法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(常不軽菩薩品第二十じょうふきょうぼさつほんだいにじゅう/The Bodhisattva Never Disparaging)Chapter 20 〔#057〕







(爾時仏告 得大勢菩薩摩訶薩 汝今当知 若比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 持法華経者 若有悪口 罵詈誹謗 獲大罪報 如前所説 其所得功徳 如向所説 眼耳鼻舌身意清浄)


At that time the Buddha said to the bodhisattva mahasattva Gainer of Great Authority: “You should understand this. When monks, nuns, laymen, or laywomen uphold the Lotus Sutra, if anyone should speak ill of them, curse, or slander them, he will suffer severe recompense for his crime, as I have explained earlier. And I have also explained earlier the benefits gained by those who uphold the sutra, namely, purification of their eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

(※この後、引き続き釈尊は、遠い昔に 威音王如来( Awesome Sound King Thus Come One)という仏がいて、その仏が滅度し、正法時代がすぎ、像法時代には増上慢の比丘の大勢力を持っていたという時代を説明します。)


(爾時有一 菩薩比丘 名常不軽 得大勢 以何因縁 名常不軽 是比丘凡有所見 若比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 皆悉礼拜讃歎 而作是言:

我深敬汝等 不敢軽慢 所以者何 汝等皆行菩薩道 当得作仏”

而是比丘 不専読誦経典 但行礼拜 乃至遠見四衆 亦復故往 礼拜讃歎 而作是言 我不敢軽於汝等  汝等皆当作仏故)





 At this time there was a bodhisattva monk named Never Disparaging. Now, Gainer of Great Authority, for what reason was he named Never Disparaging? This monk, whatever persons he happened to meet, whether monks, nuns, laymen, or laywomen, would bow in obeisance to all of them and speak words of praise, saying, ‘I have profound reverence for you, I would never dare treat you with disparagement or arrogance. Why? Because you will all practice the bodhisattva way and will then be able to attain buddhahood.’

(四衆之中 有生瞋恚 心不浄者 悪口罵詈言 是無智比丘 従何所来 自言我不軽汝 而与我等授記 当得作仏 我等不用 如是虚妄授記 如此経歴多年 常被罵詈 不生瞋恚 常作是言 汝当作仏 説是語時 衆人或以 杖木瓦石 而打擲之 避走遠住 猶高声唱言 我不敢軽於汝等 汝等皆当作仏 以其常作是語故 増上慢比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 号之為常不軽)





“This monk did not devote his time to reading or reciting the scriptures, but simply went about bowing to people. And if he happened to see any of the four kinds of believers far off in the distance, he would purposely go to where they were, bow to them, and speak words of praise, saying, ‘I would never dare disparage you, because you are all certain to attain buddhahood!’
“Among the four kinds of believers there were those who gave way to anger, their minds lacking in purity, and they spoke ill of him and cursed him, saying, ‘This ignorant monk—where does he come from, presuming to declare that he does not disparage us and bestowing on us a prediction that we will attain buddhahood? We have no use for such vain and irresponsible predictions!’
“Many years passed in this way, during which this monk was constantly subjected to curses and abuse. He did not give way to anger, however, but each time spoke the same words, ‘You are certain to attain buddhahood.’ When he spoke in this manner, some among the group would take sticks of wood or tiles and stones and beat and pelt him. But even as he ran away and took up his stance at a distance, he continued to call out in a loud voice, ‘I would never dare disparage you, for you are all certain to attain buddhahood!’ And because he always spoke these words, the overbearingly arrogant monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen gave him the name Never Disparaging.


(是比丘 臨欲終時 於虚空中 具聞威音王仏 先所説法華経 二十千万億偈 悉能受持 即得如上 眼根清浄 耳鼻舌身意根清浄 得是六根清浄已 更増寿命 二百万億 那由佗歳 広為人説 是法華経 於時増上慢四衆 比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 軽賎是人 為作不軽名者 見其得大神通力 楽説弁力 大善寂力 聞其所説 皆信伏随従 是菩薩 復化千万億衆 令住阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 命終之後 得値二千億仏 皆号日月燈明 於其法中 説是法華経 以是因縁 復値二千億仏 同号雲自在燈王 於此諸仏法中 受持読誦 為諸四衆 説此経典故 得是常眼清浄 耳鼻舌身意 諸根清浄 於四衆中説法 心無所畏 得大勢 是常不軽菩薩摩訶薩 供養如是 若干諸仏 恭敬尊重讃歎 種諸善根 於後復値 千万億仏 亦於諸仏法中 説是経典 功徳成就 当得作仏)





“When this monk was on the point of death, he heard up in the sky fully twenty thousand, ten thousand, a million verses of the Lotus Sutra that had previously been preached by the buddha Awesome Sound King, and he was able to accept and uphold them all. Immediately he gained the kind of purity of vision and purity of the faculties of the ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind that have been described above. Having gained this purity of the six faculties, his life span was increased by two hundred ten thousand million nayutas of years, and he went about widely preaching the Lotus Sutra for people.
“At that time, when the four kinds of believers who were overbearingly arrogant, the monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen who had looked with contempt on this monk and given him the name Never Disparaging—when they saw that he had gained great transcendental powers, the power to preach pleasingly and eloquently, the power of great goodness and tranquillity, and when they heard his preaching, they all took faith in him and willingly became his followers.
“This bodhisattva converted a multitude of a thousand, ten thousand, a million, causing them to abide in the state of supreme perfect enlightenment. After his life came to an end, he was able to encounter two thousand million buddhas, all bearing the name Sun Moon Bright, and in the midst of their Law he preached this Lotus Sutra. Through the causes and conditions created thereby, he was also able to encounter two thousand million buddhas, all with the identical name Cloud Freedom Lamp King. In the midst of the Law of these buddhas, he accepted, upheld, read, recited, and preached this sutra for the four kinds of believers. For that reason he was able to gain purification of his ordinary eyes, and the faculties of his ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind were likewise purified. Among the four kinds of believers he preached the Law with no fear in his mind.
“Gainer of Great Authority, this bodhisattva mahasattva Never Disparaging in this manner offered alms to a vast number of buddhas, treating them with reverence and honor and praising them. Having planted these good roots, he was later able to encounter a thousand, ten thousand, a million buddhas, and in the midst of the Law of these buddhas, he preached this sutra, gaining benefits that allowed him to attain buddhahood.

(得大勢 於意云何 爾時常不軽菩薩 豈異人乎 則我身是 若我於宿世 不受持読誦此経 為佗人説者 不能疾得 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 我於先仏所 受持読誦此経 為人説故 疾得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 得大勢 彼時四衆 比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆夷 以瞋恚意 軽賎我故 二百億劫 常不値仏 不聞法 不見僧 千劫於阿鼻地獄 受大苦悩 畢是罪已 復遇常不軽菩薩 教化阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 得大勢 於汝意云何 爾時四衆 常軽是菩薩者 豈異人乎 今此会中 跋陀婆羅等 五百菩薩 師子月等 五百比丘 尼思仏等 五百優婆塞 皆於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 不退転者是 得大勢 当知是法華経 大饒益 諸菩薩摩訶薩 能令至於 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 是故諸菩薩摩訶薩 於如来滅後 常応受持 読誦 解説 書写是経)

得大勢よ、どのように思いますか。その時の常不軽菩薩というのは他の人でなく、私自身だったのです。 もし、私が前世においてこの経を受持し、読誦し、他の人のために説かなかったならば速やかに最極の完全なる智慧を得ることはできなかったのです。私は先の仏の所において、この経を受持し、読誦し、人のために説いたがゆえに、速やかに最極の完全なる智慧を得たのです。 得大勢よ、あの時の四衆の出家男女、在家男女は、怒り恨む気持ちをもって私を軽んで賎しめたがゆえに、二百億劫、常に仏には会うことができず、法を聞くことが出来ず、僧を見ることもできず、千劫の間、阿鼻地獄にいて大苦悩を受けたのです。この罪をつくしおえて、また常不軽菩薩の最極の完全なる智慧で教化する機会に遇うことができたのです。



“Gainer of Great Authority, what do you think? The bodhisattva Never Disparaging who lived at that time—could he be unknown to you? In fact he was none other than I myself! If in my previous existences I had not accepted, upheld, read, and recited this sutra and preached it for others, I would never have been able to attain supreme perfect enlightenment this quickly. Because in the presence of those earlier buddhas I accepted, upheld, read, and recited this sutra and preached it for others, I was able quickly to attain supreme perfect enlightenment.
“Gainer of Great Authority, at that time the four kinds of believers, the monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, because anger arose in their minds and they treated me with disparagement and contempt, were for two hundred million kalpas never able to encounter a buddha, to hear the Law, or to see the community of monks. For a thousand kalpas they underwent great suffering in the Avichi hell. After they had finished paying for their offenses, they once more encountered the bodhisattva Never Disparaging, who instructed them in supreme perfect enlightenment.
“Gainer of Great Authority, what do you think? The four kinds of believers who at that time constantly disparaged this bodhisattva—could they be unknown to you? They are in this assembly now, Bhadrapala and his group, five hundred bodhisattvas; Lion Moon and her group, five hundred nuns; and Thinking of Buddha and his group, five hundred laymen, all having reached the state where they will never regress in their search for supreme perfect enlightenment!
“Gainer of Great Authority, you should understand that this Lotus Sutra richly benefits the bodhisattvas mahasattva, for it can cause them to attain supreme perfect enlightenment. For this reason, after the thus come one has passed into extinction, the bodhisattvas mahasattva should at all times accept, uphold, read, recite, explain, preach, and transcribe this sutra.”








我深敬汝等 不敢軽慢 所以者何 汝等皆行菩薩道 当得作仏”















Professor Helwing Schmidt-Glintzer of the University of Gottingen in Germany..has commented: " The role of the bodhisattva us especially important in Buddhism. The bodhosattva way of life offers a foundation for peace, in that it strives not only for personal salvation and perfection, but also seeks to connect with other living beings and help them do the same." He also said that reviving the bodhisattva spirit means reviving mutual trust and empathy- crucial qualities without which this world ould be unlivable.

世界を照らす太陽の仏法(大白蓮華2017年5月/Living Buddhism Feb 2018)p31





Josei Toda clearly stated, “The Soka Gakkai’s name will be recorded as ‘Soka Gakkai Buddha’ in the Buddhist scriptures of future ages.”

These words filled me with excitement. They were an expression of Mr. Toda’s deep and powerful conviction based on the story of Awesome Sound King Buddha related in “Bodhisattva Never Disparaging,” the 20th chapter of the Lotus Sutra.

According to the story, the first Awesome Sound King Buddha instructed and guided living beings to enlightenment and then entered nirvana. The next Buddha to appear after him was also named Awesome Sound King, and he, too, enabled living beings to attain enlightenment. In other words, there was not just one Awesome Sound King Buddha but a succession of Awesome Sound King Buddhas who continued to appear, generation after generation. The Lotus Sutra states, “This process continued until twenty thousand million Buddhas had appeared one after the other, all bearing the same name” ( The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras, p. 308).

Mr. Toda’s profound interpretation of this story was that these countless Buddhas of the same name could be viewed as representing a harmonious community of practitioners, an organization, called Awesome Sound King Buddha that was forever striving to guide people to enlightenment. 

(参考資料 3)
世界を照らす太陽の仏法(大白蓮華2017年5月/Living Buddhism Feb 2018)p40






Just as the successive generations of Awesome Sound King Buddha depicted in the Lotus Sutra continuously passed, from one to the next, the baton of freeing people from suffering, we are now working to secure the Soka Gakkai’s eternal development. 

The spiritual baton of kosen-rufu that President Makiguchi, President Toda and I have run with tirelessly has now been passed and is being carried on by our youthful Bodhisattvas of the Earth around the world. I have complete confidence that, as the SGI continues to develop and grow, the baton will be passed on to successive future generations on an ever deeper and broader level.

Those who strive wholeheartedly for kosen-rufu will shine on eternally as Soka Gakkai Buddhas. 

The life of the Buddha will pulse in our organization without end as long as we keep forging ahead as a harmonious community of practitioners carrying out the Buddha’s intent, working together in the beautiful unity of “many in body, one in mind” that has been passed on through the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple. This is the key to ensuring that the Soka Gakkai will continue into perpetuity. 

Now is the time for us to do just that.

By triumphing in all our endeavors now, we are building an eternally indestructible castle of Soka. 

