詣道場 破諸魔衆 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 転法輪 撃法鼓 吹法螺 雨法雨 当坐天人大衆中 師子法座上)




At that time Shakyamuni Buddha spoke these words of praise: “Excellent, excellent, Universal Worthy! You are able to guard and assist this sutra and cause many living beings to gain peace and happiness and advantages. You have already acquired inconceivable benefits and profound great pity and compassion. Since long ages in the past you have shown a desire for supreme perfect enlightenment, and have taken a vow to use your transcendental powers to guard and protect this sutra. And I will employ my transcendental powers to guard and protect those who can accept and uphold the name of Bodhisattva Universal Worthy.
“Universal Worthy, if there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this Lotus Sutra, memorize it correctly, practice and transcribe it, you should know that such persons have seen Shakyamuni Buddha. It is as though they heard this sutra from the Buddha’s mouth. You should know that such persons have offered alms to Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that the Buddha has praised such persons as excellent. You should know that such persons have been patted on the head by Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that such persons have been covered in the robes of Shakyamuni Buddha.
“They will no longer be greedy for or attached to worldly pleasures, they will have no taste for the scriptures or jottings of the non-Buddhists. They will take no pleasure in associating with such people, or with those engaged in evil occupations such as butchers, raisers of pigs, sheep, chickens, or dogs, hunters, or those who offer women’s charms for sale. These persons will be honest and upright in mind and intent, correct in memory, and will possess the power of merit and virtue. They will not be troubled by the three poisons, nor will they be troubled by jealousy, self-importance, ill-founded conceit, or arrogance. These persons will have few desires, will be easily satisfied, and will know how to carry out the practices of Universal Worthy.

(普賢 若於後世 受持読誦 是経典者 是人不復貪著 衣服臥具 飲食資生之物 所願不虚 亦於現世 得其福報 若有人 軽毀之言 汝狂人耳 空作是行 終無所獲 如是罪報 当世世無眼 若有供養 讃歎之者 当於今世 得現果報 若復見受持 是経典者 出其過悪 若実若不実 此人現世 得白癩病 若有軽笑之者 当世世 牙歯疎欠 醜脣平鼻 手脚繚戻 眼目角  身体臭穢 悪瘡膿血 水腹短気 諸悪重病 是故普賢 若見受持 是経典者 当起遠迎 当如敬仏)






“Universal Worthy, after the thus come one has entered extinction, in the last five-hundred-year period, if you see someone who accepts, upholds, reads, and recites the Lotus Sutra, you should think to yourself: Before long this person will proceed to the place of enlightenment, conquer the devil hosts, and attain supreme perfect enlightenment. He will turn the wheel of the Dharma, beat the Dharma drum, sound the Dharma conch, and rain down the Dharma rain. He is worthy to sit in the lion seat of the Dharma, amid the great assembly of heavenly and human beings.
“Universal Worthy, in later ages if there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this sutra, such persons will no longer be greedy for or attached to clothing, bedding, food, and drink, or other necessities of daily life. Their wishes will not be in vain, and in this present existence they will gain the reward of good fortune. If there is anyone who disparages or makes light of them, saying, ‘You are mere idiots! It is useless to carry out these practices—in the end they will gain you nothing!’ then as punishment for his offense that person will be born eyeless in existence after existence. But if there is anyone who offers alms to them and praises them, then in this present existence he will have manifest reward for it.
“If anyone sees a person who accepts and upholds this sutra and tries to expose the faults or evils of that person, whether what he speaks is true or not, he will in his present existence be afflicted with white leprosy. If anyone disparages or laughs at that person, then in existence after existence he will have teeth that are missing or spaced far apart, ugly lips, a flat nose, hands and feet that are gnarled or deformed, and eyes that are squinty. His body will have a foul odor, with evil sores that run pus and blood, and he will suffer from water in the belly, shortness of breath, and other severe and malignant illnesses. Therefore, Universal Worthy, if you see a person who accepts and upholds this sutra, you should rise and greet him from afar, showing him the same respect you would a buddha.”


(説是普賢 勧発品時 恒河沙等 無量無辺菩薩 得百千万億 旋陀羅尼 三千大千世界 微塵等 諸菩薩 具普賢道 仏説是経時 普賢等 諸菩薩 舎利弗等 諸声聞 及諸天龍人非人等 一切大会 皆大歓喜 受持仏語 作礼而去)



When this chapter on the Encouragements of the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy was preached, bodhisattvas immeasurable and boundless as Ganges sands acquired dharanis allowing them to memorize a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million repetitions of the teachings, and bodhisattvas equal to the dust particles of the major world system perfected the way of Universal Worthy.
When the Buddha preached this sutra, Universal Worthy and the other bodhisattvas, Shariputra and the other voice-hearers, and the heavenly beings and dragons, the human and nonhuman beings—the entire membership of the great assembly were all filled with great joy. Accepting and upholding the words of the Buddha, they bowed in obeisance and departed.

























