法華経のストーリーを見ていこう(嘱累品第二十二ぞくるいほんだいにじゅうに/Entrustment)Chapter 22 〔#059〕








(爾時釈迦牟尼仏 従法座起 現大神力 以右手摩 無量菩薩摩訶薩頂 而作是言 我於無量 百千万億 阿僧祇劫 修習是難得 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提法 今以付属汝等 汝等応当一心 流布此法 広令増益 如是三摩 諸菩薩摩訶薩頂 而作是言我於無量 百千万億 阿僧祇劫 修習是難得 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提法 今以付属汝等 汝等当受持読誦 広宣此法 令一切衆生 普得聞知 所以者何 如来有大慈悲 無諸慳悋 亦無所畏 能与衆生 仏之智慧 如来智慧 自然智慧 如来是一切衆生之大施主 汝等亦応随学 如来之法 勿生慳悋 於未来世 若有善男子 善女人 信如来智慧者 当為演説 此法華経 使得聞知 為令其人 得仏慧故 若有衆生 不信受者 当於如来 余深法中 示教利喜 汝等若能如是 則為已報 諸仏之恩 時諸菩薩摩訶薩 聞仏作是説已 皆大歓喜 遍満其身 益加恭敬 曲躬低頭 合掌向仏 倶発声言 如世尊勅 当具奉行 唯然世尊 願不有慮 諸菩薩摩訶薩衆 如是三反 倶発声言 如世尊勅 当具奉行 唯然世尊 願不有慮 爾時釈迦牟尼仏 令十方来 諸分身仏 各還本土 而作是言 諸仏各随所安 多宝仏塔 還可如故 説是語時 十方無量分身諸仏 坐宝樹下 師子座上者 及多宝仏 并上行等 無辺阿僧祇菩薩大衆 舎利弗等 声聞四衆 及一切世間 天人阿脩羅等 聞仏所説 皆大歓喜)













At that time Shakyamuni Buddha rose from his Dharma seat and, manifesting his great supernatural powers, with his right hand patted the heads of the immeasurable bodhisattvas mahasattva and spoke these words: “For immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of asamkhya kalpas I have practiced this hard-to-attain Law of supreme perfect enlightenment. Now I entrust it to you. You must single-mindedly propagate this Law abroad, causing its benefits to spread far and wide.”
Three times he patted the bodhisattvas mahasattva on the head and spoke these words: “For immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of asamkhya kalpas I have practiced this hard-to-attain Law of supreme perfect enlightenment. Now I entrust it to you. You must accept, uphold, read, recite, and broadly propagate this Law, causing all living beings everywhere to hear and understand it. Why? Because the thus come one has great pity and compassion. He is in no way stingy or begrudging, nor has he any fear. He is able to bestow on living beings the wisdom of the Buddha, the wisdom of the thus come one, the wisdom that comes of itself. The thus come one is a great giver of gifts to all living beings. You for your part should respond by studying this Law of the thus come one. You must not be stingy or begrudging!
“In future ages if there are good men and good women who have faith in the wisdom of the thus come one, you should preach and expound the Lotus Sutra for them, so that others may hear and understand it. For in this way you can cause them to gain the buddha wisdom. If there are living beings who do not believe and accept it, you should use some of the other profound doctrines of the thus come one to teach, benefit, and bring joy to them. If you do all this, then you will have repaid the debt of gratitude that you owe to the buddhas.”
When the bodhisattvas mahasattva heard the Buddha speak these words, they all experienced a great joy that filled their bodies. With even greater reverence than before, they bent their bodies, bowed their heads, pressed their palms together and, facing the Buddha, raised their voices in unison, saying: “We will respectfully carry out all these things just as the world-honored one has commanded. We beg the world-honored one to have no concern on this account!”
The multitude of bodhisattvas mahasattva repeated these words three times, raising their voices in unison and saying: “We will respectfully carry out all these things just as the world-honored one has commanded. Therefore we beg the world-honored one to have no concern on this account!”
At that time Shakyamuni Buddha caused the buddhas who were emanations of his body and had come from the ten directions to return each one to his original land, saying: “Each of these buddhas may proceed at his own pleasure. The tower of Many Treasures Buddha may also return to its former position.”
When he spoke these words, the immeasurable emanation buddhas from the ten directions who were seated on lion seats under jeweled trees, along with Many Treasures Buddha, Superior Practices and the others of the great multitude of boundless asamkhyas of bodhisattvas, Shariputra and the other voice-hearers, the four kinds of believers, and all the worlds and their heavenly beings, human beings, asuras, and others, hearing what the Buddha said, were all filled with great joy. 











