無疑曰信(むぎわっしん)とは/To be without doubt 〔#073〕

無疑曰信(むぎわっしん)/To be without doubt

by T'ien-t'ai in his Words and Phrases of the Loutus Sutra


it is to believe wholeheartedly, to have absolute conviction. However, I should point out that there is a crucial distinction between being without doubt [after questioning and seeking answers] and simply never doubting.


I embarked on the path of faith when i was 19 years old.

Although Josei Toda had only just met me, he offered clear answers to each of my honest questions. His words rang with an unassailable wisdom and humanity. Later, I learned he had held fast to his beliefs even when imprisoned by wartime militarist authorities.

I intuitively sensed that i could believe what this man said, and I decided to join the Soka Gakkai. Though first putting my faith in Mr.Toda as my mentor, I came to deepen my faith in the Mystic Law and the Gohonzon.

Naturally, as a youth who was a new to the practice of Nichiren Budddhism, I had many questions.

しかし、戸田先生と出会って以来、人生と哲学の根本課題について、仏法ではどう答えるのか、思索を深める日々が続きました。But having met Mr.Toda, I spent my days deeply pondering and reflecting on Buddhism's answers to the fundamental questions of existence and philosophy.

先生は常々「信は理を求め、求めたる理は信を深らしむ」と語られていました。この「理」とは論理性とも言い換えられるでしょう。Mr.Toda offen said, "Faith seeks understandin, and understanding deepens faith." "Understanding," here, could also be expressed as "logic" or "reason."

From my personal experience, faith is deepened by clarifying questions or doubts, and continuing to think about them intently in the course of our Buddhist practice, until we finally arrive at a satisfactory answer that we can accept with all our heart.

In The Record of the orally Transmitted Teachings, Nichiren states, "Outside of belief there can be no understanding, and outside of understanding there can be no belief"(pp.54-55).

つまり、「信」を深めることで求道心が起こり、法理を学び実践し、体験を重ねる中で確信を強めていく。そして、生命の実感の上で、「疑いが無い」ことが「無疑」なのです。In other words, through deepening our faith, a seeking spirit to understand the teachings arises, and though studying the teachins and putting them into practice, we strengthen our conviction as we experience the power of Buddhist practice. And forging absolute conviction in the depths of our lives is what it means " to be without doubt."

『池田SGI会長講義 世界を照らす太陽の仏法(大白蓮華 2016年9月号)』より
SGI President Ikeda's Lecture Series "The Buddhism of the Sun illumimating the World"
