法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(観世音菩薩普門品第二十五かんぜおんぼさつふもんほんだいにじゅうご/The Universal Gateway of the Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds)Chapter 25 〔#062〕







(爾時無尽意菩薩 即従座起 偏袒右肩 合掌向仏 而作是言 世尊 観世音菩薩 以何因縁 名観世音)


At that time the bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent immediately rose from his seat, bared his right shoulder, pressed his palms together and, facing the Buddha, spoke these words: “World-Honored One, this bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds—why is he called Perceiver of the World’s Sounds?”


(仏告無尽意菩薩 善男子 若有無量 百千万億衆生 受諸苦悩 聞是観世音菩薩 一心称名 観世音菩薩 即時観其音声 皆得解脱若有持是観世音菩薩名者 設入大火 火不能焼 由是菩薩 威神力故 若為大水所漂 称其名号 即得浅処 若有百千万億衆生 為求金 銀 瑠璃 硨磲 碼碯 珊瑚 琥珀 真珠等宝 入於大海 仮使黒風 吹其船舫 飄墮羅刹鬼国 其中若有 乃至一人 称観世音菩薩名者 是諸人等 皆得解脱 羅刹之難 以是因縁 名観世音)




The Buddha said to Bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent: “Good man, suppose there are immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of living beings who are undergoing various trials and suffering. If they hear of this bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and single-mindedly call his name, then at once he will perceive the sound of their voices and they will all gain deliverance from their trials.“If someone, holding fast to the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, should enter a great fire, the fire could not burn him. This would come about because of this bodhisattva’s authority and supernatural power. If one were washed away by a great flood and called upon his name, one would immediately find oneself in a shallow place. “Suppose there were a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million living beings who, seeking for gold, silver, lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, coral, amber, pearls, and other treasures, set out on the great sea. And suppose a fierce wind should blow their ship off course and it drifted to the land of rakshasa demons. If among those people there is even just one who calls the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, then all those people will be delivered from their troubles with the rakshasas.

This is why he is called Perceiver of the World’s Sounds.

(若復有人 臨当被害 称観世音菩薩 名者 彼所執刀杖 尋段段壞 而得解脱 若三千大千国土 満中夜叉羅刹 欲来悩人 聞其称観世音菩薩名者 是諸悪鬼 尚不能以 悪眼視之況復加害設復有人 若有罪 若無罪  械枷鎖 檢繋其身 称観世音菩薩名者 皆悉断壞 即得解脱 若三千大千国土 満中怨賊 有一商主 将諸商人 齎持重宝 経過険路 其中一人 作是唱言 諸善男子 勿得恐怖 汝等応当 一心称観世音菩薩名号 是菩薩 能以無畏 施於衆生 汝等若称名者 於此怨賊 当得解脱 衆商人聞 倶発声言 南無観世音菩薩 称其名故 即得解脱 )




“If a person who faces imminent threat of attack should call the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, then the swords and staves wielded by his attackers would instantly shatter into so many pieces and he would be delivered.“Though enough yakshas and rakshasas to fill all the major world system should try to come and torment a person, if they hear him calling the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, then these evil demons will not even be able to look at him with their evil eyes, much less do him harm.“Suppose there is a person who, whether guilty or not guilty, has had his body imprisoned in fetters and chains, cangue and lock. If he calls the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, then all his bonds will be severed and broken and at once he will gain deliverance. “Suppose, in a place filled with all the evil-hearted bandits of the major world system, there is a merchant leader who is guiding a band of merchants carrying valuable treasures over a steep and dangerous road, and that one man among them shouts out these words: ‘Good men, do not be afraid! You must single-mindedly call on the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds. This bodhisattva can grant fearlessness to living beings. If you call his name, you will be delivered from these evil-hearted bandits!’ When the band of merchants hear this, they all together raise their voices, saying, ‘Hail to the bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds!’ And because they call his name, they are at once able to gain deliverance. Inexhaustible Intent, the authority and supernatural power of the bodhisattva mahasattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds are as mighty as this!

(無尽意 観世音菩薩摩訶薩 威神之力 巍巍如是若有衆生 多於婬欲 常念恭敬 観世音菩薩 便得離欲 若多瞋恚 常念恭敬 観世音菩薩 便得離瞋 若多愚癡 常念恭敬 観世音菩薩 便得離癡 無尽意 観世音菩薩 有如是等 大威神力 多所饒益 是故衆生 常応心念 若有女人 設欲求男 礼拜供養 観世音菩薩 便生福徳智慧之男 設欲求女 便生端正有相之女 宿植徳本 衆人愛敬 無尽意 観世音菩薩 有如是力 若有衆生 恭敬礼拜 観世音菩薩 福不唐捐 是故衆生 皆応受持 観世音菩薩名号 無尽意 若有人受持 六十二億 恒河沙菩薩名字 復尽形供養 飲食 衣服 臥具 医薬 於汝意云何 是善男子 善女人 功徳多不 無尽意言 甚多 世尊 仏言 若復有人 受持観世音菩薩名号 乃至一時 礼拜供養 是二人福 正等無異 於百千万億劫 不可窮尽 無尽意 受持観世音菩薩名号 得如是 無量無辺 福徳之利)







仏はこのように言います。「もし人が観世音菩薩の名号を受持して、一時でも礼拝し、供養したとします。この二人の福徳は、等しく異なることはないのです。百千万億劫においても究め尽すということはないのです。 無尽意よ、観世音菩薩の名号を受持すれば、このような無量無辺の福徳の利を得られるでしょう。

“If there should be living beings beset by numerous lusts
and cravings, let them think with constant reverence of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and then they can shed their desires. If they have great wrath and ire, let them think with constant reverence of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and then they can shed their ire. If they have great ignorance and foolishness, let them think with constant reverence of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and they can rid themselves of foolishness. “Inexhaustible Intent, the bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds possesses great authority and supernatural powers, as I have described, and can confer many benefits. For this reason, living beings should constantly keep the thought of him in mind. “If a woman wishes to give birth to a male child, she should offer obeisance and alms to Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and then she will bear a son blessed with merit, virtue, and wisdom. And if she wishes to bear a daughter, she will bear one with all the marks of comeliness, one who, having planted the roots of virtue in the past, is loved and respected by many persons. “Inexhaustible Intent, the bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds has power to do all this. If there are living beings who pay respect and obeisance to Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, their good fortune will not be fleeting or vain. Therefore living beings should all accept and uphold the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds. “Inexhaustible Intent, suppose there is a person who accepts and upholds the names of as many bodhisattvas as there are sands in sixty-two million Ganges Rivers, and for as long as his present body lasts, he offers them alms in the form of food and drink, clothing, bedding, and medicines. What is your opinion? Would this good man or good woman gain many benefits, or would he not?” Inexhaustible Intent replied, “They would be very many, World-Honored One.” The Buddha said: “Suppose also that there is a person who accepts and upholds the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and even just once offers him obeisance and alms. The good fortune gained by these two persons would be exactly equal and without difference. For a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million kalpas it would never be exhausted or run out. Inexhaustible Intent, if one accepts and upholds the name of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, one will gain the benefit of merit and virtue that is as immeasurable and boundless as this!”


(無尽意菩薩 白仏言 世尊 観世音菩薩 云何遊此娑婆世界 云何而為衆生説法 方便之力 其事云何)


Bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds—how does he come and go in this saha world? How does he preach the Law for the sake of living beings? How does the power of expedient means apply in his case?”

(仏告無尽意菩薩 善男子 若有国土衆生 応以仏身 得度者 観世音菩薩 即現仏身 而為説法 応以辟支仏身 得度者 即現辟支仏身 而為説法 応以声聞身 得度者 即現声聞身 而為説法 応以梵王身 得度者 即現梵王身 而為説法 応以帝釈身 得度者 即現帝釈身 而為説法 応以自在天身 得度者 即現自在天身 而為説法 応以大自在天身 得度者 即現大自在天身 而為説法 応以天大将軍身 得度者 即現天大将軍身 而為説法 応以毘沙門身 得度者 即現毘沙門身 而為説法 応以小王身 得度者 即現小王身 而為説法 応以長者身 得度者 即現長者身 而為説法 応以居士身 得度者 即現居士身 而為説法 応以宰官身 得度者 即現宰官身 而為説法 応以婆羅門身 得度者 即現婆羅門身 而為説法 応以比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷身 得度者 即現比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷身 而為説法 応以長者 居士 宰官 婆羅門婦女身 得度者 即現婦女身 而為説法 応以童男童女身 得度者 即現童男童女身 而為説法 応以天 龍 夜叉 乾闥婆 阿脩羅 迦楼羅 緊那羅 摩睺羅伽 人非人等身 得度者 即皆現之 而為説法 応以執金剛神 得度者 即現執金剛神 而為説法)

仏は、無尽意菩薩にこのように告げます。「 善男子よ、もし国土の衆生が仏の身で救うことができる者には、観世音菩薩は仏の身を現し法を説き、縁覚の身で救うことが出来る者には、縁覚の身を現して法を説き、 声聞の身で救うことが出来る者には、声聞の身を現して法を説き、 梵王の身で救うことが出来る者には、梵王の身を現して法を説き、帝釈天の身を以て救うことが出来る者には、帝釈天の身を現して法を説き、 自在天の身で救うことが出来る者には、自在天の身を現して法を説き、 大自在天の身で救うことが出来る者には、大自在天の身を現して法を説き、 天大将軍の身で救うことが出来る者には、天大将軍の身を現して法を説き、 毘沙門の身で救うことが出来る者には、毘沙門の身を現して法を説き、小王の身で救うことが出来る者には、小王の身を現して法を説き、 長者の身で救うことが出来る者には、長者の身を現して法を説き、居士の身で救うことが出来る者には、居士の身を現して法を説き、 宰官の身で救うことが出来る者には、宰官の身を現して法を説き、 婆羅門の身で救うことが出来る者には、婆羅門の身を現して法を説き、出家男子、出家女子、在家男子、在家女子の身で救うことが出来る者には、出家男子、出家女子、在家男子、在家女子の身を現して法を説き、 長者、居士、宰官、婆羅門の婦女の身で救うことが出来る者には、婦女の身を現して法を説き、 童男、童女の身で救うことが出来る者には、童男、童女の身を現して法を説き、天、龍、夜叉、乾闥婆、阿修羅、迦楼羅、緊那羅、摩睺羅伽、人、人でない者の身で救うことが出来る者には、皆これを現して法を説き、 執金剛神の身で救うことが出来る者には、執金剛神を現して法を説くのです。

The Buddha said to Bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent: “Good man, if there are living beings in the land who need someone in the body of a buddha in order to be saved, Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds immediately manifests himself in a buddha body and preaches the Law for them. If they need someone in a pratyekabuddha’s body in order to be saved, immediately he manifests a pratyekabuddha’s body and preaches the Law to them. If they need a voice-hearer to be saved, immediately he becomes a voice-hearer and preaches the Law for them. If they need King Brahma to be saved, immediately he becomes King Brahma and preaches the Law for them. If they need the lord Shakra to be saved, immediately he becomes the lord Shakra and preaches the Law for them. If they need the heavenly being Freedom to be saved, immediately he becomes the heavenly being Freedom and preaches the Law for them. If they need the heavenly being Great Freedom to be saved, immediately he becomes the heavenly being Great Freedom and preaches the Law for them. If they need a great general of heaven to be saved, immediately he becomes a great general of heaven and preaches the Law for them. If they need Vaishravana to be saved, immediately he becomes Vaishravana and preaches the Law for them. If they need a petty king to be saved, immediately he becomes a petty king and preaches the Law for them. If they need a rich man to be saved, immediately he becomes a rich man and preaches the Law for them. If they need a householder to be saved, immediately he becomes a householder and preaches the Law for them. If they need a chief minister to be saved, immediately he becomes a chief minister and preaches the Law for them. If they need a Brahman to be saved, immediately he becomes a Brahman and preaches the Law for them. If they need a monk, a nun, a layman believer, or a laywoman believer to be saved, immediately he becomes a monk, a nun, a layman believer, or a laywoman believer and preaches the Law for them. If they need the wife of a rich man, of a householder, a chief minister, or a Brahman to be saved, immediately he becomes the wife and preaches the Law for them. If they need a young boy or a young girl to be saved, immediately he becomes a young boy or a young girl and preaches the Law for them. If they need a heavenly being, a dragon, a yaksha, a gandharva, an asura, a garuda, a kimnara, a mahoraga, a human or nonhuman being to be saved, immediately he becomes all of these and preaches the Law for them. If they need a vajra-bearing god to be saved, immediately he becomes a vajra-bearing god and preaches the Law for them.

(無尽意 是観世音菩薩 成就如是功徳 以種種形 遊諸国土 度脱衆生 是故汝等 応当一心 供養観世音菩薩 是観世音菩薩摩訶薩 於怖畏急難之中 能施無畏 是故此娑婆世界 皆号之為 施無畏者)


 “Inexhaustible Intent, this bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds has succeeded in acquiring benefits such as these and, taking on a variety of different forms, goes about among the lands saving living beings. For this reason you and the others should single-mindedly offer alms to Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds. This bodhisattva mahasattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds can bestow fearlessness on those who are in fearful, pressing, or difficult circumstances. That is why in this saha world everyone calls him Bestower of Fearlessness.”


(無尽意菩薩 白仏言 世尊 我今当供養 観世音菩薩 即解頚 衆宝珠瓔珞 価直百千両金 而以与之 作是言 仁者 受此法施 珍宝瓔珞 時観世音菩薩 不肯受之 無尽意 復白観世音菩薩言 仁者 愍我等故 受此瓔珞 爾時仏告 観世音菩薩 当愍此無尽意菩薩 及四衆 天 龍 夜叉 乾闥婆 阿脩羅 迦楼羅 緊那羅 摩睺羅伽。人非人等故 受是瓔珞 即時観世音菩薩 愍諸四衆 及於天 龍 人非人等 受其瓔珞 分作二分 一分奉釈迦牟尼仏 一分奉多宝仏塔 無尽意 観世音菩薩 有如是自在神力 遊於娑婆世界)



Bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, now I must offer alms to Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds.” Then he took from his neck a necklace adorned with numerous precious gems, worth a hundred or a thousand taels of gold, and presented it to the bodhisattva, saying, “Sir, please accept this necklace of precious gems as a Dharma gift.”
At that time Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds was unwilling to accept the gift. Inexhaustible Intent spoke once more to Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, saying, “Sir, out of compassion for us, please accept this necklace.” Then the Buddha said to Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, “Out of compassion for this bodhisattva Inexhaustible Intent and for the four kinds of believers, the heavenly beings, dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas, the human and nonhuman beings, you should accept this necklace.” Thereupon Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, having compassion for the four kinds of believers and the heavenly beings and dragons, the human and nonhuman beings, accepted the necklace and, dividing it into two parts, presented one part to Shakyamuni Buddha and presented the other to the tower of the buddha Many Treasures.
[The Buddha said], “Inexhaustible Intent, these are the kinds of freely exercised supernatural powers that Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds displays in his comings and goings in the saha world.”


(爾時持地菩薩 即従座起 前白仏言 世尊 若有衆生 聞是観世音菩薩品 自在之業 普門示現 神通力者 当知是人 功徳不少 仏説是普門品時 衆中八万四千衆生 皆発無等等 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心)

仏は、この普門品を説かれた時、衆の中の八万四千の衆生がみな 等しく並ぶものがない最極の完全なる智慧の心を起こしたのです。

At that time the bodhisattva Earth Holder immediately rose from his seat, advanced, and said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, if there are living beings who hear this chapter on Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, on the freedom of his actions, his transcendental powers that manifest a universal gateway, it should be known that the benefits these persons will gain are not few!” When the Buddha preached this chapter on the Universal Gateway, a multitude of eighty-four thousand persons in the assembly all conceived a determination to attain the unparalleled state of supreme perfect enlightenment.













